Be American

>Be American

>Never lost a single war

Where my Ameribros at?

Other urls found in this thread:

>ill take Vietnam for 500 John.

Left before we lost. Suck it, commie.

>War on Terror
>Iraq in the long run
>War of 1812

gr8 b8 though OP.


Foiled again

>the war on drugs

We won or left after we got what we wanted

Suck it undercover canadian

Day of the diet soon, burger.


>War on Terror
>Iraq in the long run
>Vietnam these were declared "losses".
Point me to where

>>War of 1812
Signed peace. No lose for either side.

But your country is slowly being eroded by the lefties...

>capital burnt down
>Britain fighting Napoleon and you still lost

yea definitely got what you wanted

The War on Terror is still technically going on, and it'll never end.

Same as Korea, all they did was sign an armistice agreement.


Would imply a draw. Which is not a loss. Dumbfuck.


Canada's population is less than California's. What bitches.



It's day of the grill

New Orleans.

Don't be retarded.

>yea definitely got what you wanted

>Canada over run by Muslims
>Will never win at anything ever again

Yes, America got what it wanted.

>burned down a building

>didnt even kill the president

Lol what

America lost the civil war.


Vietnam flashback intensifies

>not a loss

lel it's a default loss for all parties involved

We helped you lose Vietnam please nuke China our bungholes cant take it anymore.

Eh. To my understanding leftists and the media absolutely sabotaged the war effort. It was a stupid war to begin with, so we just negotiated a ceasefire (that failed) after it got unpopular.

Then Congress prevented us from going back when North Vietnam broke the truce.

>He thinks a draw isn't a loss.


We forced the north to sign a peace treaty after btfo their army. We left and then they broke it two years later and hippy fags whined so we didn't go back.


Technically never ended and we still achieved out objective which was to keep the north from conquering the south

>Afghanistan and Iraq

Both regimes literally toppled in months. Guerilla warfare from butthurt faggots is all that happens now

Britain can brag they successfully invaded but they never won the war

Eat shit cucks


They left because Frenchies told them so. God I hate France

>british couldnt fight a colonist revolution with one of the best military forces at the time

oof that hurts!

>The war on obesity

The force that sacked DC had it's ass whooped by Maryland guardsmen at Baltimore.

Robert Ross, who organized the attack on Washington, was killed by a sharpshototer during an ambush at North Point.

>Never lost a single war
excuse me


GOTCHA was waiting for your post to collect you!

Threads over


You didn't win any war since WW2.

Yes we did!


Okay, book your next vacation to vietnam pls. Many cuties await

USA also lost the war on obesity

Let me know how you beat the us army and left mountains of dead in your wake and explain how we easily made you sign a peace treaty despite such heavy losses or why you had to wait until we left to even try to invade the south again when you could just roll right through us.

I'll wait

I'll fly over with some naplam

>Obama managed to get in as president.

>that force was stretched around the world

What where we supposed to do? It doesn't help that you had the French help too.

>long rant in denial of losing the Vietnam War
Who give the fuck, kid. Just check the objective for the Vietnam War:

To prevent a Vietnam Communist Government? Failed
To keep a South Vietnam Government which is a close ally of the West? Failed
Are the South Vietnam Government still exist today? Maybe in California :^)

Isn't America currently full of Mexicans, Jews, Africans and Arabs?

And aren't they slowly out numbering whites every year?

Americans won some wars but now you are turning a blind eye to your very own extinction.

a 100 years from now whites will go the same direction as native Indians.

You bet your ass I American

Illinois fag here, ask me anything about my state Sup Forums

The Americans also fought incredibly dirty, and the British weren't expecting that. That didn't help.

Why is it still blue? Even Michigan went red kek

Over half the state lives in Chicago and Chicago was blue, which flipped the entire state despite the rest of the counties going red

I was going to ask what wars the USA has lost, but an easier and quicker list will be if someone can tell me how many they've actually won.

I mean won, not "re-defining the terms of victory".

So, in Vietnam you spent a shitload of resources just to sign a peace treaty?

>Over half the state lives in Chicago
20% actually

Guys.. should we tell him?

Fuck off you idiot

>what is the Vietnam war

>getting obliterated TWICE by America and saved thrice
You're such a cuck


Suck it.

I'm not going to read you an american history book desu

When the goal is war, you never lose

In Korea, we helped repel a North Korean invasion of the South by fuckin ugly reds. That's a victory.

Day of the Rake

>How ironic.

I'm not going to let you get your cuck juice all over my post faglord

Has anyone actually died in Illinois

How is marengo
used to know a set of twins from there

We didn't even use our total military might in the country, if we had, the north would have been a crater

You lost the civil war depending on where you live.

The post.

you didn't get anything from Vietnam

Red hot bants from ricki ricefarmer

If you live in the city at least everyone you meet knew 3 or 4 people who died that day, but I live almost an hour away from the south side so you'd know if john boy's dad had a stroke before the hospital did. Farther away you live from Chicago the more likely you love past 40 desu

Xhicago is black-central, it's such a densely populated minority refuge that regardless of the districts the whole state pops up dem so long as the climate's right in the city. Even my parents shilled for Hillary and it disgusts me

Marengo? Most of us forget it exists, it's only 7 or 8 thousand strong, my village is about 30,000 strong. Never been and if I did I'd probably burn it to the ground for bantz

Besides nearly a decade of military experiance? Vietnam made a great proving ground for cold war technology. Modern equipment still in use today was developed during or as a result of the vietnam war.

Posting just to say I don't recognize your flag.

My uncle got his scrotum blown off.

Can you feel it?
Sure tho ?

Facts I used to work as a tour guide at Fort McHenry in Bawlmore. Dope ass story the War of 1812 is


america never won a single war, the only thing they can win is the special olympics

Just won but still you guys have a great record.

You lost WW2.

You didn't let Patton crush the Commies and now your entire country got subverted.

1/10 try again

What is Canada fucking your shit up in 1812?

Or do you simply rationalize that we were helping you remodel the white house?

well it didnt win the korean war and the war on terror seems like a lost cause without the undisputed destruction of radical islam

whoa whoa whoa. All the rest are fine, but 1812? The goal was to stop the impressment of merchant sailors into the British navy. Status? Achieved.

Then you did us a favor by marching into a fly-ridden barren swampland and helping along the renovation process for a country cottage

>losing Vietnam meme
Killed 500,000 gooks and commies btfo.

I love the denial some burgers have about 'Nam. You fucking lost, it happens with empires.
>Muh pulled out before we lost meme

Why cant you fuckers stay out of Michigan in the summer. You FIBs are a plague to my beautiful red state.

No declaration of war friendo.

that's like saying egging someone's house is war

W-we didn't lose to a bunch of unorganized gooks in vietnam! We just got bored and left!! S-shut up leaf, best army number one!

>Not enough troops

There was up to 500,000 troops in Vietnam at its peak, and even then America was bankrupting the fuck out of itself. Perhaps the US could defeat the Vietnamese but at what cost?