Daily reminder that the American South is closest to the ideal society
>Cowboy "bushido" ethics
>Southern Baptists
>Guns everywhere
>Pickup trucks
>Based accents
Daily reminder that the American South is closest to the ideal society
>Cowboy "bushido" ethics
>Southern Baptists
>Guns everywhere
>Pickup trucks
>Based accents
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Humid. Buggy.
A lot of those fuckers incapable of conversation beyond grunts about deer hunting and fishing.
Don't get too teary-eyed about it.
Damn right OP is correct about everything.
South Carolina here
It depends on what you mean by the South. There are some based parts of the south, and some completely degenerate hellholes.
this is lies from my experience.
>Damn right OP is correct about everything.
>South Carolina here
Yeah, well, some of my Yankee family moved to northern Florida.
If we make it to the beach when we visit, ok.
SC reporting in too, glad to have queen poo out of here
Used to be closest to the ideal society.
Now it is full of niggers, and the whites who love there have been softened by welfare and drugs.
ideal up until the 80's, now it's full of mexicans and niggers
In other words, white trash? There's nothing more disappointing than white trash. They're fucking ugly no matter what they look like.
>this is lies from my experience.
Humid and buggy defines the south, nigger.
Texas here. Can confirm.
Yeah it is. I can't wait to get out of the city.
Orthodox > Southern Baptist
>tfw no qt southern waifu
Why even live
Mostly true. They are unabashedly pro-Israel however.
But mostly because they hate shitskins.
I do love the south, not even from there.
>Humid. Buggy.
You sound like a goddamned pussy. Seriously, those are your reasons?
>ideal society
Yeah maybe if youre first name is Jamal
Tallahassee reporting, the city sucks because of blacks and the universities but tons of southern fun 10 miles in any direction
American South is primarily filled with coalburners and racist white trash. Nothing wrong with being racist, of course, but if you're white trash you really have nothing to be proud of.
>You sound like a goddamned pussy. Seriously, those are your reasons?
Did I say I hate the south?
I'm stating facts, retard.
I'm being a realist, here.
>live in Texas entire life
>never had this happen once, even in rural parts
Yankeedoodle only knows what the hollycuckwood movies tells him huh? We still ride horses everywhere on our six lane roads and 40mi minimum (if you want to get anywhere that isn't right across the street) travel.
Female detected!
Until you remember that the South has the highest proportion of black people in the country.
we're tryin' real hard to keep people away from here. i'd 'preciate it you'd delet bread now.
hahaha what? Some aspects are good but like the rest of America the culture has been heavily degenerated.
>Ridiculous levels of miscegenation
>Muh football
>Muh petty gossip
>White trash that act like niggers
Some aspects are good, a lot are bad.
Cities yes. Country parts no way
>not wanting to go mudding
>not wanting to hunt all the boar you want
>not wanting to own an airboat
>not wanting to be innawoods
These are all white thrash activities
it's my dream to marry a southern belle, own a huge ranch with 6+ kids and doomsday prep for the rest of my days
southern blacks are pretty based, my brother in law is black, and a great man
>american's face when they realize freedom literally means liberalism
The mountain west is better in every way.
It gets worse continually as people from other parts of the country move in. Many of the cities are filled with Northerners. I don't live in a city but in a small town and I've even seen Muslims walking around.
>Yankeedoodle only knows what the hollycuckwood movies tells him huh? We still ride horses everywhere on our six lane roads and 40mi minimum (if you want to get anywhere that isn't right across the street) travel.
Let me repeat. I inherited some family in SE Georgia and northern Florida.
Go ahead and deny the abundance of white trash.
Please, I dare you.
Tell me all about the couch whales on SS disability who have kids with names like Cody and Cameron.
I'd fuck her in the pussy
College football is all y'all need go watch your cuccor
there's people like that up north tbqh famalam
Thanks for the recognition based Solvenia.
Please ignore all these cucks who at us agrarians.
Big cities and these "mega cities" are degenerate.
Learning how to farm, tilling the earth, caring for your farm animals, having to focus on utility over design, and having a community centered around Christ... these are the only real defense against marxism.
These are the only ways to permanently red pill folks.
Oy, this is not Sup Forums
Keep your perversion to yourself
>brother in law
>your sister got BLACKED
Fat white trash, niggers, and mexicans.
Degeneracy and simpletons.
Wiggers and methheads.
Still leagues better than the north.
t. Texan who's traveled Eastern US extensively.
The only saving grace of that cancerous country
Charleston reporting, I miss home..
Yes, the environment can be a bit undesirable in the South, but it can breed tough people.
Your latter point is bullshit though. Country folk have a certain wisdom about them and are almost always considerate, and quite capable of conversation -- which is the contrast to the impersonal and prideful yanks, dwelling in their own bubble of reality.
The ones that aren't in the major cities have their shit together and are pretty awesome, respectable, hard working guys. Houston/Dallas/Austin/San Antonio is all full of WE WUZ
>I NEED air conditioning at all times
>Guns scare me
>I am fully dependent on society, and couldn't survive without modern luxury like millions of 3rd worlders everyday.
It's like you enjoy being soft.
>there's people like that up north tbqh famalam
Yep, and they are relegated to trailer parks mostly.
