Revealing Power Level to Parents

Has anyone revealed their power level to their parents? What was the result?

I have relatively conservative parents and after debating with them on political subjects openly they now think I'm a radical fascist

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I revealed my power level to ur mum

Same basically. Christmas will be awkward

>Let me tell you about the Jews
>Hitler was right you know!!

>> slowly walks out of the basement
>> "Mom, i'm a nazi, whites are the best, hail hitler"
>> go back to his basement and browse Sup Forums

Jokes on you, my parents were redpilled before I was.

Just made a joke about preheating ovens in reference to jews to my dad. It was recieved with an uneasy chuckle.

We're of German ancestry, so some of the family is touchy about that stuff.

jokes on you they are even on higher lvl

>implying my parents didn't redpill me
It's like none of you had decent parents.

On a family car ride last week I talked about the Jews and how they aren't white. I've loaned my mother my copy of This Time the World. My father is a blue-pilled mix between Conservative and Libertarian. My mother is apolitical but she does talk about how she doesn't like negros and spics.

Side note my younger sister got redpilled by me and doesn't like Jews. Thanks Dr. Pierce!

>they now think I'm a radical fascist

You probably are, the question is are you proud of it. If you have no shame in being a degenerate fascist then why should you hate being labeled as such?

>tfw german
>tfw been taught the holocaust since birth

cant touch that topic in the slightest here, but my mother fully understands the dangers of letting more and more refugees in our country and shes tired of all the islamic terror attacks that happened in the last 2 years.

Both my parents are liberals.. Luckily they atleast doesn't vote for the leftwing parties.
Not exactly going to tell them I'll vote SD or for Nordfront in 2018.
They have started to dislike immigration because there are too many beggars the crime is rising which is bad.

My mom is leftsist and my father anarchyst, father's family is a mix of germans and ukranian jews, kind of conservatives, but we use to do many jokes about jews and hate gypsies a lot

>Has anyone revealed their power level to their parents?
By moving out of the basement?

in reality, only Americans have basements.

I've never been to a house in my country with a basement.

House basement is a lie created by american media to make kids jelous around the world

Where i live having a basement means you are rich,so i wish i would be living in the basement....Oh well guess i'll be stuck living with my parents,3 persons in 1 room commie block appsrtement till in 35 and finally get a loan.So yeah i am pretty natzi and they actually support me so its ok....

Yes, I have. I have had a few ideological clashes with my parents. In their view, I am too much of a radical nationalist.

Told my grandma, who is a red as fuck socialist, that we should shoot the refugee boats in the Mediteranian.

She wasn't exactly pleased

Nothing, my mom says I'm part of the rise of anti-multiculturalism and nationalism in Europe that is the product of the EU and its failed polcies, she isn't wrong.

She no longer votes because she hates far-right politics but she lost her faith in our center-right.

>crime rises when you import third worlders en masse

huh...really gets my brain juices going

what kind of a glass house have your parents been living in until now?

Nope, Canada has them too.

Sitting in one right now

i've told my grandma, a Norwegian immigrant who HATES the Nazis, that Hitler wasn't so bad and she doesn't know what she even witnessed.

she still loves me, she's my grandma lol

>tfw parents got same/higher power level than me

>tfw black mom hates blacks


Family member 1: Right wing as fuck, but retardedly so.

Family member 2: Not political at all, not even default-left.

Family member 3: Truth searcher, currently into classical philosophy. Some right wing beliefs, some left.

Me: Also looking for the right answers. Some right beliefs, some left.

Checked how they would react to me saying the amount of people killed in holocaust is exaggerated because it benefits the jews. I'm never going to reveal my powerlevel.

What the fuck bro, you do realize your grandmother is right right?

National-Socialism isn't possible within our modern understanding of economics and basically gave blind power to a centralized government, that's setting yourself up for disaster.

Everyone is bluepilled where I live. Either the people vote for Socialist/communist party here or farming party.


I gave my power lever to your dad, he took it like a bitch, thats a good thing btw


>tfw goes to school in Sweden, in Stockholm, in Södermalm.
Everyone here is openly marxists and anitfa. It's fucking disgusting.


My parents are the prototypical Catholic cuckservatives. I haven't gone full LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE JEWS on them yet but they are aware of my thoughts on immigration. They do not see us as a people and believe all the Jewish lies about race. Fortunately I have an ally at family gatherings as one of my younger brothers is a huge latsbrah fan.

