this is what capitalists actually believe
This is what capitalists actually believe
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it's not just one person asking for a raise in the wage, it's 120 million.
I'd love to see minimum wage burger flippers start or even run the next McDonalds
How uninformed are you?
Large corporations like Walmart and Target are in congress RIGHT NOW campaigning for the minimum wage increase to go even higher than $15.
You are totally illiterate on the economic effects of a minimum wage increase.
stop being a greedy capitalist
race war now
*class war
nice hitler digits btw
nice meme faggot
Being this fucking stupid.
You don't deserve some arbitrary wage increase by way of government compulsion just because. If you don't like your wage then ask for more and quit if they don't give it to you. You have the ability to dictate your wages if enough people agree with you, the companies will be FORCED to pay more to hire workers.
I noticed that info graphic did not mention that minimum wage workers are only 4% of the workforce. 96% of workers have found a way to make their labor worth more.
Why do you think they left that out?
If you are 35 and working at McDonalds as a cashier or burger flipper, you should re-evaluate your life. Wait for someone to build a time machine and then go back and tell your 18 year old self to study something more practical than underwater basket weaving.
yes, keep feeding the zionist elites you good goy
capitalism doesn't work period.
nice strawmeme
Total Alpha comes up with a business plan
Convinces people to invest millions in his idea, expecting dividends
The idea pays off, and the idea generates more ideas, more revenue, more jobs, more dividends
At some, enough uneducated millennials with no intrinsic innovative ideas gets jealous as fuck
Gets the media who no one trusts on their side
All in order to make it seem greedy to want to keep your earnings, but not greedy when wanting to take other people's earnings through no merit of your own.
>Le capitalism doesn't work meme
As opposed to other systems, where *everyone* goes hungry rather than a few, and the country collapses in less than a lifetime.
Tell me why the US and nearly every capitalist country have been stable for hundreds of years, but every noncapitalist society fails miserably and quickly.
>Tell me why the US and nearly every capitalist country have been stable for hundreds of years, but every noncapitalist society fails miserably and quickly.
Usually in books, if you can read them, Baldasarr
>implying crony capitalism is real capitalism
>implying it still isnt a thousand times better than communism
which books exactly?
explain pic related
Common fucking sense you nigger. The largest communist entity to have ever existed, the USSR, has seen complete and total collapse. Even smaller countries like North Korea have a starving general population while the commies with the big hats like Kim and his friends are sitting pretty.
It's unfair yes
But saying "you don't deserve your wealth, we will take it all away" would be a trillion times more unfair
>workers own the means of production
It's such a stupid fucking idea. Heirarchical power will always develop in any grouping of people. By removing greed as the motivation, you're only replacing it with something more base and primal like domination, lust, or spite, all of which are more dangerous than greed.
Greed is a sin against the self, not others. Communists seem to believe that if only there was no wealth then everybody would just get along but people are biologically driven to seek power. Sure, money is power but without money, ruthlessness becomes the main determinant of power. Money can be taken from somebody and redistributed but ruthlessness cannot be. in fact the opposite happens with a ruthless person if you attempt to take their power away; they become more ruthless.
This has happened in literally every place where the "workers" seized power. They realized that without material power, they had to rely on physical power. If you can't persuade somebody with money, you end up persuading them with a rifle.
>sourceless image
What's it like to have an IQ below room temperature?
but 99% of that pile of money is assets like factories and stuff which IS the economy essentially, if you redistribute it to the lower classes it will just go to buying useless shit
>feeding niggers so that they produce more niggers that need to be fed
sounds like a plan
Nice oversimplification. You're just as retarded as commies
>pic related:
>dumb useless cunt
>married into money
>now one of the richest people in the world
inheritance is the opposite of meritocracy
the sources are there you ape.
Devias ter vergonha, comuna de merda.
Wal Mart already pays almost all of its employees $10 an hour with almost $2/hour of raises in the first 18 months. A $10/hour minimum wage literally cannot affect them negatively at this point and will just hasten their ability to kill off small competitors.
Você é o único que deveria ter vergonha de você suínos capitalistas
What would a non cucked person do?
