This nonbinary intersex individual stops you in the street and demands you to apologize for being a white male. What do Sup Forums?
This nonbinary intersex individual stops you in the street and demands you to apologize for being a white male...
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Grab her by the pussy.
Sacrifice it to KEK
Probably try to push it over.
>did you just assume my race and gender?!
Fast walk away. It won't be able to keep up.
Keep walking and laugh while I do it.
Also remind her that she is why Hillary lost.
Who is this mongrel?
did that cunt actually get fatter?
Yea white people fuck too, so?
Run to the nearest toilet so I don't get puke on my clothes from seeing and smelling that grotesque blob.
Say sorry and walk away chuckling to myself.
Your outfit says "fuck white people", not eat them.
I instantly break into song of course'
Oscar Mayer Wiener 1965
>unrelated Far side
also, take a dick out and do a pisscopter while yelling RAPE!!!
tell it i couldn't agree more
Call it fat faggot while walking away with speed enough to keep it chasing me, moonwalk optional. Massive keks for everyone, though I'd get an umbrella to be protected from this creature's spit.
Have job selling bullshit pseudo art, say and do inflammatory things for attention. Winning.
Pull out my glock and unload into its center of mass.
Every fucking time.
Tell it in a high-pitched Swedish voice that it's raping me and that it must be more tolerant, like her hero Captain Sweden, give her a black dildo and run away
"Being white isn't a choice, stop telling me it is!!!!!!!!
I was born this way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scream sexual harrasment. Scream racism. Upload to youtube.
Tell it I'm not qualified to interact with it and 360 and walk away
You'd have no choice. Its mass is so great, even if you aimed away from it, the shots would be pulled in by its gravity.
> nonbinary
Because it lost eyesight of it's genitals 100KGs ago.
Attempt some soul winning, and tell her(?) the word of Jesus Christ.
Roll it into the nearest gutter, that's where shit belongs.
>implying it wouldn't scream at you because christianity is a rape religion
>implying you wouldn'y be caught in her orbit while trying to convert her to christianity
no speak english
>and tell her(?) the word of Jesus Christ.
Probably enhance your chances with a crucifix made of dark chocolate
I look white, but I'm not. Take photo of him and send to all major media. "White liberal bigot tries to oppress me for looking white"
>stops you
it wouldn't
Beat the shit out of him for racism. If dindus can get away with that shit, so can I.
>tfw half aus-half flip so not white by Sup Forums standards
>tell this individual to apologize to me for oppressing me in demanding my apology
>Sorry, I don't have any change.
My immediate response to any stranger who approaches me on the streets.
Someone should get a video of that lady walking and set it to comical tuba music.
Dang, I wanted to see the aftermath of that.
Turn shill threads into nigger hate threads
Fake punch them to make them flinch, then two for flinching.
Offer them a beer later and talk about the lastest sport vent or news definitely the weather.
Tell her I indentify me as a 2 meter tall Japanese cat.
If she tries to prove me wrong I scream rape and tell everyone what a white cis scum she is
Push it over and laugh as it struggles to get up.
Stop posting this bag of ass that unfortunately for all of us has dna inside it.
An Important Message for White People
Demand it apologize for being privileged enough to become a fat pig while half the world starves.
What in the fuck is this disgusting creature?
Why would you share the existence of such a horrid thing?
Underrated frog
kill it with fire
"Fuck aff!"
I say hello and engage in a polite discussion because (unsure of preferred pronoun) deserves respect as any person should. fuck you bigots
Ask this:
Does wearing a repeating affirmation of your sexual hopes and dreams actually help motivate you to pursue your weight loss plan?
Also, would it be better for you if the text was mirrored?
Thx senpai, i died because of you
Push it over and walk away....not like that thing can chase me let alone get up on its own.
The sun shines and niggers are chimps, any more wisdom pills, Capt. Obvious?
Yea white people fuck we get it. All up in our grill with that shizzzz
Right after you apologize for offending my eyes
Guy would probably get a severe beating every day around here
This. This is the only correct response.
push it over and watch it struggle to get up like a turtle on it's back
daily reminder that thing is one of the top dogs at MTV
I pull out my small cock
Knock it the fuck out
>ridiculously small head
>How dare you assume my gender!? I'm an attack helicopter
>not white
>not male
No, just a ridiculously large body
> this derailing flag
Yeah but you have to roll her in flour first to find the wet spot.
Post you're eskimo pussy.
Zally Goldberg. Pol is ALWAYS right
>Grab her by the pussy.
do not want
Laugh and tell it to apologise to itself first.
That's fucking disgusting
So is that actually a female or is it a male? I 100% honestly can't tell.
I have brown skin and whenever I see this liberal white self-loathing, I'm half tempted to just give them what they want and beat their head in with a baseball bat. What are they gonna do to me? I'm the real victim :)
How's Thule treating you
I try to calm it by using dialect it's familiar with
>Jabba no wookie pichu? Ho ho ho
It's a zhe or xer, whatever you prefer bigot
make it explode with the most suitable and easy-to-carry antifeminist weapon
pic related
I replied "Make me" and then take a sumo wrestler stance.
unit unter frok
>implying it has one
Make her apologise for being a fire-hazard
I'm not white tho.
kek, based leaf
do a 180 and moonwalk away
based leaf
We'll rake you last.
i would be impressed that he noticed im half white. most people think im either asain or hispanic.
Just stand there, not saying anything, and stare at her like a fucking weirdo.
I'd let her do all the talking.
I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of a reaction.
Because, really....all she wants is attention.
Maybe I'd start filming, but I still wouldn't say a fucking thing.
Not a fucking word.
>how to deal with these people properly