I feel so sorry for you Swedes. But then again, you're passively accepting the rape, so...

>Ask Libertarian father what he thinks about the Holocaust
>He thinks it happened as popularly recounted

I don't know if I'm that radical for being skeptical of the 6 million figure.

that's because you are a radical fascist you fucking dink kid.

get off pol and stormfront and you may go back to normal after a time of not being indoctrinated into reactionary thought processes.

don't do that or at least never grow to see the ideology for what it is and suffer from a life full of alienation and bitterness.

them's the facts. the same applies to anyone else in this thread with a similar problem/mindset

>Father thinks I'm a radical right winger

>Mother also believes in the Jew conspiracy.

>Father and little sister are both cuckolds

Keep telling yourself that.

I became more normal as I got more fascist desu. Got off my ass and got swole, started dicking more girls, and quit watching the electronic jew. Or at least, now I am what used to be normal. To be edgy today you gotta be successful and good looking.

>Watching fox news with father
>he fucking loves tucker
>tucker is debating affirmitive action with some chink
>dad starts yelling about chinks and gooks
>mom tells him to not talk that way
>dad explodes
>shouts at the top of his lungs "im sick and tired of these fucking niggers, spics, muslims, chinks, and gooks taking advantage of this country"
>asks mom if she has ever lived among black people
>"niggers are fucking animals"

Mfw my father is a hardline racist.

no dipshit, you keep telling yourself tahat in the mirror everyday about how right you are while at the same time avoiding the fact that you are a fucking loser Dylan Stormroof in the making give or take ten years.

don't fucking kid me and most of all don't kid yourselves.

yeah you probably dont make make over 45k a year and if you had rich parents it wouldn't be a stretch that you turned out to be an elitist psychopath off in his own head about some race facts that he read on the internet somewhere. what a faggot am i right?

My white Hispanic mom is balanced and centered but, when explaining the Holocaust deception, she agrees and thinks it's very possible. She would not be surprised if it's how jews got where they are today.

>tfw old Catholic Spaniard runs strong
>tfw still need to expel Jews and Gyps

Feels bad man, atleast here in Östersund we don't talk about it

Are you single?

I make twice that, own a house, and am considering marrying my girlfriend. My parents were not really poor but since they were Catholics who had five kids and sent them all to private school it felt like it. Most kids had a lot more stuff than us and we lived in cheap houses and got bulk groceries and all that. Props to dad for being super dedicated to furthering the white race though. He may not know it but he made that his life mission, must be built in instinct.

I don't think my race is the superior most perfect race either. I know we have flaws, I know we get beat in some areas by other races. Its my people though and I want them to have a place in the future of humanity.

Well he's right, most of the people on here are just very susceptible to groupthink (probably from never feeling like they had an in-group before).

If you had happened to end up on tumblr you would be an SJW commie type because that would be your echo-chamber you read all day every day and your in-group you thought you had to defend.

You can tell from how this place just blindly lurches from one edgy opinion to the next, eg being Liberal when Bush was in power, Libertarian 8 years ago, then Christian, then Trump and already moving away from him since it's not edgy anymore now he won to general Alt-Right that'll no doubt get old in about 6 months after it's declared infiltrated by jews or whatever. No real methodology, just someone acts edgy as a joke at first and then everyone blindly follows to feel like they still fit in to the extent that they ruin their relationships in real life for the chosen meme cause of the moment.

I dont know what to do man.
My family has been harassed by anitfa before to the point that we had to move. Say one bad thing about shitskins and suddenly everyone in your social circle will start to shun you because they are afraid from getting shunned themselves. The people in this country aren't the same anymore, we're beyond saving.

What did that monkey do to get arrested? Also, why is there a simian handcuffed to him?

>Has anyone revealed their power level to their parents? What was the result?

>get drunk around mom
>get maudlin
>she starts asking me what's wrong
>I go super saiyan, tell her everything
>14/88, GTKRWN, RWDS, the whole bit
>hasn't looked at me the same since
>it's been two months
>I think I fucked up. Bad.

Yes. Over the past two years I've turned my two brothers, my sister, my parents, and a dozen or more of my friends into antisemites. My red pill seeds found especially fertile ground in three of these people, who now read Evola and deny the Holohoax.