Create the tools by himself? That would be alpha, though you can't do it.
Steal the tools? Go home, nigger.
you keep telling yourself that
i was about to post that one
>99% of that pile of money is assets like factories and stuff which IS the economy essentially
No it isn't. Not anymore. Since the 1980s the banks and speculators have been unleashed again.
The left have made it a cliche to rally against the banks, but it is the banks. The CEOs and the politicians are just as cucked to the currency speculators and finance capitalists as the rest of us.
If one could strangle the debt-mongers and return to the industrial capitalism of the 1950-1970 period the world would be a much better place.
Are you fucking shitting me, faggot? MY family got on a raggety ass boat to come from Cuba through shark infested waters to escape socialism and live in a capitalist society where you can keep what you earn.
MFW poorfags are mad they aren't smart enough to be rich.
I don't think he could really share those umbrellas, it looks like it was just made that way, plus the guy is fat so there isn't much room under for both.
Cuba was shit before Castro and it will be shit after his lineage is long forgotten.
>The bases magically becomes stronger
No they won't, they will just hire more illegals and foreigners at dirt rates. Globalism relies on using foreigners lower standard of living to remove all bargaining power from workers to create and defend an elite class, minimum wage is meant to defend against that.
> MY family got on a raggety ass boat to come from Cuba
still no source you fucking spic
It was way less shit.
get a better job and learn something dumbasses- then you'll be at the top.
>trash country citizen calling others spics
Wake up you fucking shit stain.
you keep telling yourself you're a millionaire out of luck juan
Read: The mobsters running the country under the blue flag were nicer to my family than the mobsters running it under a red flag.
i know, forget socialism, communism and capitalism, corporativism is where it's at. Especially once you get rid of debts.
>The Soviet Union collapsed and the US didn't
I don't know, the fucking news?
Theres nothing greedy about holding onto money you earned. There is something greedy about demanding more pay than what a job is worth as a subordinate.
not an argument
>implying the soviet union was a communist country
still no source
Move somewhere else with a lower cost of living you fuckhead
>calls others spics
>uses not an argument
Daily reminder that capitalists get to eat while communists own the monopoly on bread lines.
Daily reminder that the only people who endorse communism are fat on the lifeblood of capitalism.
Daily reminder that communists have left Venezuela in a quagmire of starvation, piracy, and economic bankruptcy in the current year.
Yeah, at least the mobsters in the country with the blue flag didn't execute my family for not liking capitalism
not an argument
there is no place with a lower cost of living
Very good for your family.
Just like communism has been very good to the politically reliable families in Cuba.
Have there been floods of refugees from the United States going to Cuba? Or Venezuela? No. I don't need an argument against you, I only need a helicopter.
It's all factual. Wal Mart is a legitimately decent company to work for these days. You're going to have to find a new capitalist scapegoat to blame your pathetic life decisions on.
>Move to a major city with high housing costs
>Know you can only get a low paying entry level job
>Decide to start a family
>For some reason refuse to move to a location with lower property costs and instead insist that everyone make everything affordable to your minimum
>Good to politically reliable families
Communists aren't politically reliable, maybe capitalists should start executing them.
>socialism is communism
Yeah only if everyone was as smart as you everyone would have a Lamborghini and would be living in a thousand square meter mansions. Too bad people are stupid and don't know how to economy duhhh.
If they did we'd have 1950s Cuba.
people are dying in the streets everyday in our country. are you blind?
>Wal Mart is a legitimately decent company to work for these days.
this is what capitalists believe
there is no place with a lower cost of living
>"You have no proof that the Soviet Union was a communist country."
>hammer and sickle on their flag
>Motto: "Workers Unite!"
>Not Real Communism®
Daily reminder that communists have to blatantly lie through their teeth to trick people into believing any part of their failed ideology works, because telling the truth about the wide-scale starvation, gulags, or mass graves might be inconvenient to their "cause."
sounds like bs
why would there be more high paying jobs than low paying? it probably doesn't include the near minimum wage( which, let's be honest, is still minimum wage, making 25 cents more doesn't raise you into a higher income class)
Which was better than Cuba afterwards. Much higher standard of living.
