First Minister submits 'Scotland's Place in Europe' proposal

>Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has presented a 50-page paper titled 'Scotland's place in Europe', on its position in the single European market after Brexit.

>Sturgeon has promised Scotland will seek independence from Britain if its stand is ignored during Brexit talks.

>Earlier, UK PM Theresa May suggested they would pursue a 'hard' Brexit and separate from the single market.

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Jacobite war when
Daily reminder that Dutch fags are crypto-Scots and ought to be fucking gassed along with their Jocko nord-spawn

>Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has presented a 50-page paper titled 'Scotland's place in Europe', on its position in the single European market after Brexit.
>Sturgeon has promised Scotland will seek independence from Britain if its stand is ignored during Brexit talks
nobody cares we will ban whatever she try, relax bonginstan u r fine

>Dick stir last night's haggis

>implying the government will let them have another referendum 2 years after the last one

Not that the EU would want them anyway

Why do you guys sound like you want scots gassed?

>put out impossible demands
>blame it on the tories when they're told to get fucked
Worst part is indyfags will believe it.

I just assumed that they rightfully hate the bloody scots, honestly that is reason enough.

>female prime ministers

Haggis is reason enough.


this tbqhwyf

because Scots are like Catalans, good for nothing welfare nigers who keep crying about muh heritige, muh freedom. Cancer both of them

This is exactly SNP's policy and the reason why they don't really want to achieve independence. If they did, they would actually have to deliver their stupid fantasy of socialist utopia, which is impossible.

This is the only 'nationalist' party I know of that wants to increase immigration and dilute Scotland's identity. Scotland's identity for the SNP only matters when dealing with the rest of the UK. At that point they get all proud and can't wait to tell you how different they are from the rest of Britain.

Most Scots I've met are quite alright, but they do seem to all have a cuck streak in them.

They talk about being pro migration and tolerent and they receive the lowest levels of migrants anywhere in the UK.

Doesn't everyone? I'm so confused now.

poo in the loo

When Scots are unleashed upon the world, things like the British empire and American imperialism happen - both of which are Scottish constructions

we only love Ireland there, don't care about the others

What I don't understand about this is that scots want to keep their welfare state and stay in the EU at the same time.

>females with the executive powers of a nation

Still salty about the 80 year war?


Why are all Scots named after fish?

I think the scots were named first and when people saw fish that looked and/or behaved like them they called them by name and then the names stuck

How does one behave like a fish? I don't understand

Glub, glub

Most English surnames are based on the profession of the person who first had it

>Tailor / Taylor

etc. There's only so many words for "fisherman" and that was a massive industry in Scotland seeing as they don't have the weather or soil for agriculture.

One calls down every raise and raises inconsistent values out of position pre flop

that huge fucking chin !

>no soil for agriculture
fuckin lel this is what anglos actually believe. read a book, google scotland you fucking moron
it was amassive industry because all their industries were massive in compairson to yours until you cucked them you thicko
they are literally superior to you in every way

Yeah Scots are the worst Celts. Scot genocide when?

Literally savages.

and despite this kindergarten-tier baloney, their food and drink industry is 2x yours. scots rule the roost

>implying any celts are better than others

Shut the fuck up Paddy.

Marketing really has gone too far

>Scotland's Place in Europe
"A country in the UK trading with the EU bloc"

So... how did she spin that out to 50 pages?

The Scots are fat alcoholics, of course they spend more on it.

Yeah... we're talking about the same Scotland, right?

Not Scotland, Novascotia. Scotland, the land of heroin and shortbread.

>they don't really want to achieve independence
Yes they do. That's their sole aim.

They didn't adopt nationalism to preach socialism, they preach socialism to make the nationalism go down easy. An independent ancap scotland would be perfectly pleasing to the SNP.
The demand for increased immigration exists to counteract the public perception of nationalism, and because they can make it safely inside the UK. (once they're out of the UK, that's someone else's problem, the party would almost certainly split.)

>An independent ancap scotland would be perfectly pleasing to the SNP.

HAHA what, you think they'd be happy to relinquish ANY control? Are you retarded? Are we even in the same reality?

I can't wait for them to bully through a leave vote.

Can England vote this time? Can we vote you away?