I'm doing my part. Are you?

oh so you are of the libertarian mindset who thought "if i could do it and another person cant well that's on them" right?

maybe part of you growing up to be ubermensch or whatever the fuck you think you're doing is to get past the whole viewing the races like world of warcraft states (blacks have +5 to melee and basketball and the such)

instead of just furthering just the white race and just worrying about us like some small scoped sociopath with delusions about racial unity/identity why don't you try working towards aims that help humanity as a whole? if you can raise a non-white kid like a white kid in terms of education level and civility and they still retain their inherent cultural difference than us then whats the difference aside from culture? walking and talking sentient life is probably the rarest thing in our known universe but then we have people like you cherry picking his preference as to what to devote his time to when it comes to "furthering" our species.

you are posting in a thread where teenagers talk about revealing to their parents that they are race realists and nazi sympathizers like this is a normal thing and no one here is suffering from Sup Forums hivemind influenced delusions


What does the scouter say about his power level?!

based dad

My grandpa, a jew who ran from Portugal, had a talk with me when I was 16 that was literally "let me talk about the jews".

Thanks grampa

ITS EXACTLY 1488!!!!!!!!!

>mom is apolitic
>dad is social democrat
>brother is alt right
>I'm ancap
>most relatives are post modernist
>one branch is full commie
>some are conservative

I'm pretty sure everyone knows I'm a racist nationalist right-wing antagonistic contrarian.

However people still call me a nice person, and are willing to befriend me; so I guess I'm a positive influence on the movement.

>tell them
>"yeah, that's cool son"

I agree on some points with the bong, most here are as described, although, having gone through the archives, there is a core tenet in all of these edgy opinions. We're not all the same, and this is the same reason why the Dems lost this election.

No point in building your opinion when you can't lay the foundations without being shunned. I would just try to destroy theirs. Use their own views against them and attack the larger issue, manipulate emotions: use global warming as a counter for immigration. use their love of animal rights to counter muslims are peaceful. Point is to leave cracks in their thinking, and make them choose between their beliefs.

Talking to my dad about race in the US:
"I don't understand why we can't just ration healthcare services to people who have poor lifestyles as a result of their social caste."
>I can't speak to that, user, but I can tolerate blacks on an individual basis, but as a race? They sicken me.

>no dipshit, you keep telling yourself tahat in the mirror everyday about how right you are while at the same time avoiding the fact that you are a fucking loser Dylan Stormroof in the making give or take ten years.
>don't fucking kid me and most of all don't kid yourselves.
Maybe if I was poor like him. But I'm not.

>tfw it's your turn to have "the talk" with your parents

My mom just thinks I'm sarcastically a nazi. She's okay with it cause she knows I'd never actually kill someone over skin tone. I never tell her the name of the site though. Just show her awful memes for shock value.

Mom unironically thinks that jews did it now. Couldn't convince her about holohoax though, soviets did good job fucking with everyone's brains here. Dad ded sadly.


My dad basically agreed with me when I explained to him the role of Jews in communism and that the Nazis were the lesser evil in WWII. It was surprising. Mum is a dittohead who can't seem to go any farther than that but she never countersignals me.

Feels good to have a right wing family.

I tested the waters by calling someone on television a nigger. They laughed. Later my dad tells me that he thinks the KKK did good work back in the day. Feels good man.

My family knows I am (used to be) a moderate right who also tends to have some rightwing views and my family hates lefties like any other sane Bulgarian/eastern euro would do, we didnt get fucked in WW2 and we were best allies to Hitler so there is no shame in our past, we dont feel guilt either. Shit went down like this
>Hitler was right on A, B and C!
>But user, hitler was wrong on B but he was right on A, C, D and E.
>granda and grandpa have an argument about a few policies, she disagrees with hitler's Animal rights and anti-vivisection policies (she is a cardiologist)
My family also is Ok with jews because we never had problems with them (and neither had Hitler). They hate gypos, kebabs and dislike niggers (havent seen any).

Listen to this #poorfag who thinks 90k a year is well off. If you don't have a several million dollar trust fund like me and my siblings you are poor peasant shit.

by Jews I mean those ~50k living here, not the kike kabal in Europa and USA.

Why do they beg, when Sweden has gibs?

Your dad is fucking based and redpilled as fuck.

I redpilled my entire family, they already voted and will vote AfD again in the coming elections.

How did you do this? Just curious


>tfw one day all these repressed little krauts explode

Reminder that the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany was just another head of the revolutionary hydra, as communism is international socialism.