See, our higher cost of living keeps the conventional residential areas nice and civilized.
It's my dream to visit the South some day
Say what you want about Hollywoord/TV but often they do a lot of good to idealize the South
I became enamored with it through movies and TV series that take place around those parts
If I was american half the girls all across the south would be impregnated, jesus christ southern accent makes my cock diamond hard.
Yank detected
well yeah because they vote democrat
voting republican makes you based (unless you are lindsey graham, there are always exceptions, fuck south carolina for putting that faggot into office)
>morbidly obese people
>garbage weather
>highest amount of interracial relationships
>sound stupid as hell
>low iq
the south is shit. okaloma is everything texico wishes it was
But also:
>drug culture
>prescription drug culture
>junk yards in front of houses
>immediately hostile if you don't give them "a few bucks" or "a ride"
>beat the shit out of their shrieking kids and quote Jayzus "don't spare the rods!"
>Basically all the vices of big cities but they pretend they are virtuous scions of a genteel folk
btw about democrat voters, i was talking about the city dwellers
>>I NEED air conditioning at all times
>>Guns scare me
>>I am fully dependent on society, and couldn't survive without modern luxury like millions of 3rd worlders everyday.
>It's like you enjoy being soft.
I live where the homeless, fire ants, and killer bees die during the winter.
I have plenty of guns.
Why is my preference of climate difficult to accept?
and? they all suck and literally show they have nothing better to do than go roll in some dirt
interracial relationship are only degenerate if its with a nigger, if its with a black man that's quite different
Southern women are the best women. I live down here and every time I meet a trashy whore it turns out she is from the North. There are fuck-ups of course but if a girl has a southern accent there is a good chance she is decent. Every Northern girl I've met has something fucking wrong with them.
Check me out. I'm dancin'.
>that robot from Borderlands.
Other than the niggers it's truly the best place on earth, there's no where else I would rather be
yes, it's mostly southern trash white girls with niggers. you know this
user, I...
>to trailer parks mostly
So the entire state of New Jersey?
>wants a wife walking around like that next to Mexican rapists
You forgot
>full of niggers
The south would honest to god be a paradise for me if it wasn't full of niggers. That's the biggest deal breaker around though
>humid, buggy weather breeds tough people
>not lazy niggers
yeah, because we all know excessive cold breeds weenies, right?
>Did I say I hate the south?
I don't know, did you?
You sound like a complainer. I can picture you in the woods with bug spray, complaining.
and lots of white people can be niggers as well, i use the term as meaning someone who is lazy
>that shitty pepe
>that filename
Holy shit you could not be more glaringly obvious you new you are
>okaloma is everything texico wishes it was
There are two things in Oklahoma...
Indians & Inbreds.
Which are you?
Thanks, I've been looking for a high resolution version of this pic
>Florida hardly counts
>SE Georgia is legitimate hillbillyville
>using 2 states as accurate representation of the south
White trash, down here anyway, is mostly in select rural areas and the entirety of west Texas, as is similar situations in other southern states. We have more spics and niggers than white trash down here. Your entire experience is based off of limited exposure from 2 select locations.
>"not all blacks are niggers" meme
actually, niggers define the south
humid and buggy defines your moms cooch
The American South is pretty cool, but their food is vile compared to what we have here in rural Quebec.
8/10 would consider moving.
Nigger detected
Pick one
>who is ben carson
>who is david clarke
>who is kanye
>who is david webb
>who is thomas sowell
>who is clarence thomas
>who is stacey dash
i can go on and on but you get the point
lol this
religion is the bluest pill you could ever take
Cajun accent is far and away the most obnoxious accent I've encountered
>t. Louisiana bro
I didn't know they gave Eve-Online their own country
their all niggers. get them in a room with a bunch of nig nogs nignoggin around, and they'll join in in no time.
Fuck yeah
your country still believes in elves and dragons
not to mention you are even more feminist than sweden
it's like a child's dream
>but their food is vile compared to what we have here in rural Quebec.
Just go visit your swamp marinated coonass cousins in Louisiana.
>White trash, down here anyway, is mostly in select rural areas and the entirety of west Texas, as is similar situations in other southern states. We have more spics and niggers than white trash down here. Your entire experience is based off of limited exposure from 2 select locations.
Ok, Kody...I'm telling the fucking Serbian that an fellow-outsider has dipped his toes in the south, and it's not neccessarily all folksy-outdoorsy men with cute chix in daisy dukes.
Depending on where he goes, he might get a serious reality check.
Mamma often needs her "medicine" down yonder.
Get real dude, i'be lived in the south all my life and it sucks. Country music, religion, meth, ignorant hicks, blacks, brutally humid summers, brain dead women, fatties everywhere. No, the south is awful.
By white trash I didn't mean being poor. I meant people who are drug addicted low life criminals. People that will steal your property without thinking twice, and don't raise their children properly.
>reminder atheist birth rate is below replacement while christians are above
>reminder atheists are overwhelmingly liberal while christians are overwhelmingly right wing
>reminder every single atheist speaker that pushes it is jewish and their voting pattern most resembles jews
you just don't like the culture then man, go up to yankville and listen to your gay ass hipster music and fuck your asian waifu