Sup Forums I need to move from australia, this place is a fucking dump, its a nanny state and I hate it
What is the most libertarian and least cucked nation? Where would I be best off going to start my own business as well?
what should I do?
Sup Forums I need to move from australia, this place is a fucking dump, its a nanny state and I hate it
What is the most libertarian and least cucked nation? Where would I be best off going to start my own business as well?
what should I do?
I'd like to live somewhere that has
>little business regulations
>lower taxes
>liberal gun ownership laws
>Maybe legal/decriminalised drugs (I can live with out, I just enjoy the added perk of being able to indulge)
Switzerland, but odds are you won't be able to get in unless you're educated.
Move to America but only to the Rocky Mountain states (except Colorado). It's very rural but almost 99% white and America is generally more libertarian than most countries. The south is full of rednecks and niggers, the northeast is full of liberal ninnies and the west coast is nothing but hipsters and illegals. The Rockies and Great Plains are the true America.
running away when things get tough is cuck behaviour
the nation is broken, so help fix it
come to rural canada. hole yourself up in the woods with the natives. stay as far away from toronto and vancouver as possible.
>>little business regulations
>>lower taxes
>>liberal gun ownership laws
>>Maybe legal/decriminalised drugs (I can live with out, I just enjoy the added perk of being able to indulge)
Switzerland, the netherlands and america were my main picks. I am well educated, but in business and professional writing and editing.
I'll probably head back to uni to get some more qualifications soon before I leave.
what kind of sucks is I really enjoy big cities, but I cant fucking live in any big cities in most western countries because the populations tend to be cucked libtards.
unironically considered doing this for a while, but I like white culture more.
Such is life, sadly. Some cities aren't so bad, for instance, every one of Oklahoma's counties has voted for the republican candidate in the last 5 elections, even the largest counties.
Just look up the demographics of any city you plan on moving to. More than 2% non-white or Asian? Any Universities nearby? Chances are, it's liberal. If not, might be cool.
>the northeast is full of liberal ninnies and the west coast is nothing but hipsters and illegals.
This is only in big liberal mega-cities, people are normal everywhere else.
True, but he's looking for little business regulations and lower taxes and gun restrictions, which are harder to come by in blue states.
New Hampshire
It's called Texas. No drugs tho. Cant always get what you want!
P.s. if you move to the rockys prepare to live in the biggest liberal Hotspot in the center of the country. These people are Marxists that should be avoided at all costs.
new hampshire and vermont were two places I liked the sound of even though they were both pretty blue
Im not even opposed to being in an area with a lot of libshits as long as I have my freedoms.
Come join Alberta. The economy is at or close to its bottom right now so it would be a cheap time to start a business - rebound is inevitable with pipelines being build and oil prices having only one way to go.
If you can hold out to 2020 its a good place to be.
>the south is full of rednecks and niggers
Oh yeah, thats right! White people who live in the country, speak differently, and work with their hands are all uneducated idiots.
Kill yourself shlomo.
Nigger, I LIVE in the south. I'm up to my knees in dindus. You can't argue that the people around here are a shining beacon of humanity.
Did i ever try and defend blacks?
Tis a task to much for me to bare.
>its a nanny state
I would stay in australia if I thought it had a hope of turning more libertarian or if I saw myself with a good future here but I dont, australia is past its prime, we're going down the shitter. We're either going to end up super conservative or super socialist/commie, either way, australia will continue to be a nanny state and a nightmare for freedom and free speech
sounds good honestly, im just hoping canada doesnt head down the path of cuckdom like the swedes and germans did. Canada isnt showing a lot of resistance to globalists or sjw fascists which is a worrying prospect.
fuck no, cant own a gun, 40% tax rate, full of chinks and other cunts buying up our property and causing ridiculous inflation, everything is expensive, globalists out the arse, sjw cucks everywhere. Its turning into a nightmare.
also for clarification, you can own a gun, its just really fucking difficult and expensive to get one, and using it for self defence is not an option pretty much.