Hitler controlled guns much like every single commie out there wants to have the monopoly of gun ownership for his party members.

Hitler was all for State controlled education, and it was mandatory to send kids to places where they would get education i.e. nonstop socialist propaganda much like what the Soviet Union did, the party and the revolutionaries should stay above the family, much like how much regimes had a cult of personality.

Hitler despised Christianity like the everyday communist, his regime was neck deep into the occult and paganism, much like communism, with Karl Marx being involved in satanic rituals from his young age and still did them as an adult, as his maid he fucked admitted. The Nazi imagery is filled to the brim with germanic paganism imagery, not to mention secret occult societies.

>hey all our problems are the fault of evil capitalists!
>hey all our problems are the fault of evil inferior races!
Same class warfare bullshit with a slight twist to it.

It's no surprise their propaganda was IDENTICAL:
they wanted to invoke the same revolutionary message, rise of the proletariat, both dictatorships had a party usurping the flag of the country, and considering themselves as superior to the State they ruled over.

You're the best enemy the left can buy, you'll agree on things like abortion, because let's face it, it's eugenics and you guys love it as much as communists do.

>turned her into a trump supporter
>bitches about niggers and spics with me after exposing her to race realism and crime stats

>always was rightwing
>used to tell me there was a concentrated attack on the nuclear family and similar
>still kinda cucked on race and Israel though

>liberal, but not full retard and likes guns

>liberal full retard mode
>still has to slightly racially aware after living in a large nigger city for years

Dad mostly just hates liberals (and the relateds such as socialists and communists) and neocons. He'll say things like "Trump should send over Soros to Russia in exchange for Snowden" (he's in favor of Snowden getting pardoned btw), he will go on about how Trump will need to stand his ground because a lot of the so called conservatives in Washington are ready & willing to get their brownie points from the liberal media they suck up to by going against Trump' plans, he's anti-open borders, doesn't consider nationalism a dirty word, and he'll do that mocking crying voice sort of thing when people on tv talk about da poor refugees.

As for Jews, in his view the way it goes in Israel versus most of the world isn't some sort of hypocritical Jewish conspiracy but, rather the result of Israel having a mainly right wing voting population and government & he believes America needs to be more like Israel (especially down to not giving a shit about bombing our enemies).

explain. is he a self hating jew? ofc all HUEs are self hating but did he tell you about how they control everything?

It's the gypsies that is begging. Ruining storefronts with their disgusting looks and smell

>me and my mother are talking about the state of the world
>mother asks me what i think the cause is
>start to say "jews" but i quickly stop and say "je-wuuuh, i dunno"
>my mother suspects i'm an anti-semite
>my mother has drilled the six gorillion in my head ever since i was old enough to comprehend it
>my mother is very disappointed in me

>skin tone is the only difference

>revealing your powerlevel

Newfag. It's never been a good idea.

no such thing. It's called Nordiska motståndsrörelsen aka NMR.

I've only revealed 50% of my power to my mother, but my dad has seen my true strength. Mom's wound up naming the Jew and Dad has always hated niggers, so an altogether happy ending.

>your mom cares more about politics than she cares about you

feels bad

Dad asked me why I got a hitler youth haircut.

Told him I'm a nazi.

He's okay with it.


>Truth searcher

Go ahead and start donating to Molyneux, and get rid of your shitty family while you're at it

>still has to racially aware
this triggered my autism

Been revealing my high-energy power level to people (and not only my parents) for a few years now. Made a lot of them go from 'let's be tolerant!' to 'most (but not all) arabs are trash' in that time span. I'm talking about taqiyya to my most red-pilled subjects now and they are beginning to accept that the notion exists.

Funny how easy it is for a nationalistic autist to gradually red pill people by laying down facts and letting their minds do the rest.

>Has anyone revealed their power level to their parents? What was the result?

talked about the jews owning the media with stepmum, she also brought up that they controlled the banks.

told biomum that gun violence is caused overwhelmingly by blacks and she agreed, then that blacks overwhelmingly vote democrat, then said that democrats want gun violence because they're afraid that other democrats will kill them.

she started crying.

How nu r u

That's the whole fucking point of this board. Pic related.

mom said
its true fucking muslims harass women and always blame jews americans russians never themselves, fucking arabs

dad is like, you know son, the arabs are scum