Who's the greatest kebab remover in history?


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she's gotta be up there


Pelagius of Astorias.






Genghis khan

Roll for based Isabel

What better than Alexander the Great when he conquered Darius the kebab King

Hulaghu Khan. No euroshit will ever get anywhere close of the amount of kebab he removed.

Literally saved Europe and white culture in just

Vlad the implyer.
Hitler sucked arab cock.

Darius wasn't a kebab at the time though and Alexanders greatest wish was to ethnically blend Greeks and Asians together to one big brown superior blob

George W Bush


Kebabs themselves


The greatesr kebab remover was a proto-kebab.

Really gets the noggin jogging.

Angela Merkel.

didnt even have to try

tl;dl version:

tl;dr version;

Noice try, how about Madeline Albright.



Than Schwe the Burmese Buddhist Breeze.


Over 500,000 kebab permanently removed. Another million stripped of citizenship and soon to be cleansed from the country as well.



Isabel is the most based redpill in human history.
>Kill Muslims
>Kick out all Jews
>Discover a whole new continent
>Create the based Inquisition
>Create the Time Ministry.

A proto-globalist? Thank Kek he died so young.

>defended Bosnian muslims.

Yeah pretty much

His testament was
>Development of cities and the "transplant of populations from Asia to Europe and in the opposite direction from Europe to Asia, in order to bring the largest continent to common unity and to friendship by means of intermarriage and family ties."

It's so good you can masturbate to it.


redpill me on this.

If Muslims were so great warriors, why do they got BTFO so hard by the Mongols?


Mongolian throat singing >Arabian halala'ing


Mudshits are not great warriors, there's just a lot of them. Once you bet a couple of them they fold immediately. The Mongols found out and basically had free reign.

Is that count chocula?


This, Muslims/Arabs just had mobs of fervent peasants.
Mongols were actual based horseman and archers, as were the later Turks.

Charles Martel

I nominate this guy.

500.000 killed in Syria
30.000 killed in Libya
5000 refugee /year drowned (only possible thanks to Obama's war)


Or maybe you are full of misconceptions

>B-but Muh wymynn are the one destroying civilization


Also Vlad Tepesh and Ivan IV.

who cares about 530 kebabs killed?

I only can tell you who is the biggest traitor to Christian world.

Based Willy is gonna nuke the entire middle east

>implying every women is her equal

For shame hans. She is the exception, not the rule

women voters

>Buddhist monks from Myanmar, who train the calmness of their minds, their compassion and their spiritual insight all day through meditation, view Kebab in their country as a problem.

Really makes you think.

what a completely fucking foolish statement, they weren't "great warriors" but to belittle the war potential of a people that successfuly waged war for many centuries is just anti-intellectual drivel. i know this is Sup Forums and nobody likes muslims, but let's be real, they were hardly terrible.

Vlad "impale their asses but I aint gay" Dracul

It's clearly Martel.

The percentage of great rulers among women is higher than among men.
The exceptions are the ones like Merkel. The ones like Isabel or Ecatherine The Great are the rule.

I forgot that happened. Kek


The French were kebabs even back then?

holy FUCK

>them digits
Praise the enlightened Kek, for he agrees with the monks.

Perhaps because women rulers were rare and so the ones that made it into power were much more likely to be competent compared to males.

The Mongols actually tried to work with the Crusader states against the Mudslimes.

Mudslimes are the enemy of all other people.

Most female rulers were just puppets for councils that actually ruled the lands, even in autocratic societies like Russia.

alexander the great was a retard

AH one of our Solid Snakes nice.

We never see our heroes posted.

Vimara Peres as well.

Vlad Tepes, anyone else is below him


Besides French Suvorov was wrecking Turkish people on regular basis.

Obviously, that's one reason. But not the only.
Women are genetically better than men when it comes to power.
Men's role is to fight. Women's role is to rule.

Damn nice quints.

NO, U.


>No pics of this guy yet
Come on

where the fuck is this boner coming from

Fuck off with your cuck nonsense, the vast majority of female monarchs were controlled by their councils and parliaments (who were male).

>Women's role is to rule.

Say Women are good for internal affairs, maintain family cohesion.

Man are good on economic and foreign affairs. And everything else.

Your people actually becoming kebabs after your removal is kinda disqualifying.

Buddhism and Christianity are the only religions worth looking at philosophically.

Buddhists know there is no chance for anyone for enlightenment if a fucking mudslime is breathing down their necks.

Tie between Vlad Tepes and Charlemagne. Also Richard III and his French frenemy were breddy gud.

Stop this meme.



Jon Sobieski

The only one

Koning pils doet dat wel even

Digits of enlightenment.

Time Traveler

Every woman that helped to preserve and develop civilisation hated idea of women in power. And even those wonderful women fucked up many times. For exemple Isabela said to colonists in America to race mix. She had good intention (i.e. making natives good, catholic spaindards) but it was naive and backfierd.

Whatever makes you comfy, m8.

>made pyramids out of their heads


Tamerlan did it tho, he was tatarian, not mongol.

>Gives him a plate of gold
>If you can't eat this then why did you hoard it?
King mudbeard BTFO


To be honest people had probably much less knowledge of the biological effect of race mixing then. Especially people from Spain itself that had seen perhaps a few cherry picked natives. They probably thought it was like marrying a Berber girl.

honorable mention to this guy who went to war with a machete and had a reputation for "separating a Muslim from his head"