Is porn really just the another way to control our minds that was designed by jews? Are pornstars aware of this?

Is porn really just the another way to control our minds that was designed by jews? Are pornstars aware of this?

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Porn is a Jewish industry.

Porn is red-pilled.


have fun spending all that money on your cum dumpster you blue-pilled normies.

Porn is Jewish control system
2d waifus is red-pilled tho

i haven't watched porn in over a week
its degenerate and disgusting
anyone who masturbates to porn ought to be gassed

Porn? No. Women? Yes. Also every women are aware of how they are controlling our minds.

Also name of pic related?

No fap is red-pilled. But if you have nothing better to do than masturbate it doesn't work.

I don't understand Sup Forums's obsession with porn. I jack it to porn a few times a week and it doesn't seem to have any profound effect on me. And I can easily live without it when I have to go out of town or something so it has no control over me either.

Stop watching porn.

Stop watching porn

Watch more porn

Stop watching porn.

Stop watching porn.

Watch a little more porn.

Watch porn everyday.

It can be if used to release degenerate desires, i.e. Sexual deviancy. However too much can increase deviancy.

hahaha so funy xD add me to the screencap guise!! HI r/Sup Forums

im a grill btw

Watch porn like you're gonna die tomorrow.

Stop watching porn

>those disgusting knees

Star in Porn.

veruca james i think

>are porn stars aware of this?
>do kings share their plans with pawns?

Good advice.

>Is porn really just the another way to control our minds that was designed by jews?
>Are pornstars aware of this?

>No fap is red-pilled.
Enjoy the cancer.

Stop watching porn.

>Are pornstars aware of this?

make porn

its product of free market, nothing else. Porn sells and companies produce it

>Olivia, we are not just shooting porn, this is MKUltra to control people minds. Plz do your best.

Porn is a way to jack off for me. I don't care about what kind of mind-control roleplaying you're into

She has disgusting knees.

Porn was made legal in the trial of (((Samuel Roth))) vs United States 1957. Roth was a Jewish communist who ran a porn/Marxism bookstore. Ever since then porn has been used as a weapon to debase white women and destroy the white man's desire to reproduce.

They are real womans knees my mate

>be you
>be goy
>watch porn
>get addicted
>less efficient in your workplace
>get fired
>they hire a jew instead

Got it?

Also that's why we cut our dick. So it will hirt when we fap more than oncd a day. That way we won't get addicted.

I stopped watching and now I have women literally throwing themselves at me and asking me 'If I'm a famous person'

Don't fall for the sexual jew

So why are Tel Aviv girls addicted to black uncircumsized cock then?

No traps. Skinny neck. Chin of a female.


Have fun not being able to cum from penetration with your Jewess because of the lack of sensation. You will never know what an orgasm should feel like.

Porn is degenerate.
I switched to yiff 5 years ago and now I have a stable job and a beautiful aryan family.

They don't. If you're dick is uncircumsized israeli girls won't sleep with you. Come here and see for yourself. But I assume no girl sleeps with you either way.

You'll never know what seven digits in the bank feels like.

respect me

Of your currency called the new shekel? A joke in itself

I think you left out a lot that actually led you to this point and it certainly doesn't have shit to do with just not watching porn.

Stop posting text and emojis
Post tits

Alrighty m8, stay with your 100$ that's in your bank.

Anti-porn is pushed by Jews. Think about it. All the shit holes of the world ban porn or have heavy restrictions on it.

stop killing people

Kek wills it?

He only likes animated ones.

The gender jew

trips tells the truth

What about Japanese or European porn?


Read the top and I just have to say I still only watch normal hetero shit. It's just the best.

Still though, if you're in a relation ship at least, jerking off will inevitably lead to less sex and sex is important in a relationship.

True, but usually I only watch more porn if I haven't seen her for days. But honestly I have more test than most guys I think, I like dominating and being an asshole too much. Also have too much pride, I think his analysis is accurate but it will only be for people who are already weak individuals.

You will once you lose the whiskey dick.

Veruca James.

Thanks for sharing that.

You're an idiot.
It's fucking porn.
People like porn, that's why there's a market for it.

Never stop posting this

It was designed to femenize men. Believe it, or not staring at a giant cock as you climax thousands of times will make you have an affinity for cock.

100% TRUE

No it doesn't

The reward system in your brain is triggered every time you climax... It most certainly does.

>a jew talking about 7 digits

please chaim, we're all sick and tired of hearing about the 6 million.

Shlomo BTFO! Hahaha

You'll never know what heaven feels like, as animals do not go there

You can always fap to cam girls or roleplay where it does not involve a cock.

Some woman at work was going on about how she'd love to go to Sweden because some actor from a vampire show is from there. Like how fucking unaware do you have to be?

>have new gf
>current gf wants to fuck 1-2 times a day
>ex gf fucked 5 times a day
>mfw have to fap 3 times a day or i cant focus nor study
Wtf is wrong with me

>Is porn really just the another way to control our minds that was designed by jews?

Well, technically, no... but the jews have certainly transformed it INTO that.

>Are pornstars aware of this?

Some of them, but not many.

>Veruca james will never lick the shit out of your arsehole

wtf just work out

I go to the gym 3 times a week plus i run in the off days, i just have fucking blue balls all day long

Who cares?

he has

>porn is a way to jack off

lithuanian intellectuals

Studies have shown that "porn addicts" don't watch more porn than the average person, they just feel bad about it.

It's not that porn is necessarily bad, it's your mindset and how often you're ejaculating.

If you're campaigning to get a woman, have dates lined up, have girls chasing after you, and you're wasting your sexual energy by fapping to porn nightly, you're going to be affected negatively by it.

If you're going through a bad breakup and want to cleanse your sexual palette so you watch videos of lesbian ass eating videos, that's really not that bad. I'd still say limit cumming to once every 4-5 days / a week so you don't get fatigued. Sometimes porn can be helpful, especially when you have oneitis and need to get a girl out of your head.

I wouldn't recommend watching straight porn, unless maybe it's POV. Watching another man fuck a woman is pretty weak, and can't be good for you. That's basically training yourself to enjoy cucking.

I'd say stick to lesbian porn and your imagination, realize when it's productive or counterproductive to fap, and just keep being proactive about your health.

>Is porn really just the another way to control our minds that was designed by jews?

Porn makes you stronger, OP.

Prove it. I want stats.

>No fap is red-pilled.

Hahaha. Enjoy your prostate cancer.

Nofap is so fucking retarded.

"I'm on my 100th day of nofap."

Literally means

"I've been having wet dreams weekly, my penis is weakening, and my body is producing less testosterone to adjust to my lowered libido."

Don't fap daily, but don't go for more than a week without fapping. At 7 days you'll either have a wet dream, or start to lose the energy you've built up. One fap per 4-5 days is best.

>He is so ugly women don't shower him in gifts.

Sucks to be you user.

My wife and i watch porn together

FUCK, nice to know I at least have a name for what I got.

Yeah, fuck you education system for not actually preventing shit like this.

fapping as much as you want, but imagination only is a true red pill.

You basically regulate yourself, as you're not going to jerk off 3 times a day off imagination alone.

Japanese are just Chinese Jews.

Pornstars are Pizzagate kids who grew up. Most of them are not killed but abused right in front of our eyes.

>Captcha: pizza

Learn to greentext newfag. God, back to plebbitins for you

I think porn came from higher up, and was given to the Jews as a tool. I mean Jews have sex through a hole in a sheet, I think porn is beyond their innate abilities.