More ded niggers drown in the Mediterranean. Poseidon protects. If only we can get more right wing governments in Europe to kick them out when they land then the Mediterranean would be a literal nigger killing field
More ded niggers drown in the Mediterranean. Poseidon protects. If only we can get more right wing governments in Europe to kick them out when they land then the Mediterranean would be a literal nigger killing field
>5000 this year
My only dissapointment is that it wasn't more.
The Mediterranium kills them but the nordcucks gives them house, money and their womens
Learn the difference
I wonder if there is a way to meme it higher.
5000 less drug dealers and rapists
Sacrifice to Poseidon
We resurrected an ancient Egyptian god. An ancient Greek god should be a piece of cake.
that's not high enough
God knows they won't save themselves
pffft, 5k. C'mon poseidon, step it up. Lets get it to 500, 000.
That number requires three more zeroes.
Look at all those poor women and children.
You could crowdfund for some bullshit thats sure to make a lot of money but instead of a video game you buy an airplane and some bombs. Good luck getting away with it though.
based poseidon has efficiency of a russian tank
5000/2000000*100 = 0.25%
Literally 1 out of 400 dies on the way to europe, making it a really safe trip desu.
This is merkels fault along with all the liberals. North Africa is stable and not undergoing any war as vicious as the one in Syria
Merkel will let in any brown person and she created a rush. All this blood is on the hands of liberals fuck them
This, what's 5000 out of 2,000,000+
Fucking nothing
Is no one asking where they are getting these damn rafts? That's not some cobbled together Cuban affair, that's a factory made riged inflatable boat, and at that size they aren't cheap. I am assuming the eurocuck nations who "rescue" these vermin have the sense to also seize the boats, meaning they can't send it back to Tunisia for another voyage.
So who is supplying these armada of boats then? I have a sneaking suspicion that Soros and other globalists are not only promoting this shit financially, but materially as well. How hard would it be for a Soros shell corporation to be quietly offloading thousands of these rafts into North Africa.
>5,000 died this year during crossing
>1,000,000 counted refugees this year
So 0.5%. Awesome, only 99.5% make it here.
Praise Ahti! They're food for Iku-Turso.
Thank you pepeseidon. We thank you for your action.
Hail Poseidon!
Meme it fampai
He is no longer Poseidon. He has evolved as the white man has. He is now Pepeseidon.
Where's the video of all the Africans who intentionally flip their boats by an Arab fishing trawler thinking it was a Greek Coast Guard ship and they all drown?