You can walk around with a semi-automatic rifle in the US butt brass knuckles and knives are illegal to walk around with

>you can walk around with a semi-automatic rifle in the US butt brass knuckles and knives are illegal to walk around with


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>knives are illegal to walk around with
Did your wife's son tell you that Sven?

As much as I support guns, I do get irked with dumbasses walking around with rifles in public places. Brass knuckles are kinda dumb to ban, and knives aren't as illegal as you think, just push button knives and butterfly knives for whatever retarded reason.

Just push knives and I think brass knuckles are kosher as long as they're not made out of actual brass or some gay shit. There was some glaring loophole I can't recall

False. If your state is an open carry state knives and knuckles are fine.

i was arrested at 19 for being puled over and the cop found a cane with a concealed sword

Those are all legal in my state. Maybe you're talking about both the coasts and Illinois.

Reminder if you don't live in the Midwest or the South you have never had a little taste of 'Murishart freedom.

All three are legal to walk around with in most states.

knives aren't illegal, some states have different restrictions. New Jersey's knife law is pretty cucked though, my knife has to be for "work" or have a "lawful purpose"

Is gutting niggers not a "lawful purpose"?

Butterfly knives are illegal? Since when?

I have on in my tackle box that i bought when i was 13 in Jackson Hole Wyoming.

Honestly, brass knuckles are fucking worthless anyways. Even a pocket knife is worth more in a fight.

I'm in NY and I carry a knife

Commiefornia and Jew York are not the rest of the US. I called literally go get a hooker, buy pot, smoke it with her, take her shooting, and blow a load in her ass if I wanted to right now, all legal.

False. Colorado is an open carry state and brass knuckles are illegal, as are black jacks. Push button knives like benchmade are legal for law enforcement and military. You can sell brass knuckles, but they are sold as either a "belt buckle" or "paperweight"


You can't "walk around" with a long gun in public unless your state is an open carry state.

>"Swedish" education

Varies from state to state, Achmed. I can carry whatever the fuck I want here in glorious AZ.

You can walk around with brass knuckles as long as you call them a paper weight and not "brass knuckles."

Bras knuckles are legal now.

I just want daggers to be legal again.

butterfly knives are a fucking meme

you aint spy from tf2

New Hampshire has all the freedom with none of the minorities

Legal in my state, just cant fully conceal knives in my state.

Also i can carry ballistic knives if im so inclined

All this shit goes state by state. Statutes vary. Brass knuckles are iffy most places. If you get patted down and have them in your pocket, that is a concealed weapon ie big trouble. Same with knives over a certain length being concealed.

>look up massachusetts
>can own butterfly and ballistic knives
Top kek, this state has autistic laws

In iowa, the concealed carry permit says 'weapons', not guns specifically.

As all such weapon infraction law use the language 'concealed weapon', the concealed carry permit alleviates you from the possibility of such charges.

If you can't manage to get a concealed permit?
Fuck off, you're scum and should be sterilized or euthanized.

I can walk around with them all day. Just can't conceal them in my state. You can't conceal a rifle in my state either. But you can open carry it all day long.

>You can walk around with an ISIS flag in Sweden butt you can't evne fly your own flag in school


that's a hippie liberal state, son

My state is the opposite, cant open carry, but if you get a CC permit you can CC almost anything

Spoken like a true faggot. A brass knuckle is designed to increase and focus impact, as it will splinter teeth and split jaws with a little to medium amount of effort, without the danger of getting stuck in something. Essentially it is for maiming instead of killing.

>Sweden butt


Can't open carry in florida


Ehhh its about half good old boy and half hippie. Shit if you are 21 you can by a pistol, and marijuana in the same day, legally. Sounds like freedom to me.

And all of the heroin

Still better than niggers, less destructive too

You can legally walk around with a fucking sword here. No one cares.

Just wear sap gloves bro, enjoy punching through brick walls

Try living in England. I regularly get my hands chopped off by the sharia police for not worshipping Allah over six million times each day.


Education time.
Brass knuckles used to come with every crate of ammo back in the day. They were used to bust open the crate so you wouldn't fuck up your hand.
I can buy them at any flea market in Kentucky and they are sold as paperweights. Switch blade knives are legal also as long as the button doesn't close the blade. Opening it is OK.

You too, bongbro? I'm using my 4 fingers i have left atm to write this, but i really only have limited amount of time to write this, because the Sharia patrol squad is at my street this week. Well, gotta g

only a fucking degenerate would walk around with brass knuckles.

Like some dumb Punk kid wanting to knock out some dumb skater kid

It might depend on the state. I know they're illegal in mass


Canada doesn't have blade length restrictions as long as it's not a switch blade or one you can flick open, so you can legally open carry a katana.

*teleports behind you*

Not in NH they're not.
Feels good

I think if it says, "novelty paperweight," but if a cop is a dick you can bet he won't care depending on the state.

They aren't he's retarded. Depends on state. Here in SD they're fully legal, same with out the front knives. Basically everything is legal here including spooky switchblades.

Feels good not living in a cucked state. Although we do require a CCW permit which still blows my mind. Our governor vetoed a bill to make us Constitutional Carry twice thr past few years... He's pretty based otherwise but I don't know why he did that senpai.

Swedecuck don't worry about the U.S Muslims are raping your women and conquering your land.