Age of consent is 14 in Brazil and everybody is OK with it, how can you possibly justify an older age of consent?
Age of consent is 14 in Brazil and everybody is OK with it, how can you possibly justify an older age of consent?
fuck off with this thread, you've posted it enough already
post your loli asshole
Europe was way ahead of you on that one monkey.
Back then it was considered completely normal to marry a fourteen year old back then in europe because everyone wasn't busy cramming bullshit in their heads because they had crops and shit to deal with.
Now you can't even look at a woman and say hello without being arrested.
forced meme, saged
I'll stop posting it when somebody comes up with a justification that doesn't involve insulting Brazil.
Post more.
You know he is angry when he doesnt even want to give the guy a (you)
isnt it against the rules to say you saged? saged
Fuck off favela monkeys
>monkey girl
you got that right
My great grandmother gave birth when she was 14, her first child died. Take what you will out of it, just dont post these shit slide threads again on Sup Forums
aos 14 anos elas já estão doidas pra sentar em um cacete, OP
biologia simplesmente
anyone below 14-18 is annoying enough to justify not fucking them
16 over here I guess
is good enough for me
As a quick note, our age of consent might be 14, but there are restrictions for sexual relationships between someone who is 14 and someone who is over 17.
The younger partner in such a relationship will always be protected and backed by the state, if he or she does feel inclined to have sex, as they are in a relationship.
Especially if the 14 year old is dating someone who is over 20, he or she is even encouraged by the law to report and sue the older partner, if he/ she feels to have been abused.
So in the end, you pretty much need the permission of the parents, try to keep the relationship very stable and long (as in years-long) and keep her satisfied at all times.
Tough luck, but I suppose there are also ghetto kids that don't even know age of consent exist.
Oh look, this thread again.
Oh look, this thread again (((again))).
Oh look, this thread again (((again))) (((again))).
Oh look, this thread again (((again))) (((again))) (((again))).
Oh look, this thread again (((again))) (((again))) (((again))) (((again))).
Oh look, this thread again (((again))) (((again))) (((again))) (((again))) (((again))) (((again))).
Oh look, this thread again (((again))) (((again))) (((again))) (((again))) (((again))) (((again))) (((again))).
Oh look, this thread again (((again))) (((again))) (((again))) (((again))) (((again))) (((again))) (((again))) (((again))).
Is porn with 14 legal in brazil ?
Despite being 14, depending on the situation the parents, and even the adult could go to jail for other minor crimes involving the act.
Basically, the age of consent is 14, but if the kid is fucking an adult and the parents let that happen they can still respond because of that.
the digits of truth
ITT: retards think that just because the age of consent is x, they can actually get laid by a girl that age.
Pretty sure it works in the exact same way here, except it's 15
What the fuck? How can YOU justify the creepy 55 year old dude touching your 15 year old sister?
>we had 13 until 1 year ago
>now is 16
How have we fallen...
I dont understand why you would keep posting this shit every single day, it is not like you are fucking a 14 yo anyway.
jelly af op, age of consent in my state is 16. 14 is probably the perfect age for a girl to get pregnant desu. once they hit 20 they get old hag status.
I think it's ok in Brazil.
For the exact same reason she can fuck her 16 yo boyfriend: They both can consent
>Age of consent is 14
>Literally a hellhole without morals
I have been there and its ridiculously shit. Everything feels old and uncared for, the people are extremely rude and commit crimes for no reason or gain, nobody speaks english and everyone is obsessed with bullshit.
>Dat food doe
Wouldn't you like to know Ahmed
There's no justification for any AoC. Girls should be arranged married good and young and sex outside marriage should be illegal.
This is the only objective truth in the world.
>I have been there and its ridiculously shit
Look who's talking.
>commit crimes for no reason or gain
I think you were just in a shitty city
When South Africa calls your country a shithole you know it's bad spic.
Brazil fucks children?
Doesn't surprise anyone.
That rule doesn't apply to kebab though, eh?
>South Africa
Our countries are literally the same shit.
Yes, I am planning a trip to brazil, I would like to visit Cristo Redentor and fuck a 14 years old in her ass, if you know what I mean.
you don't know what that means.
>Our countries are literally the same shit
we are not full of aids
>t. Mohammed
>Sup Forums
>a thread without insults
you'll be reposting forever user
I felt safer working in the middle of khayelitsha, in the middle of the night than walking down the street to the corner shop. I was in the greater Sao paulo area and spent some time traveling around Praia grande.