We'll beat Trump to build a new wall if you do it before 2018.

Literally the only reason they've built up this power structure is to get Scotland out of the UK.

Some of the 2015 intake (or post-2007 intake more accurately) may well be careerists, but if these people were in it for power before then they'd have joined the Labour party.

why are female leaders usually such bitches?

Scotland will build this wall, and at Hadrians site - annexing the north east of anglostan

You're delusional. They're highly authoritarian and leftist. You're the exact kind of pawn they want.

>M-Maybe they're just doing it to hide their true intentions!
>M-Maybe they want what i want r-right?

No, no they don't.

>Implying the progressive and tolerant Scotland the SNP want wouldn't be flooded with rapefugees

Scotland needs to try to secede and be utterly crushed by the English once more.

Tbh he's right

>"Lets just shave thousands of acres of land off England just to get rid of Scotland, in the process we lose many Brexit supporters"

Scots are legitimately one of the worst ethnic groups in the entire fucking world.


They're authoritarian and leftist because that's how you win power in Scotland.

They're a broad-church party that coalesced around authoritarianism to maintain message discipline and leftism to displace Labour. It's almost inevitable that post-independence they'll split.

They don't "want what I want", they want one thing: Scotland not in the UK, because that's the first step of their individual ambitions (except for Salmond, who'd have retired as "The man who led Scotland to her independence" had he won.)

So long as Scotland are not in the UK, the SNP has succeeded in her primary aim. (They used to have huge ideological debates on whether their policy should be "Independence, then you decide" or trying to displace Labour with a social-democratic program. The former strain is returning as the economic case for the latter weakens.

That's because sandniggers don't like it up here, too cold and wet for them, we get plenty of polish though, many of whom don't even speak English.

Wtf is happened to Scotland after the highland clearances? I mean, I know all the best Scots moved to America after being forced out of the Highlands but damn they're cucked. Worse than the Swedes really, only England has managed to keep them from totally ruining themselves.

>SNP claims to want an independent Scotland.
>SNP wants to give up their independence to a continental government.


Immigrant here,

Why DOES'T the UK just get rid of Scotland? Don't they just live off the English's productivity?

>I know all the best Scots moved to America

As usual, historyfag Americans claim all the glory.

This is why Brit/pol/ abhors you.

Well, he's not wrong.

>Scotland votes Unionist in the 50s, because it's a distinctly Scottish party that promises to protect them from Westminster socialism
>Unionists decide to merge with the Conservatives in England
>Unionists enter terminal decline. Labour promises to protect Scottish industry from rich English Conservatives.
>Labour adopts most of the economics of the Conservative party to get English voters to trust them again in 1997 and give Scotland a parliament in 1999
>Scots get disillusioned with Blair and Scottish Labour don't take Scotland's parliament seriously, while the SNP send their A-Team to it. Scottish Labour do an all-round shit job, introducing tuition-fees-by-stealth despite a giant budget surplus (Returned to UK treasury, not set aside for a rainy day) among other things.
>2007: SNP win narrow victory over Labour in Scotland's parliament and propose an independence vote. On the 2nd vote they stand as "Alex Salmond for first minister" because he's more personally popular than the SNP as a party.
>Scottish Labour's first response is "Bring it on", but their leader is slapped down from Westminster by Gordon Brown and is quickly fired over some minor scandal (essentially a pretence) and replaced with Iain Grey (a man who lives up to his name by being interminably dull.)
>2011: Grey hides from hecklers in a sandwich shop, underscoring what a twat he is. SNP win a majority (not intended under the voting system) and can now put a referendum through parliament. (A legal dispute is avoided when Westminster passes a law to give this permission.)
>2014: Independence vote. Labour literally stand arm-in-arm with the Conservatives. Most natural labour voters vote for independence. PR disaster
>Scottish Labour make Jim Murphy leader after the vote: PR disaster (he's on the right of Labour.) while SNP go for Sturgeon.
>SNP wipe Labour out in 2015.

tl;dr Scotland always votes tribally as a nation within a nation, like blacks and democrats. Not always socialist. for more info.

The unionist party is fascinating.

You have no place in Europe. You chose allegiance to Britain, deal with it

That man has a serious case of gyno