>that pic.
What is construction.
>oh no they have a hammer and sickle on their flag, they must be pure communists
nice meme
>implying that gommunism is better
>implying that the whole world is capitalist
>people are dying in the streets everyday in our country. are you blind?
speak for yourself Portugal. Not everyone lives in a shithole.
If you didn't have a bullet in your brain.
>My suburban house literally factually has a lower cost than many apartments in major cities
>You're just saying things over and over that make no sense for the sake of argument
If having a hammer and sickle on my flag makes me a communist, wearing a dress makes me a woman, my 10" cock me damned.
The name of the USSR is quite indicative:
Union of
Communism was an end goal, something they never implemented.
Daily reminder that communists have no qualms about lying by omission while offering zero solutions to everything which makes their ideology an abject failure in every historical application.
Don't know why you're telling me that, I'm no commie.
anyway if any of you fags want to debate me stop by
and ask for the vaporwave bro, they'll know who it is
and portugal is the wealthiest communist country, so you know the problem...
the people who propagate socialism and communism are the ones that have never experienced it
Keep telling me how the forceful redistribution of wealth isn't both unethical and destructive.
I used to be like you Portugal. Then I took econ 101 and read some things. Now I know that capitalism is pretty great and that the other side is very bad and entirely anti-human any way you look at it. You will learn this too eventually.
>Daily reminder that communists have to blatantly lie through their teeth to trick people into believing any part of their failed ideology works, because telling the truth about the wide-scale starvation, gulags, or mass graves might be inconvenient to their "cause."
Luck has noting to do with it tbqh
I don't make minimum wage, work in technology. Haven't had a raise in 4-5 years, business has been stagnant. Can I have an arbitrary raise as well.
So we are in agreement then? Kick out the foreign people who are lowering the wages and everything sorts itself out
North Korea removed all references to communism from their constitution in around 2009.
They are Juche, which leans closer to fascism than anything else.
Though if you could read you'd stop telling me how awful communists are, given I've stated within this very thread that industrial (as opposed to finance) capitalism is my preferred means of economic operation.
This is op computer search
To be fair, China isn't really communism despite its name. It's pretty much a capitalist heaven in a lot of respects
>huge economic growth
>little restrictions on labor compared to west
>much cheaper production costs
>projected economic growth expected to exceed US by 2040
I hate commies but China isn't one of them.
>capitalism doesn't work period.
Daily reminder that communists are so incompetent, their main founding parties had from 1922-1991 in the Soviet Union to create Real Communism® and failed by their own adherents' claims.
Daily reminder that Real Communism® has been achieved, and that it has a glaring history of collapse.
There were far less people that had bullets in their brains than Cuba afterwards. And the people that were still alive at least had this nice thing called money, (that could actually be spend everywhere not just at the shit stores, while tourists can buy nice things at their special stores as part of their propaganda front)
If you're actually a communist, you are literally a cancer to the world and are trying to have everyone except for the ruling elite live in abject poverty, instead of
but communism IS better
yes i'm portuguese
suburban house is still too expensive
how is capitalism great?
>stalinism is communism
nice meme
it's the american drea, don't you get it? americans are just unlucky millionaires
>poorer countries have lower GDPs and higher fixed costs shock
You're a troll who contributed shitty sourceless memes, and no legitimate response over two sentences long this entire thread. Go fuck yourself. Yes, I mad.
>Now I know that capitalism is pretty great and that the other side is very bad and entirely anti-human
Quite true.
A basic precept of capitalism is the provision of consumer desires, it is accountable to the people who decide between competing alternatives.
Fruit trees for example are capitalists, they pay you in nutrients to spread their seeds and protect them. If they just gave you the fruit, expecting nothing from you, they would die and so would you.
>every arbitrary historical achievement that wasn't explicitly claimed in the name of communism is now capitalist.
i can shitpost too.
Yup, pretty much.
hurr durr muh cuba has lowest infant mortality rates so communism works KEK