Pizzagate banned?

what happened? did your balls fall off? suddenly theres no more pizzagate threads.

Other urls found in this thread:

delet this

No I want answers goddamn it

i'm posting behind 7 cats but yeah, people are getting banned constantly cuz of pgate, check 4+Sup Forums for more threads.

did they even give a reason why? I assume its >muh doxxing innocent pizza businesses

Bump. The distractions are almost working

Yeah every time I post in a pizza thread I get banned for spam.

Holy shit, I didn't know they started banning people for this. What the fuck is going on.

You want... the truth?
You cant... Handle... The Truth...


pizzagate and right wing safety squads are an instant 404



Both are cancer and deserve it.

thank you for correcting the record

Only schizos fell for the pizzameme. Time for your meds, user.


Yeah, a mod in /qa/ said right wing safety squad threads are an instant 404, but what I don't understand is he said any "current" related issues are allowed. shouldn't pizzagate threads be up?

Link to thread if someone wants to check it out.



It was one of the most stupid things posted here, I'm glad it's gone.

Just several posts assuming things with zero evidence.

Thanks for correcting the record. Also there was shit loads of evidence you baboon.

Thank you, I can KIND OF understand them banning safety squad threads but I just find it really odd that the mods would get this asshurt over a conspiracy and decide to just start banning it outright.

Unless we can take it to /x/?


"Well, this email could mean that..."
"looking at this symbol from this angle it resembles..."
"this could be true"
Yeah, evidence.

Wont matter, we have been through this again and again and people will rather look away than do something about it.

There was no solid proof.
There were no witnesses.
It was being used to destroy the viability of many websites.

Still going at VOAT.

the evidence isn't going away and nor is the story. justice will be served one day soon lads Kek wills it

there might have been a few politicans fucking kids and instead of getting efforts to investigate those emails, people made a full blown conspiracy and kept tracking it.

I believe there were some gay men and maybe a few women involved with pedophilia that work in the clinton circle. A lot of gay dudes fuck underage kids.

my guess is the retards who actually bought into it started to realize that after hundreds of hours of "research" they still had zero evidence and finally just gave up

People have been getting banned for starting serious thread with serious information concerning pizzagate.

Basically, if you are typing coherently on the subject, you will most likely be banned.

The action has moved elsewhere. This board is compromised.

Been banned myself twice now.

Anyone wonder why this board has been shit the past two days?
They banned everyone.
It's shills and newfags now.

move to /fit/ while it sorts itself out.

Afraid not, motherfucker. There is actually more and more evidence coming in day by day. People are getting closer. The research is authentic for the common man outside of government agencies.

Nice try with the name-calling, USA.

>the past two days?
it's been shit for a week or two now.

mod said no more so let it fucking go

You don't realise how an investigation works, do you? Do you think detectives on a case just have evidence out of nowhere? do you think evidence grows on trees?

Should a detective stop investigating something because, at the moment, there is no physical evidence to support it?

Get out of your bubble, man. Even applying Occam's Razor, the most logical answer here is not the one you are parroting.

I honestly can't tell if you are being serious. That's how pathetic the autists obsessed with pizzagate were

>t. roastie shill

I am serious. If you'd be willing to spend some of your time actually researching this issue I feel you would reach the same conclusion as I have. I feel that would be a better use of your time instead of this projecting that you're doing.

Call me autistic again if it makes you feel better, though. Most people researching this actually have no personal stake in it; meaning we don't profit from anything in an economic sense going after these bastards. You might consider it stupid, but some consider it righteous.

>t.t roastie in denial

>Those right wing conspiracy theorists!!!
Keep trying.

>nuh uhh I'm not a slut you are

shill harder slut.

Yes they lost their balls because the mods are pro-pedo

Post your most explosive piece of evidence

Lol,are you fucking serious?
Pizzagate got 'pepe'd'
It's an everywhere normie meme now and you fucking faggots are still decrying it as fake...

Pizzagate 'proof' is being prepared for a DOJ that will fucking SHILLS better warm up your stupid fucking spam....
EWO is justthebeginning
After 1/20/17
Jimmy Jimmy bo_ bimmy
(And all you pizzashills)
gonna have a bad time...
Praise kek
Dues vult

>Should a detective stop investigating something because, at the moment, there is no physical evidence to support it
user, is there even a crime to begin with? who are the victims and what they claim?

If there is no crime, you don't investigate.

don't try to reason with these retards. They literally started with their supposed conclusion/crime and are now working their way backwards. its pathetic desu


>discredit by calling them crazy, retards, autistic and pathetic instead of arguing with logic.

I'm not going to do research for you, so I'll just go over the main points worth looking into:

>Hillary Clinton, Laura Silsby connection
>Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, 'Lolita Express' connection
>Obvious media-shutdown following the reveal of pizzagate; similar, if not exact, to watergate
>H. Clinton DNC donations to places such as schools, orphanages that don't actually exist
>Mainstream media ignoring recent South Korea scandal of the president stepping down (the reason); as well as 1000 bodies found in a forest, land owned by a cult, connected to the now former president; no reporting on Norway either, in fact: Articles Deleted from major news networks such as abcnews and NYTimes
>History itself; The Finders in the 80s, CIA involvement (((MK Ultra))) - Joris Demmink cover-up in the Netherlands; Jimmy Savile cover-up; Dutroux case, Dennis Hastert; articles and studies going way back to 2001 on pedo rings in USA politics being a real problem no one is addressing; missing children in-and-around Virginia . . . the numbers outmatching the population
>pedo symbols at Cnnct Avenue, quickly removed
>obvious lying by possible people involved, like James Alefantis and his basement

And I can't be bothered to go on because you'll just parrot ''TINFOIL'' and not call any of this real evidence. The point is none of us are actual investigators working the case, so none of us can present you with physical dead-to-rights evidence. But you know that already.

