I wouldn't trust a fucking mudslime with a dagger
Why are Sikhs allowed to wear kirpans?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are Sikhs allowed drive? I wouldn't trust a fucking mudslime with a truck
>britbong education
literally kys
>hans cucking for sandniggers
if i lived in bongland id just carry a big ass knife around and if anybody bitched id just claim to be a sikh
Sikhs is a religion of modern day Paladins
Kill yourself
Trust no one. Not even your banker
get a life bin that knife
yeah lets give daggers to a religion that was made near islam good idea
Just stop. You're not fooling anyone.
This. The many sikhs I have met in my community are generally very nice people, they also have a lot of respect for our western culture.
Don't lump us with sikh please, we have unique truck driving culture over here.
Weak bait
Some silliness about sikh requiring a minimum number of religious things on them at all time. We've had a few young sikhs stabs other kids with their kirpan
Because they kill muslims with it.
What's a good quality knife?
i don't trust anyone from the middle east or south asia. To me they are all sandniggers and they are inferior. Why do they get to wear a knife/blade to stab people?
The Punjab is further away from Mecca than Jerusalem is Muhammad.
Try , they've got quite a few knife fetishists
Why are Scots allowed to wear Dirks when in traditional garb?
Also, what is stopping someone from having a knife , saying they are a sikh so they are allowed to wear it, and then stabbing someone in public? NOTHING. we shouldn't make exceptions for religions that arent a part of our culture (christianity)
Google where Christianity originated and then look at a map.
Because the knife is for killing Muslims.
they're only used to commit sudoku if their suicide bomb fails.
in america what stops that from happening is the other people with weapons
maybe the knife would not be so much of a problem if not for your plastic spork police state culture
I never realized how many rag heads lurk here until you give em bait threads like this.
>all these queers defending shitskins
either that or the progressive liberals who also believe islam is a "religion of peace" and is compatible with western culture (its not)
Sikhs are bro-tier and kebab removers.
carry your own knife
Tbh I would feel fucking safer if every Sikh in Britain had one of these on them.
Same fucking thing. Come to dearborn you retarded faggot.
Maybe just gas yourself instead though.
Sikhs literally started as a counter to Islam.
Sikhism was founded in the 15th century, in present-day Punjab. At the time of its founding, this culturally rich region had been conquered by Mughal Empire from central Asia. During the time of the founder of the Sikh faith and its first guru, Guru Nanak, Sikhism flourished as a counter to both the prevalent Hindu and Muslim teachings. The Mughal emperor Akbar was relatively tolerant of non-Islamic religions and focused on religious tolerance. His relationship with Nanak was cordial.[5]
The relationship between the Sikhs and Akbar's successor Jehangir was not friendly. Due to a large number of Muslim converts to Sikhism and references to Muslim and Hindu teachings in the Guru Granth Sahib, the fifth guru, Guru Arjan Dev was summoned and executed.[6]
Better question is: Why aren't you allowed to carry a knife?
Why aren't I allowed to carry a leatherman, you mean?
Good fucking question.
People having knives??? How are they allowed!!!!
>Religiously inclined to skullfuck oppressive Muslims with a dagger if they get out of line
"White people" could learn a thing or two about keeping Mohammed at bay
i thought these nigs hate mudslimes?
Are you actually Tunisian or just using a proxy? What's it like there if you actually live there?
Nice trips, yeah I can see it being a mix of R_Donald fags and rag heads jumping at these threads.
>carry your own knife
I wish. This is why i'm so angry. We UK citizens are banned from having proper knifes in public but these mudslims can carry a dagger into schools. Ridiculous.
>yellow toothed inbred islander asking why someone is allowed to wield a knife
Anglo genocide fucking when
seems to me that's why they wear one achmed.
why would anyone need a metal knife? you can spread butter just fine with a plastic one, fuck you americans for weaponizing meal time
remember the jingle:
only your kettle
needs to be metal
a plastic knife
might save your life
Because gurkas will behead you if you don't let sikhs carry their religious daggers.
Same reason "free speech" doesn't allow you to blaspheme Islam any more. Terrorism works, you cucks just try to pretend it doesn't.
>muh based sikhs
Sikhs aren't muslim.
In fact they are honor bound to carry daggers, to be used in case of Muslims.
They have every reason to hate Muslims more than most people. look it up.
>Sikhs aren't muslim.
I think thats already been said about 20 times in this thread. Is there something with Sikhs and reading comprehension?
oh didnt realize you were UK yeah that actually is shitty that they are allowed and you arent
Oh how the great have fallen ,Germanistan
That's because you are britcuck.
ME > Gayrope.
