Centrism Appreciation Thread

>tfw you've finally taken the centrist pill

Fuck left-wingers who try to turn this country into a dumping ground for third worlders.

But also, fuck right-wingers who try to turn this country into a bigoted authoritarian shithole full of homophobia, militarism and hate.

I feel so alive right now, I feel like I am finally an a mentally adult person.

I grew out of stormfaggotry and commiefaggotry.

Germany is not in a perfect place right now, I'll admit, but we should not, under ANY circumstances vote for the AFD who is a right-wing bigot party. The right and left spectrums always get their votes via fearmongering, tribalism and stereotyping.

Only a rational, intelligent person sees through this.

We do not need to kick every refugee out, only the criminal ones and the ones that are not trying to get a job. The rest, who wörk and pay taxes, can stay. Nobody in Germany gives a fuck about the skin color as long as you respect the country and it's laws.



Other urls found in this thread:


>a bigoted authoritarian shithole full of homophobia, militarism and hate.

There's a fine line between hate and being intolerant of degeneracy.

>using the word "bigot" unironically
Come on, buddy. You can bait harder than that.

>prostituting your daughter for $25
>prostituting your cousin for $12
>not prostituting anyone

le ebin horseshoe theory meme lmao!!!! xDDDD


Merkel is kind of right-wing and centrist.
>Christian democracy Liberal conservatism Pro-Europeanism
>Centrist Democrat International International Democrat Union
>catch-all party of the centre-right in German politics

>But also, fuck right-wingers who try to turn this country into a bigoted authoritarian shithole full of homophobia, militarism and hate.

pretty much new liberal/marxist under disguise

Centrism is the future of politics.
However, you are obviously b8ing a primarily right-winged board so....

Bard - Level 3

Seven Levels of Kekism


>I'm a centrist naow suddenly!

You're a tool who will be used by the left or right, whoever convinces you the other side is bad first.

Well done, OP. Don't let the piles of stormfront-loving retards on this terrible board get to you at the end of the day.

99% of Asians are moderates who hate niggers just as much as they hate white cumcucks, just we are smart and know to pretend to like those who are financially and socially feasible you us

Welcome to the moderate agnostic Christianity and Islam is for faggot asian community

Welcome home white cuck, now go date an asian girl

The problem with being a centrist is that you'll never accomplish anything.

It's the same problem with a lot of softcore libertarians -- your philosophy doesn't take a hardline stance against anything, so it's totally useless in the face other ideologies that will aggressively push their agenda. You'll sit around preaching compromise while everyone else runs roughshod over you. "Live and let live" doesn't work when no one else agrees with the sentiment.

on Sup Forums you are considered a shill for not having extremist political beliefs that would upend society radically and cause untold social destruction on the whims of teenagers who leave their bedroom 2 times a month

>Still insists that legitimate centrism is impossible and that I'm just a fool who can't pick a "side."

>Nobody in Germany gives a fuck about the skin color as long as you respect the country and it's laws.

Herein lies your problem. Most white people deep down know that majority non-white countries are always, and invariably shitty places to live, they're just afraid to admit it for fear of losing their jobs. Wherever white people exist as a majority you tend to have stable and generally well functioning societies. Wherever they don't, you tend to have a politically divisive, toxic mess of inconstant infighting.

Pretending race doesn't exist as a meaningful concept ignores thousands of years of evolutionary adaptation. It has everything to do with:
and its correlates which are non-aggression, ability to delay gratification, aversion to criminal behaviour etc etc.

Whiteness evolved BECAUSE of these things, not vice-versa. The harsh, cold climate of the North necessitated small groups working closely together under the harshest conditions. The opposite is true in the temperate climes where intelligence has always been outmatched by brute strength, strength in numbers, and short term K selection mating strategies (as opposed to R-Selection). Which is a recipe for disaster in a high-functioning civilised society.

These terrorist attacks are symptomatic of a much bigger problem not just with multiculturalism, but with ethnic diversity of different genetic phenotypes. To pretend otherwise is to ignore the multitude of ethnic conflicts that have taken place throughout history.

For more info check out the book "The Diversity Illusion" by Ed West. If it doesn't shatter your liberal illusions nothing will.

>fell for the centrists don't have hard opinions meme

true because the liberals are in power. centrist is an authoritarian cock sucker.

>Asian moderates


Go back to the wok.

i knew i had a smuggie for this

Masterfully done, one of best explanations.

Politics is the opposite of math. Are you that autistic? Politics is about the perception of truth, the perception of lies, momentum, and authority, all qualities that are transient from person to person. To not be a centrist means that you willingly want to be hood-winked by people. Truth doesn't exist outside of Math, and hard science, and people who believe that it somehow can, are dangerously deluded. The only things that exist outside of those two fields are whatever opinion is the most popular, regardless of factual evidence.

>We do not need to kick every refugee out, only the criminal ones and the ones that are not trying to get a job.
That's exactly what the AfD wants, you single digit IQ cuck

If you believe even for a second Asians in the US don't feel superior to non asians you are delusional. 90% of us will pretend to like you both sides for benefits and go home and trash you in our language

The only reason most Asians vote Democrat is because the Republican party is viewed as a white man's party, even if slightly against theit interests

I'm a centrist and I shitposting like a neonazi on Sup Forums because that's the board culture. If you don't like it, go back to plebbit and suck some moderately-sized BBC

>>tfw you've finally taken the centrist pill

Liberal or Authoritarian centrist?

Ok I just read your post, you don't even know how the polical spectrum works, so your "centrism" is seem to me like full blown liberalism but you have just removed the most extreme thoughts.