Greetings. Just a reminder that Argentina is a shit country. That is all.
Greetings. Just a reminder that Argentina is a shit country. That is all
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I hear they're still bitter over our Falkland clay.
Why are you rustlin' my white neighbors?
we know but we like it here
Do you see that island just off your coast? That's our island. Stay off it.
I believe many still are.
dude chill out argies in here dont give a fuck about the islands
we have a shit tone of land to take care off already
Do you know of any that have hopes of a future attempt to retake the Falklands? I see many Argentinians proudly proclaiming this online. How is it over there?
You'd love for us to drop our guard again.
Why so mad ?
i want to move to a south american country. is argentina a good choice?
i remember seeing argies on the olympics and they were all white
Is Argentina white?
They like to think so, but no.
Every hispanic country is shit.
Excellent point chap. Thankyou for posting this.
not a chance unless someone like maduro takes the power
everyone here respects the soldiers and talk shit about how the island are argentinian but almost nobody is gonna make any effort or pushes taking them back with a military aproach
our goverment now doesnt really care about them wich is a good thing on my take but leftist goverment like the kirchner always bring the dictatorship and the malvinas to make void political statements and their fill our kids with shit propaganda like this
but if you talk to anybody with an iq bigger than 90 they would never plan to go to war under any circunstances
This is a post-irony stage where the memes have been grained for long, and now the contrarians surpassed the norm.
Enjoy your fish Gland
How do the people you commonly interact with feel towards the British? Say, if a tourist was in town for example.
Not really. People with brains don't give a shit about it and we have much bigger problems to deal with thanks to 8 years of socialist bullshit policy.
We pretty much had open borders and even gave welfare to those people who obviously got to vote ( and would vote for the socialists giving them cash ).
Falklands is just shit brain damaged mongoloids use to "prove" they are nationalists. Of course, those same faggots will tell you that we don't need an army and that the police sucks.
argentina is a great choice for visiting like on a vacation if you know how to deal with pickpocketers on the streat if you went to italy and nothing happened to you you be fine, its also great for getting your dick wet and party but for living here you really must love our costumes if not its not worth it, if you talk about living somewhere chile is better option
it is in the south but not in the north mainly because our borders are shit and people spend so much time in the sun and its so hot here that almost everybody gets tanned
we still have most of the population being white but most mediteranian white rather than aryan white
if you stay away from the north wich is where i live in youll be fine
old people will give you bad stares if you wear a tshirt of the sex pistols and poor people too
but if you are actually british and try to talk to people here almost everyone is really friendly and curious
also girls try to suck every foreign dick they can so thats a plus i guess
its not like they search them specifically you are not gonna find girls wanting bolivian dick and syrian dick or british dick bc is better or something they just smell the money behind it
Oh... women are the same there too..
women are the same everywhere become gay and move to california.
>old people will give you bad stares if you wear a tshirt of the sex pistols
thats factually wrong on all accounts unless you live in a 500 ppl village
nobody gives a fuck, punk is thing here since the early 80s
keep bullying us, you eurocucks
maybe we had different experiences im from chaco where you know FPV has a really big amount of people still and i experienced this so just letting you know
old people like 80 or 70 not 60 or 50
Yes, yes they are, but at least the women are hot, everything is cheap, and there are no muslims.
Only the hugely disproportionate violent crime to worry about.
chaco is conceptually the worldst biggest 500 ppl village
>blaming it on fpv
lemme guess, youre middle class and you fell for the macri meme
they are all shit FPV also and macri aswell
the only thing i like about macri is eugenia and nothing else
and resistencia doesnt has 500 ppl
>what is conceptually
>he fell for the vidal meme
what are you, 16 or just politcally illiterate?
>keep bringing this up
>'lol why are they so obsessed? XDXD'
Post pic of what an average girl looks like from Argentina comrades
concuerdo contigo. es un paĆs decadente, que posee un profundo complejo.
Las Malvinas son inglesas
Any that isn't a butterface?
No shit.
But you are going our way with all the mudslimes and niggers you are importing.
Brexit is the first step to curing us of such things.