What's ur bank look like Sup Forums?
If i showed you it would make you rage.
If I will show you, you would call me a filthy kike and ask reparations for "degenerizing the west"
If I showed you, you'd be mildly disappointed
these are your tax dollars btw my leafy friends
government funding is nice to live off
10778 euros
You don't have to show us proof for us to know that. Now pay for reparations and stop "degenerizing the west"... Fucking kike.
10778 euros
>uni student
>not having negative in assets
whew lad you even trying?
Saving is hard mate.
My bank account might make you jealous. My investments might make you cry.
You see this watch? That watch cost more than your car. I made $970,000 last year. How much'd you make? You see, pal, that's who I am, and you're nothing. Nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? Fuck you, go home and play with your kids. You wanna work here? Close! You think this is abuse? You think this is abuse, you cocksucker? You can't take this, how can take the abuse you get on a sit?! You don't like it, leave. I can go out there tonight, the materials you got, make myself $15,000! Tonight! In two hours! Can you? Can you? Go and do likewise! A-I-D-A! Get mad, you son of a bitches! Get mad! You know what it takes to sell real estate? It takes brass balls to sell real estate. Go and do likewise, gents. The money's out there. You pick it up, it's yours. You don't, I've got no sympathy for you. You wanna go out on those sits tonight and close, close, it's yours. If not, you're gonna be shining my shoes. And you know what you'll be saying, bunch of losers, sitting around in a bar. "Oh yeah, I used to be a salesman, it's a tough racket." These are the new leads. These are the Glengarry leads. And to you, they're gold. And you don't get them. Why? Because to give them to you is just throwing them away. They're for closers. I'd wish you good luck, but you wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it. And to answer your question, pal, why am I here? I came here because Mitch and Murray asked me to, they asked for a favor. I said, the real favor, follow my advice and fire your fuckin' ass because a loser is a loser.
I share a cuck account with my gf since we live together and work together. Have like 3k in savings and living paycheck to psycheck pretty much. We don't have kids yet so we eat out a lot and smoke $400 + a month on weed which is more than my car and insurance payments.
Give me my money back, please.
Hey I'm kind of like you. We just need to get it together with savings
I loaned that dvd out and never fucking got it back
>joint account
>with a female
Yea, it's time to slow the fuck down with weed.
Nice Info gathering thread you got here.
get out of mutual funds and get a personal advisor
your long-term returns will improve by about 3% after costs are factored in
Am I redpilled, Sup Forums?
Having a bank account is the ultimate blue pill.
It's only a matter of time before you end up in the negative because some clothing store was having a sale, you know.
Do you just carry hundreds with you or something?
wife and i have about $700k in various investments with TFSAs maxed out and lots of contributions to RRSPs
I never really gave a shit about money or things. I can trust her though she does shop online a lot.
>all of that money gaining 0.1% interest
What are you doing rn sm.h
Thanks, but I know what I'm doing. I will be able to retire at 35 if the economy doesn't collapse.
Yup, at any given time I'm walking around with about £5000 in my pocket.
$21942.61 in Savings
$3714.57 in Checking
About $40000 or so in 401k
GibesUsDat, you owe us we gave you a country to live...
dont think like this.
>I can trust her
no you cant
separate accounts are a good idea for a reason
>Canadian dollars
So about $35k US?
If i were you i would move those values around real quick he already has too much personal info.
I don't have my assets in a digital bank account, only about 10 grand for electronic cash. The rest is gold and silver, funds and material things that don't lose their value, like Breitling watches. I don't have a basement full of canned food or a tinfoil hat, but also no reason to trust banks.
holy fuck man
i know but its soooo good
I have 33k in my checking and 28k in my 401k.
Oh, also obscene amounts of whiskey and rum.
Eh 3 years and she's been paying off her debt and I established credit. Ive always pay my cc in full each month and pay extra $50 on my car payments. I plan on getting a second job and my own account though. I didn't even buy her a Christmas gift yet cuz we're always together and share the same fucking money.
meh, it's insured
you guys are too paranoid
She's helping me pay off a 2015 jeep that's in my name. I've been in fucked up relationship and learned my lesson. This one is almost redpilled and knows not to fuck with my head. Pretty based chick.
Bank #1: $18K in savings + $3K CD
Bank #2: $3K CD
Own car/no car payments.
College paid for/no student loans.
No other outstanding loans.
No retarded kids or money hungry wife/gf.
788 Credit score last October
785 Credit score last January
Just really wanting for the Jews to tell me I can start putting that $1K in apartment rent towards a house loan. It's weird that they say I don't qualify for $1K/month mortgage loans, but they are good collecting my money for a shitty apartment at the same price every month....
I have $42k in the bank
I'm saving up for a down payment on a house, so all my savings will be wiped out soon.
Ask a poor Jew anything.
Don't take this the wrong way but how do you even manage to have money in a third world country i would think every prick would try to take it from you.