>Shitty city
Every fucking city is shitty there.
bruh I finna move to Brazil
but not for the girls
>a country with violence, corruption, and pollution
>b-but our aoc is lower
Germany was right to utterly rape the fuck out of brazil during the world cup.
14 sounds about right.
This is what feminism does to you. After a girl's first blood she is no longer a child, she is a woman.
>if you believe in healthy marriage then you're a mudslime
This may may is so funneh
>we are not full of aids
yea and we're not full of shitskins
it isn't the law, if you get caught fucking a 14 year old you will be thrown in jail, but 14 year olds losing their virginity is very common
>Age of consent is 14 in Brazil and everybody is OK with it
clearly brazlians are lusting after young ass
just because they do it doesn't make it right. Even if an entire country consents to these circumstances
what the fuck is this
At least I can drive down to the local mall without feeling like going through a metal storm salvo. Seriously you guys have these crazy as fuck police but not even they can stem the tide of your degeneracy.
I will give you that one, but shit like herpes is so common over there, almost everyone is walking around with a outbreak on their face. Our aids are mostly contained to the niggers, but your entire nation is fucking contaminated like a truck stop toilet.
Brazilian youth culture
by not being brazil
Well, knowing the laws it will be difficult: first, there are no 14 yo prostitutes; at least not legally, so you will have to do that the old way. Second, if the father actually cares about the daughter, he will kill you. Let me say it from the get go: people in Brasil are very traditionalists; most are christian. That the age of consent is 14 is just a tecnicality to avoid imprisoning kids for having sex with kids, but the father WILL kill you if you try.
Even if he doesn't, you run the risk of being arrested for 'corrupting a minor', depending on how you proceed.
irl gayshota
>it isn't the law
>we're not full of shitskins
good luck with the immigrants
There's no scientific basis for a consent law.
Adults make just as many poor decisions as kids do. Look at the mortgage crisis.
Water will kill you in Brazil and everybody is OK with it, how can you possibly justify tap filtration?
that kid is not even 8
was probably abused be relatives
Is it true there's jungle people there who are willing to sell their daughters like in the porn stories I read?
>what is sarcasm?
Just wanted to point out that most of the population is NOT okay with it.
Swecuck reporting and loving the 15 year aoc. Makes fucking my gf's daughter legal.
post moar of monkey girl OP or stfu.
>calling Brazilians what they are is an insult
How do I get a teen gf?
Pedo shill
Man.. it's complicated. To begin with... it's basically another country inside Brasil that we can't even touch because of "muh cultural diversity". That said, there are plenty of different tribes, perhaps one of them may prostitute their daughters, i'm not sure. I heard about that one tribe that had no chastity rules so they would, for example, fuck for food and water if they wanted.
It's a fucked up situation; even more fucked up when they invade our land, or kill our people. Law basically doesn't do shit because they "cannot understand civilization" (which is half true.. there is a good reason as to why we used black slaves instead of the natives)
You mean, Kurumin?
>Water will kill you in Brazil and everybody is OK with it
that's commendable
A bit old, Brazil.
What is it about girls with braces that makes it so hot?
they need to see the truth companheiro, most teenage girls are longing for cock since these early ages
hard pill to swallow
You know the AoC in Italy is the same as Brazil, right?
>wanting to fuck a hue hue
It will be fine. In a few years the banana will die off and you won't have yo worry about these types of photos.
Any other white monkey here?
>say degenerate pedo bullshit
>get called out for it
>pretend to be retarded and claim the insult was at the marriage part
Gas yourself
It implies youthfulness and naïvite.
You had to pump your cock to get your veins out? kek. I have more veins then you bro come at me
Actually i didnt know about that, and i just posted that pic because I've seen this thread like 3 times this week, i don't give a shit about the age of consent in brazil
Btw the girl in the op is fucking fine, got more?
Every post is a repost of a repost
So, what's your problem?
>Age of consent is 14 in Brazil and everybody is OK with it,
If everyone was okay with sticking their dick in your ass, I bet you'd like that too wouldn't you faggot
Nigga what u talking about? Age of consent here is 18. You have sex with minors, you get jail, same as everybody else.
12 for anal, handjob and blowjob
14 for vaginal sex
16 for breeding
wtf i hate spain now
I tried my best not to vomit.
A 17yo fucking a 19yo lands people in jail over here, its retarded.
Some of you favelados have never been to school now have you.
>No Brasil, a idade de consentimento para o sexo, em geral, é de 14 anos, conforme o novo artigo 217-A do código penal, modificado pela lei nº 12.015/2009, artigo 3º