Drumpf MUST stand down now

Drumpf MUST stand down now.

nice try bongbro. she won the pop vote by 1.3%
thats fucking nothing. also, you're a faggot.



Wow. Speaking as a Trump supporter, this really gets to me. Maybe he shouldn't be president after all? Most people didn't vote for him... that doesn't seem like democracy to me. Any other centipedes feel this way? Seriously though, we can't let this guy get his hands on the nuclear codes.


That's not how our presidential election works. Our presidential election is 51 individual contests, and the majority winner of those 51 contests becomes president. She didn't win enough, so she lost.

Only educated Americans understand this, which is why all of her voters are crying over this. Democrats are the least educated people in America, as well as the most delusional and the most violent.

Trump doesn't stand a chance on the 8th.

Clinton will destroy him.

The system elected Donald

The people wanted Hillary


America First!

$.01 has been deposited into your account. Thank you for Making America Great!

>the dead people and illegals wanted hillary

Shitty b8

Yea, thats exactly what he is going to do. This post really showed him. Good work op. :/


To bad losers are not winners.

She will go down, as the running candidate to lose the most electoral college voters in US history.


i looked at my steam account and i didnt get my penny.

Where the fuck is my penny nigger.

Don't worry, you'll get it once Trump drains the swamp and locks up Hillary. :^)


She did the same thing in '08 against Obama

try harder britbro.

Heh, take out Clinton's New York CITY and Los Angeles CITY votes and Trump would be ahead by half a million.

Looks like the left has thier very own "Birther" conspiracy.

Thirty States wanted Trump, only twenty wanted Clinton

Most states wanted Trump. California wanted Hillary.