Negative masterrace
~28k in savings
~5k in cash in checking
~-2k in credit card debt
~20k in outstanding loans to parents (they had some emergencies and I lent them money, 5 year pay-back plan)
So that gives me a net worth of something like 50k.
0 in checking
$60 in savings
Come at me goys
Of course, after I buy Christmas gifts it'll be 0 savings 0 checking
You don't need a savings account as long as you have self control so what the hell you buy. I also got a 30$ gift card that they got me from work (: life is pretty nice and I pray to God it stays that way.
$55k in bank
$130k in equities
$40k in bitcoin
I'm a 24 year old student, currently working my way through my M.D.
>20k in outstanding loans to parents (they had some emergencies and I lent them money, 5 year pay-back plan)
You wouldn't gift your parents the money if they needed it?
That's rather low.
>trust fund baby
You loaned your parents money?
They brought you into this world, and you loan them money. Jesus Christ.
1k checking/
10k savings/
-5k car loan/
-1k credit card/
7k invested-9k if i sold on wednesday
What do you expect from American
Apart from various scholarships, most of my money was self-made through various investments, chiefly bitcoin in its early days.
I come from a rural farming family, and was public schooled, I'm far from a trust fund baby, I just worked hard and was risky/lucky with my disposable income in my late teens.
>$700 chequing
>$23k savings
>$7k available in credit, owe about $900
not so bad I suppose
tfw 25 years old and not even a millionaire yet.
Might as well kill myself.
Don't give me that. I came to them and offered to give them as much money as they needed, no strings attached, they insisted on paying it back. They don't like feeling indebted to anyone, even their kids.
Be an actual human being and redirect the money repaid into a gift for your parents.
Why are you all so wealthy?
Selection/publication bias
just under 185k net worth. 33 in a month. Started with nothing but a free state college education (TY MOM!)
it's not much really but took a while to get here.
user, don't act like you know me. I've sunk thousands of dollars and hundreds of man-hours into my parents house, and went together with another family member to pay off my sister's student loans when she graduated. Its not like I'm some fucking scrooge.
How long did it take you to get to such a level of stability?
I'm in a graduate program right now and trying not to think about blowing my brains out in the near future if I don't get a job.
It takes generations to build real wealth and only one generation to fuck it up. Kind of like the boomers did to everyone born after them.
Don't listen to this faggot, id pay my whole paycheck for a redpilled woman who would take good care of my kids.
Sorry for passing judgement so quickly. I apologise, keep up the good work user.
>How long did it take you to get to such a level of stability?
I'm at the end of my fifth year. 1st year I went 10k into debt, since I was making far less than my expenses. 2nd year I mostly paid off those expenses. Now I'm making a decent amount of savings annually. It also helped that I bought 5k worth of GOOGL right before they announced their restructuring, making me several thousand dollars practically overnight. Also, I invested a portion of my savings into SPY, which has gotten me a pretty decent return as well.
Thanks, I don't believe in being a horder of wealth. While I'm trying to save up something for my future kids (if I ever get married), I also spend a portion of what I make on my family and friends. Share the wealth.
Net worth of about 10k including all equity in my car and all savings
Yea I'm actually the nigger in our relationship. She does most house chores, great cook, and makes pretty much the same money I do.
>small loan of 1 million dollars
What do you do?
Inside sales and account management at a domestic manufacturing company.
>10778 euros
t. College fag
I'm a shut in and work online. Spend $286 on sushi last night for my birthday (did take out, said it was for 4 people, it was just for me), have a ton left overs.
I guess in a way it's the life i dreamed off (my own place, all the video games and tech I could ever want) since i didnt really have friends in school, but honestly now that i have it all I'm scared to admit just how little i care about that stuff and how lonely i feel.
Not great... £-1999
I actually have more than that coming in per month, but I owe money left and right
1488 euros.
What do you work-from-home types do?
I dream of never having to hump it in 7am traffic to work in some fucking office all day
screenshot from Mint.
oh boy
Used to have money. Used to be building a savings.
Then I bought a car. Now I'm living paycheck to paycheck.
I don't put money in the bank unless I need to buy shit online.
>5k cash in safe
>400 in wallet
>100 in phone case for emergency
>1000 in various stocks for fun
I so get where you're coming from. All these games and shit, you look at it and just go "Eh."
What kinda work do you do?
you're retarded.
holy shit argentina is white in that pic, they got it right
>using a debit card and not a cash back credit card
>almost 2017
>loans to parents
obvious jew is obvious
I know that feel bro
Consider going back to school for masters program to better yourself and meet smart people to befriend (as long as its STEM). Or if you just want any friends, meetup.com, pick some hobbies and try things out. You will make some friends for sure.
Several hundred k.
I have nothing to spend my salary on.
Know those stories about a senior citizen foreveralone who dies with 20 million dollars and no will? That's me.
>(((credit card)))
Women's studies professor (no joke). Almost 65k in savings. 55k in mutual funds. 2k in checking. 12k in kid's college fund (he's 3).
>checking 3500
>Savings 1000
I'm just getting started in my new job, so in a year or two I should have A LOT