What's stopping you from dating a nice Jewish girl?

What's stopping you from dating a nice Jewish girl?

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im a jew myself, and i dont want jewish race to continue, i want another holocaust

They don't want me.

I don't know any.

I once swipped tinder in tel aviv.
Ugliest set of sluts i have ever encountered.

I am! Im loving that super wet kike cunt

>shoah'd sheila
yeah nah mate i'll give that a miss

I don't want to hear a raspy voice say muh holocaust every hour, but I do admit I'd love to dominate Natilie Portman while I wear an SS uniform maybe once.

Because of the in-laws

the same thing that's stopping me from dating any girl.

But I am currently. I convinced her Israel shouldn't exist.

I dont have the cash

The fact that their tribe follows a matrilinear system. I'd only help put more of them on this world.

I also don't know any.

I'm not rich enough.


I did...she's now hiding in my attic

i'm only attracted to humans.

the jewish part

I can't explain properly, but i have this firewall in my brain that prevents degeneracy such as racemixing, inbreeding, homosexualism, bestiality, etc.

meant to reply to OP.

>their tribe follows a matrilinear system
must be the reason they are still around

As jew myself I know what goyims dont and want it to stop.

Im married.



the door to the gaschamber is locked.

>What's stopping you from destroying your kids' genes and heritage?
>Come on, what's stopping you from doing shitty things to yourself?

Stupid question. Sage

my 4skin

I'm covered in swastika tattoos

Are they good waifu material saffer?

Dating a Jewish woman is like dating an Armenian. They make you go crazy.


I only date chinks

That would probably make a jewess moist if anything.

I'm goy


She is ugly as sin.

Girls don't like me.

I'm impotent man, get away from me bitch!


I got one pregnant and then became gay

Same honestly. They're the only girls that still respect the white man.


Sometimes I wish Germany won WWII.

Reform, and to some extent, Conservative Jewish women are shrill, obnoxious, and greedy. Everything is all about them. Ever go to a Reform synagogue- er, I mean, place of worship? Their husbands are all quiet little cucks.

What's more is that on top of it all, they are almost all guaranteed to be liberal. One time, there was a female cantor who had replaced our last one and was set to become the 'spiritual leader' of the congregation after the ordained rabbi retired. What did she do? She shilled and asked for donations for refugees and refugee advocacy group. I should have asked her if the world community should resettle some of those refugees in Israel, but I probably would have been escorted from the premises.

Typical nerdy white guy. That girl is ugly as fuck, even big tits don't come close to redeeming that face. I swear white guys can't tell if an Asian girl is attractive or not.

>falling for the attraction meme

The only things that matter are 1) are they degenerate 2) are they capable of mindblowing sex and birthing/raising good children

What most white guys don't realize is that the girls they end up with are desperate hoes who even desperate Asian men would avoid. I'd you think that girl is even average, you are one of them.

All women are hoes you fucking idiot.


At least your kid will be nice and jew

I did once and it's a bad idea
They're mental, overly jealous and couldn't stop supporting Israel even if their life depended on it.
Jewish chicks mean fucking trouble. Also they get fat and ugly after 30 so they're not even good waifu material

Doesn't change the fact that white guys get the ugly Asian ones.

my nice Serbian agnostic girlfriend

Good white Christian morals

So says men of every race to explain women who stray to other races.

wtf is the point of your gif

Idiot. Maybe in the barest sense of survival, but as a man your status is tied to the attractiveness of your partner. If they are ugly sluts, you it insinuates that that is what you are capable of getting.

It is. They know us goy are powerless to resist the jewess' secret weapon, the BJB (big Jewish breasts). Did you know the average Jewish woman has an amazing DD sized chest?

For this reason, they will live forever.

jews are really rare where i live because we exterminated them here before.

Not untrue, white/asian is just the most common instance.


Are you a Ljotićevac traitor?
Germans and Croats exterminated Jews, along with Serbs and Gypsies
Fuck you, german bootlicker

I don't want my son to be forcibly circumcised as a baby, then later on ask "daddy, why does your peepee look different than mine?" and have puberty not be the only answer.

cause they don't wear a big yellow star with jude on it anymore.

why would he know what your dick looked like?

Germany had no chance of winning. The Soviet Union had a larger army, more tanks, and more willing to win at all costs. And then there was still America to deal with.

Face it, the Nazis were run by morons who were responsible for millions of their own dying, to say nothing of all that they killed.

They are not nice, and turn into their haggy mothers when they age.

Jews in Norway? We send them all to Sweden 70 years ago

>implying exterminating jews is a bad thing

Stalin waited six hours after the start of Operation Barbarossa to issue a general order to resist the invasion.

The only thing the Allies had going for them was numbers. It was literally Germany vs. the rest of the world minus Spain, Italy (until 44), and Japan.

The Nazis are not and will never be responsible for the barbarism exacted upon the civilian German population by Allied occupation forces. Crime is committed by the criminal, not the victim.

I have no money

>how to get Israeli art-student gf?

>judging women on such awful nigger criteria
As long as a girl is above 6, it becomes secondary.

The friend zone.

She chose her boyfriend.

>The Nazis are not and will never be responsible for the barbarism exacted upon the civilian German population by Allied occupation forces.
what about the barbarism of hte nazi's against a lot of their own population?

Trust me, I'm trying

>another holocaust

We kinda killed them all in ww2 and all there is left are the old people.