Is National Socialism growing in our youths?
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Lol i want them to come back so they can get curb stomped again.
Liberalism is on the decline though
Yes. Yes it is
This it is.
Obviously the pendulum is swinging back though, with some people becoming unvoluntarily "radicalized" because of this SJW bullshit.
Come to think of it, this modern "liberal" SJW ideology probably would've brainwashed us all if the elites just made the process a tad bit slower. They went too crazy too quick, and now people are snapping out of it.
yea pham
Yup. Nazis make the best fertilizer. Make Europe Fertile Again.
>14 year old typing
>mfw your idiot nazi graphic designer puts superior soviet weapons on your shit flag without realising the irony
pic related is more like degenerate-retardism
misanthropic division are slavs
The ak was first designed in Germany, just slightly changed by Russians
Why can't potatoes into anything?
National Socialism is trash
Uncucked Liberalism is the best
'Untermenschen' thinking they're going to be 'Ubermenschen'. How amusing.
Arent you supposed to be in School kid?
This coming from a potato?
Other than outside appearance there is nothing at all similar between the Sturmgewehr and the ak. Did they ban gun videos in Germany too? Because if not watch a video on both and then come back here and spout that bullshit you retarded kraut. Verpissen Sie.
Yes, still completely marginal tho.
Cyrylic brits?!
Soviet subhuman
Just as Ironic as Che using an M1 carbine, a weapon made and designed by the people he hated.
Kinda impressed they have so much accessibility to riot shields and independent tailors for the flags.
>national socialism
>During World War II, the Sturmgewehr 44 assault rifle used by German forces made a deep impression on their Soviet counterparts.[9][10] The select-fire rifle was chambered for a new intermediate cartridge, the 7.92×33mm Kurz, and combined the firepower of a submachine gun with the range and accuracy of a rifle.[11][12] On 15 July 1943, an earlier model of the Sturmgewehr was demonstrated before the People's Commissariat of Arms of the USSR.[13] The Soviets were impressed with the weapon and immediately set about developing an intermediate caliber automatic rifle of their own,[9][10] to replace the PPSh-41 submachine guns and outdated Mosin–Nagant bolt-action rifles that armed most of the Soviet Army.[14]
(((Fake news))) has falseflagged so hard that they're making it happen.
that's the scary part, they had my mind by the balls in college
It's not a small organization. It's been alive for well over 20 years with everyone chiming in with whatever they can.
Yet the police steal whatever they can when we go to demonstrations. They stop vehicles belonging to the organisation and take whatever equipment they want. Last time they took a lot of bulletproof vests, sunglasses, communication devices and cameras which never was returned. It's not cheap being national socialists.
The MP44 was designed in Germany by German engineers who couldn't even make guns which didn't jam in the Russian winter. kek
Us potatoes are fine watching Germans perpetually fuck up Europe from our little island. You provide us with great amusement on a bi-centennial basis.
But seriously, what is it about the self-loathing German character that prevents you from exerting hegemonic control over Europe? You Huns have had two world wars and a supra-national trade and political system under your control, and you're still as impotent as when Napoleon rogered you up the shitter.
daily reminder
>Implying 'racial superiority' is a thing
Fucking love finnish memes
A little l8 m8
>growing anywhere after 1945
this is funny cuz of the AK47´s
Poor persecuted fascists. You should be rounded up and fucking shot.
Just like you communists slaughtered tens of millions innocent christians, farmers, upper, middle class white people of Russia?
The archbishop Andronnikov of Perm was tortured:“his eyes
were poked out, his ears and nose were cut of . In Kharkov the priest Dmitri was undressed. When
he tried to make the sign of the cross, a Chekist cut of his right hand.”
“Several sources,” Govorukhin said, “tell how the Chekists in Kharkov placed victims in a
row and nailed their hands to a table, cut around their wrists with a knife, pored boiling water
over their hands and pulled the skin of . This was called pulling of the glove.” In other places, the
victim’s head was placed on an anvil and slowly crushed with a steam hammer. Those due to
undergo the same punishment the next day were forced to watch.”
“The eyes of church dignitaries were poked out, their tongues were cut of and they were
buried alive. There were Chekists who used to cut open the stomachs of their victims, following
which they pulled out a length of the small intestine and nailed it to a telegraph pole and, with a
whip, forced the unlucky victim to run around the pole until the whole intestine had been
unraveled and the victim died. The bishop of Voronezh was boiled alive in a big pot, after which
the monks, with revolvers aimed at their heads, were forced to drink the soup.”
“Other Chekists crushed the heads of their victims with special head screws, or drilled them
through with dental tools. The upper part of the skull was sawn of and the nearest in line was
forced to eat the brains, following which the procedure would be repeated to the end of the line.
The Chekists often arrested whole families and tortured the children before the eyes of their
parents, and the wives before their husbands.”
Sorry, it's not the future we want for our children.
Vile monsters.
>Vile monsters.
Takes one
to know one.
Inte ett argument.
You want to ethnically cleanse jews, muslims and people who aren't white. We want to politically cleanse you fascists - as we did in the 1940s. Sorry, but your vision isn't the future we want for our children.
>concern trolling about torture
>tens of millions innocent
pick one
haha, wew
no brains no skills and afraid of everything
useless halfwits need to tell everyone else what to do
>National Socialism
Posts pics of Foreigners
You guys are embarrassing.
White Natoonalism is the opposite of National Socialism (ethnic Nationalism).
