How do I stop watching porn?
I want to, but all those 4K HD videos are so tempting and well filmed, it's hypnotic.
How do I stop watching porn?
I want to, but all those 4K HD videos are so tempting and well filmed, it's hypnotic.
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stick a jalapeno up your ass.
Start watching child pronography and get caught.
Is that porn? If so source.
Focus on something else instead if the urge hits you, and even then just remember that this shit is made by Jews to absolutely decimate your sexual appetite as well as you mentality.
He's right, start watching child porn, by token of being paranoid about being caught you'll masturbate less and seeing as you have to download all of it because the only stream website got closed and the other is to damn slow to work, combined with the fact you'll never actually keep it on your pc past blowing your load, you WILL find yourself wanking less
Welcome to the register.
go to /s/ and just jerk it to women no women getting fucked if you want qulity look for high res or go to /hr/
By having willpower.
By realizing that porn is just filling a void in your life.
Figuring out how to fill that void without the use of porn then following through.
Have a busy life. That 'd be my best advice
of course the kiddie fiddler brit would know.
also ive downlaoded a few solo video of my favortie artists but going back to pics from 3 monitors of 4k porn i really enjoy pics again its like im child once more
Start taking SRIs.
Doesn't bother me, I've already done a solid job of convincing everyone who knows me that that's so much an impossibility that even if the police were to get anywhere (which they wont) nobody would ever believe them
The same happens to me. I love that russian hd porn. Sauce on the pic btw?
"Just Canadian things."
I need to try this, I haven't fapped to a pic since I discovered porn videos existed
the cuckest swedish movie ever made, don't even bother watching it
realize that it's all fake.
If you absolutely MUST watch porn, stick to amateur pics/videos. The hollywood shit is a manufactured lie.
Recognize porn for what it is, a spell cast by a hook-nosed wizard who wants to steal your gains, make sex less pleasurable, and make you less likely pursue women. He wants to destroy your people and porn is a weapon in his tool kit. You must resist, find the wizard, and put him in the oven where he belongs.
M8, your police just walk into unlocked houses to make some point about locking your doors. I'm sure they'd do the same with CP
Switch entirely to hentai. Then switch entirely to doujins.
What if i like porn thats pretending to be amateur but in POV and does a good job of it?
I've.. I've fapped to the same video for a solid month now. And i only fap lately becauaw my white wife pregnant with my second white child is not into the sex thing for these last couple weeks of being preggo
why do people like those hd videos? theyre always so slow and tame. literally vanilla porn. boring as fuck
i masturbate regulary but never to porn
im like a woman if it doesnt have a start a conflict and a satisfactory ending it doesnt do anything for me
1. Stop eating meat, fish, eggs, onions and mushrooms.
2. Stop drinking alcohol.
3. Chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna / Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama / Rama Rama Hare Hare.
Aside from the fact that they're half naked, I genuinely don't understand what's attractive about twerking. It just looks like she's having a stroke.
I leave my door locked until I need to use it, the pigs will have no joy here.
when i first fapped it was a video good old kazza but then i discovered Sup Forums and went form Sup Forums to /s/ and /hc/ /gif/ was my fave for a while then i got a fancy computer and started a collection of videos still havent deleted them but its been months now since i came back to Sup Forums and learned of jew porn cuckery
It's African booty dancing to attract niggers.
Have you never watched National Geographic?
she kinda just looks retarded terrible twerk video or is that a seizure
I'm considering keeping a vial of catfish bait or something that smells equally vile to get the porn monkey off my back. I think a few whiffs should kill any arousal.