GTA VI main character will be a Lesbian colored woman or a Latino gay guy
Rockstar will push LGBT in this game more than in other gta games
GTA VI main character will be a Lesbian colored woman or a Latino gay guy
Rockstar will push LGBT in this game more than in other gta games
>playing video games
Post yfw Trump's Wall is included in GTA VI
Tell me more, Mexican who obviously isn't a fan of GTA
When has rockstar ever catered to liberals in GTA?
Playing the game as a loud-mouthed fat black ghetto hoe would be funny as shit tbqhwy fampai
>GTA VI main character will be a Lesbian colored woman or a Latino gay guy
Nah dude, Rockstar is like the most red pilled mainstream game maker out there.
If they do it it'd be tongue-in-cheek / satirical
>this kills the franchise
Did Dragon Age teach them nothing?
We got as flaming as it gets before you start to tack on all the other degeneracy.
hopefully its gon be in vice city ~ miami wich isant orlando but think about it there was a gay bar in last game couldnt go in but there was one theoretically you could shoot up a gay bar in florida like that won sand nigger did at pulse orlando member member MEMBER
Character should be an ex DEA officer, white heterosexual male, that uses his knowledge about Vice criminal world to get rich creating his own cartel.
Would buy that game
sales plummet in 3, 2, 1
Quite shitty troll thread, you probably should try harder.
Rockstar is a redpilled developer, they dont give a shit about SJWs.
Now if I'm not wrong, the new game will take place in a southern city similar to Houston. Hopefully we can get another 3 characters to play with, because honestly gtav was great.
Nice source, Pablo.
>gtav was great
No it wasn't.
Story was shit
I want a dark story with good characters like GTA 4
I personally enjoyed 4 more
Yes even the driving
>GTA VI main character will be a Lesbian colored woman or a Latino gay guy
And they'll also be a lesbian coloured woman criminal or a Latino gay guy criminal unless you decide to just walk around the streets and do nothing in the game.
they had a dlc called the ballad of gay tony headless man
This. Videogames are degeneracy and if you partake in them in any way, shape or form, you are contributing to the decline of the West.
Says the sexpat
So I shouldn't finish my Templar vs Muslim siege game?
>Christian Latino gay brown mafioso
Isn't that what perfectly sums up Mexico?
Yeah fucking right, ingame tranny pedestrain files look like just a hairy man in a dress, they dont give a fuck about lgbt bullshit
friendly reminder gta v was not red pilled,
>whites are angry
>black guy in ghetto is the calm smart one
>trevor the leaf says "come on come all" about imingration and you end up killing border patrol"
>npc and radio are strawman's for republicans
>white man goes into a neighbour hood and doesnt get called whitey or cracker
>cant even kill the nigger in the final.
10/10 get to punch women.
Are we going to be able to butt-fuck dudes as part of the game?
the radio stations always had hyperbolic caricatures of both rights and lefts
There is going to be a female lead character..although she is far from a SJW.
never, and never will, they know why their game is one of the most popular and they are not going to throw it away for mad liberal fantasies
Is it time to buy put options on TAKE-TWO stock?
who cares. If you haven't give up hope for the GTA series after the shitshow that was both 4 and 5 then you'll clearly slurp down any shit that R* throws your way.
I am still excited for RDR 2 tho
When they made a game featuring a hard-working black man who is kept down by the system, while the white son of the other main character is a spoiled, entitled man-baby.
Your right, but all I can remember is lazlow, for liberals, but it felt more making fun of millennials than liberals.
The fact that YOU don't play videogames doesn't mean that MILLIONS of kids don't do it either, by turning a blind eye to this issue you are ignoring the fact that they are brainwashing youth through entertainment. If you really cared about degeneracy you'd care about what sort of videogames kids are playing .
stop breathing
You could also make kids do something else, but that requires actual parenting that is too hard for people.
If you're letting your young kids play GTA, just give up, you already lost.