More like the youth is getting radicalized toward one side or the other.
I can't get a job reheating pizza but I have a plan for society
Do you want to know something special? I'll tell you secrets.
No nationalist leader has ever said that you drone. They have their home countries and we have ours. To send them back to their countries is not ethnical cleansing. It's simply restoring order and peace to the world.
I don't think it'll get through to that blind, illogical hatred of a brainwashed communist like you, but nationalists do not dislike other races - as long as they primarily stay in their countries.
Whites are the ones being ethnically cleansed, not the reverse. Afghans have their homeland, chinese people have their homeland, jews have their homeland, nigerians have their homelands.
Swedes do not have a homeland anymore. It's a multicultural criminal hell hole with no community, no sense of belonging and no "worker class". Only an imminent dystopia about to crash, and crash hard at that.
It's a shame that they are just white version of niggers.
Nationalists today are capitalists
And socialists today are globalists
i think this huehue is right
Yo uwant to ethnically cleanse white people through replacement migration.
It is, atleast here.
>tfw Nordfront do it properly
>our nationalists just LARP as germans
Ah the Fenian Marxist.
This is beautiful. Brings a tear to my eye. I wish we had people this dedicated here.
NA has some good oratory skills tho.
National action was not all bad, you had a good run. The very fact that you were branded a ''terrorist organisation'' without performing any acts of terrorism proves that you were an organisation that scared the establishment.
Says he doesn't advocate ethnic cleansing then literally advocates ethnic cleansing.
>Ethnic cleansing, the attempt to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic groups.
- britannica.com
It's nice to see that fascists across Europe are consistently, and and quite amusingly ignorant.
Exactly. They were on the right path gaining a lot of traction from all over Europe.
I feel as if leftists will claim that it is in order to promote their agenda.
They do so like demonizing things rapidly to shut down discussion. A problem among many extremists.
>You want to ethnically cleanse jews, muslims and people who aren't white. We want to politically cleanse you fascists - as we did in the 1940s. Sorry, but your vision isn't the future we want for our children.
Where did he say that my Irish friend?
The economic ideal is. Because nobody believes in the banks lies anymore.
The gay suits and whatnot can fuck off however.
I want it to have a newer more badass aesthetic. Also metal is gaining influence again, now the MSM can't reach the kids. I'm back into that stuff too. It makes me cope with hell.
In Auckland we have many Irish tourists always drunk.Next time i see one getting his head punched in i will laugh.
Natsoc in Germany did too well. Germany should never have gotten that close to victory. They were off with army population, economic production, etc prior. Somehow they competed with the allies.
Yes, thankfully it is. Day of the rope is closer than you think.
Not in Spain ;__;
Make sure it's an Irish Jew. Know the difference!
I hope Ireland burns then :^)
Because you're aligning with a death cult.
It's totalitarianism or we are not going to make it off earth alive.
woops, you're just an idiot.
You're a nazi pretending not to be a nazi.
Like all marxists.
Yea but unfortunately our youth consists mainly of moors
So 'the left' wants to create ethnically homogenoeous geographic areas by bringing ethnically diverse populations in to replace an aging populace...
You really are a special breed of retard, even by fascist standards.
Dear user,
Your post has been reported to GCHQ.
Thats what the left have been doing for the last 50 years in America you autistic fuckwit.
You've gotta get swole before you can curb stomp buddy. If you stay a hungry skelly or a lardass like every other antifa you'll just get a free helicopter ride.
The word (((Nazi))) was invented by a Jews. Are all Jews secret Nazis?
>Nationalists today are capitalists
No we're not.
>And socialists today are globalists
Only some. A lot of globalists support cosmopolitan capitalism (like Hillary). International socialism used to be more common actually.
>ethnic cleansing through multiculturalism
>ethnic cleansing through nationalism
Either way - we have no choice.
With communis there will be genocide in the future.
But with natsoc their is the finite possibility of simultaneous global agreements to a network of national sovereign nations with different ethnicities.
The alternative is death or enslavement of humanity in some form.
International socialism gave us identity politics.
Says the cuckold
We need a period of clensing ideology and deportation before we can have the nation we want. IQ 80 peoples cannot grasp the notion of free market economics, cannot stop themselves from either rent-seeking or asking for gibsmedat
>the left tries to fight ethnic homogeneous communities by forcing them to mix... and become homogeneous again.
So, simply put, if me and a couple of friends move to Somalia, and the Somali government wants to deport us after a couple of years, it is ethnic cleansing?
Sweden, and the area of Sweden before the nation was homogeneous for thousands of years until 1970, is that a crime?
People create ethnic homogeneous societies by themselves, the communist jew agenda of displacing and gentrification is what causes conflicts and ethnic cleansing. How can you not see this?
>Implying a diverse gene pool is a bad thing
>Implying there's a coordinated effort to out-breed whitey
Of course, extremism is growing across the board. The political landscape haven't been this interesting since Germany in the 20s.
By poisoning our minds and our wells and wombs and raping the white race out of existence. Let's "replacement Migrate" Israel's ageing Jewish Population, shall we M8?
You done goofed.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt the white race will inevitably exterminate every single Jew on the planet with extreme prejudice.
>Commies supporting Hitler
Nope. Our education (((system))) is indoctrinating the youth to accept cultural marxism and reject Western democracy.
The only "red-pilled" youth are the ones who grow up attending private schools or are homeschool by non-retarded parents.
Just join the U.V.F already.
Your flag is shit anyways.