>still hasn't posted one shred of evidence


You forgot the Lindbergh baby connection.

Hope you can sleep at night when most of this ends up being real.

And what is your problem that you want to see actual children remains, or what is it? When in the Dutroux case the head-witness proved to have knowledge no one else could have bar a detective working the case or someone involved, the media still called her a crazy person looking for attention; all due to pressure applied by the government and individuals and institutions inserted to hamper the actual investigation.

Did we not just go over this? This board is teaming with shills (you) and newfags.
Why would I want you to see anything??

>Obvious media-shutdown following the reveal of pizzagate; similar, if not exact, to watergate

What does this even mean? The media was all over watergate, that's why every big event now gets the -gate at the end of it. It's literally the exact opposite with pizza-gate

Its going no where and is boring now.

Either find some actual evidence or fuck off.

the topic is banned everywhere

in other words, it's real

I just saw a thread on "youtubegate." Went to click on it, and received the 404 image. What gives? Also, I did a search on Youtube with the title of the video and holy shit, there's a fuckton of young kids doing questionably sexual things on cam. Wtf?

hahahahah holy shit.


Mostly it moved to voat

mole mod handled it

alphabets are happy

she won after all

we are silenced and she continues to eat babes

we won the battle but lost the war.

You know what we found cunt :^)

Wtf is this shit?

No it wasn't. Read All the President's Men. It took over two painstaking years for the public to get the actual truth on Watergate. Meanwhile everyone shut the fuck up about it after the first initial article. If it wasn't for the hardcore reporting from Woodward and Bernstein, Deepthroat whistleblowing, and all the others . . . we still might not have known.



so the liberal media covered up a scandal for a conservative republican because......

prepare your kike anus

the Alamo has a lower level, the spic attack was a night raid. ozzy peed on a memorial.

>A lot of gay dudes fuck underage kids

this. It also explains the supposed priest abuse scandal. Gay priests were fucking teenage boys in the 60s and 70s because that's what ALL fags back then did. But now the only people held accountable for it are the gay priests, and all the other fags who had underage boyfriends- like Harvey Milk- are regarded as heroes. It's 100% media slanting of the story to make the church look bad.

>implying watergate is a crime worthy of being discussed.

hillary's team did worse to their own party this year.


Liberal media, what are you even talking about? This is a non-partisan issue, stop trying to turn it into a left vs. right thing. You are literally falling for the century old meme people above you have been using to keep you down.

Everyone covered it up, because hey, guess what . . . there was no (((real))) evidence! Just like now, there is no real evidence you claim, and look what happened with Watergate . . . Anyone aware of the specifics of the Watergate case knows there are many similarities with what is happening now. The way that people are responding and especially the way the media is now.

Also, the media wasn't so fucking liberal in the 70s. This was America's first real cover-up gone public, people were scared to death. Not much has changed ironically.

I am trying to reach you as a human being. I am making a plea to you, from man to man, to just look into all of this.


I honestly don't even know why Nixon did it. He would have won the election in the landslide regardless. I think he was just paranoid.


Watergate has never been about the crime itself. It has been about the cover-up and the government going to very deep lengths to lie, hide and prosecute and threaten everyone willing to make the truth known.

Only shills deny the pizzagate facts

>It has been about the cover-up and the government going to very deep lengths to lie, hide and prosecute and threaten everyone willing to make the truth known.

which happened to worse degrees this year

I am not disagreeing?

Oh you're going to be in for a real surprise in about a month.

if any media outlet had a big conspiracy story about some republican they would be all over it, and it would be front page material for weeks on end.

the media has basically just been the propaganda wing of the democratic party for the last 100 years.

You're going to prison.

If you honestly don't see the anvil bearing down on your skull you're dumber than you look.

Wait 4 weeks.

These fucking idiots didn't try to flip the EC because they're confident.

They're scared shitless and they should be.

I tried, but you aren't listening. You are deflecting. Your last sentence is somewhat correct, but I wonder if you know what the Democratic party was actually like back then. Things have flip-flopped in American politics, and they are doing again. The DNC right now is basically almost full-blown 50s McCarthyism; with the conservative right having more left-leaning views on certain issues nowadays. We appear to be in the midst of another flip-flop in the political climate.

Brock bought them pizza. They're in on it.

They're all going to prison or worse.

no it just seemed like you were using watergate as an example of people ignoring crime when there are much worse offenses that are more recent.

Everyone agrees they were using some weird code words in those e-mails. After that, it's all 100% speculation, which is why no one takes pizzagate lunatics seriously

What do you think the code words are for? weapons? drugs? other? Something non-nefarious or nefarious?

David Brock control Sup Forums now.

>using codes for non-nefarious purposes

even Sup Forums isn't that autistic


I agree, but I'm asking the guy ( :

I asked for a single bit of evidence, not a laundry list

I just want one single verifiable something

obviously it was something nefarious. what that was I have no idea. Maybe it was CP. But like I said. Literally everything that I have seen is 100% speculation.

because this is KEKCHAN Pizzagate is realer than real.

Why is that?

You are fucking nuts, dude.

You're fucking nuts, dude.

>I just want one single verifiable something
>Assumes this whole thing was leaked by FBI to flush out the pedophiles.