Last time I checked, sikhs fucking hate muslims
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
>"free speech" doesn't allow you to blaspheme Islam
It does in the land of the free.
they are muzz-lite you stupid nigger.
and any white boy with a concealed dagger would get a felony charge.
>Sunni muslims hate Shia muslims, so we should like Sunni muslims
get the fuck out
Honestly everyone should be allowed to carry a knife for self-defense. It would dis-incentivize fighting and arguing on the street if everyone and their grandmother was carrying a knife.
You'd think butterknives were an assassin's tools, bong. You are hardly qualified to speak as though a simple dagger, and one entrusted to a man that is devoted to hunting down dangerous Muslims, is a weapon of mass destruction.
Damn straight, and proud of it.
No, it's liberal virtue-signalling. Don't tell me you haven't seen it before, leaf.
>a school has "zero tolerance" for weapons
>foreign kids allowed to bring these knives
Like I said, terrorism works over there.
It's even the reason you'll go to jail if you question the Holocaust. You don't want to make the Israelis mad enough to bomb more hotels, do you, citizen?
sikhs are based muslim hunters. would fight alongside in race war 7/10
Why are sikhs so tall tho? They look like the shitskin master race to me.
Mate your country is beyond saving from the refugees. Might as well cut our losses and just bomb your country.
>Bringing a knife to a gunfight
Stupid leaf
Britcucks can't deliever their rockets even to France.
Maybe one day muslims will conquer your cuckntry and will make it something worth mention.
Exactly. When a shitskin can bring a DAGGER into school but a UK citizen cannot have a knife in public or he may get arrested, you know something is very fucking wrong.
Guns are even better in my opinion, but this thread is about knives.
>be me
>enter gas station wearing magazine hat
>poo in loos saying something about Mexico
>buy carbonatedkikewater
>leave upset
Fuck all poosinloo
Islam is Abrahamic, born in the Middle East like Judaism and Christendom.
Sikh is Hindu tier.
Britbong educashion on display here
shut up americuck, on average we are smarter than you. Also you cant talk shit when you almost elected hillary fucking clinton.
Sihk muslims are the best muslims desu
What the fuck? They are, where you live?
Is that because there's a religious exemption to the knife ban? Well then, why the fuck don't you just carry one of those around and pretend to be a shikh, instead of being a defenseless cuck?
First commandment , "You shall have no other gods before Me."
I'm not gonna pretend im Sikh instead of Christian.
sikhs=/=mudslimes fucktard
Sikhs believe in one God shared by all religons.
It's to protect the poor and needy, and kill Muslims in self defense if need be.
Pretty fucking based if you ask me.
Sikhs are so militaristic because they had to deal with Islam, faggot.
Because sikhs kill muslims.
ive met nice Muslims does that mean islam actually is peacefull
they aren't even sharp
there was a sikh at my catholic high school and we used to steal his knife pretending to stab each other or cut up our lunch with it
He was pretty cool with it in hindsight
>I wouldn't trust a fucking mudslime with a dagger
Sikhs aren't Muslims. They carry those things specifically to remove kebabs when necessary. Their religion forbids them from using it for anything else.
You're retarded. Sikhs are fucking based.
Don't fall for it, guys.
>specifically to remove kebabs when necessary. Their religion forbids them from using it for anything else.
That's actually pretty fucking funny.
The knife CAN ONLY be used if it's being used to remove kebab.
Protection from the sand people
Hows that Brexit coming along there? Have any foreign bankers try to successfully stop it in the last week or so?
>you almost elected hillary fucking clinton
or we didn't, by a long shot. We proudly elected a self made billionaire that is literally above PC culture. Eat shit you insufferable cunt. Go back to watching your proud heritage washed down the drain for music free curfew enforced sharia zones that your government recognizes and respects instead of simply ignoring as they should. I wanted to call you a typically british name as an insult but the only one I know is Nigel and that name is now based. Thats how far you fucks have fallen; Nigel is now an awesome name that makes the rest of the UK even more cucked.
no they aren't
t. Abdullah
Nah man. Look, if Islam ever goes off the rails on a large public scale, Sikhs will be on our side. They'll activate and raise some hell.
Calm down Muhammad
>Define Proper knifes.
Because we can carry knives legally, but depends on your definition of proper.
>implying sikhs aren;t bro-tier
>I wouldn't trust a fucking mudslime with a dagger
The Sikhs are bro-tier
Why aren't you carrying a dagger with you every where?
Only good excuse is you're carrying a gun
it means you were taqqiya'd ya dumb fucken infidel
You're a fucking idiot.
Sikhs are the most awesome Middle Eastern people ever.
We've fought alongside them many times and they follow a lot of the same values as white people in Britain.