Let's have good old fashioned dead whites and whites getting BTFO thread
Whites getting BTFO
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I guys, I found Muhammad
decent b8
But why? White people made the internet you are using right now
huh, so behind the irish flag is a nigger...ian flag
>that car
>that paved road
>the cell phone video camera
>uploading it to the internet
Damn, white people. Im impressed. Most countries dont even have clean drinking water.
old great meme
hello oldfag
Some Niggerian got upset over the nigger hate thread.
Not all whites are racist m8
No onE gives a fuggg
Every country but Syria has all of those things
typical unintelligent non-argument from a darkie
stop posting turks
that mexican must have been a wrestler in high school
perfect take down and all
the fuck did he hit him with?
A bottle
Why do people lay on their back and raise their arms when burned alive? Same happened to that Turkish soldier who got burned by ISIS a few days ago.
"can i put you on hold for a minute, yeah, just have a customer her ewho needs some help.. ok catchy ttyl"
pocket sand
Did he died?
Just read a european news site.
Hope you get mauled by a cheetah, Click Click.
Its funny notice how the white guys either shoot the nogs or just tackle them.
Only retards try to box in a fight.
Thats just the way the body contracts after its been burnt to a crisp
The tackle and ground pound always seems to be the winning move in these videos
wtf is wrong with that wannabe cop. as long as she wasn't posing any danger, there is no reason to get physical.
>open thread
>see only niggers getting BTFO
BASED Sup Forums
I love happy endings.
It depends really. Someone with actual boxing skills can knock you out before you know what actually happened, and actually properly defend themselves. Most of these nogs just think they can box but they can't.
All niggers understand is violence
They will not comply unless you MAKE them comply
that fucking guy is amazing
did he died
That was my 1st thought when I saw the thumbnail. Turns out not to be.
Nah, just a flesh wound... He just needs to walk it off.
Notice how nobody's arms are straight. Maybe being burned alive contracts your muscles somehow and some people just happen to land on their back when it's all over.
On thing's for sure, that image makes me crave some rotisserie chicken
well a fucking school girl not complying doesn't mean that a 200 pound man can beat her up retard. he could have lifted her up and dragged her out if need be, but not in this manner. that's why black people buy into blm bc there are some morons who use excessive force (against whites too) when not needed.
99% chance he was fired.
>Blue team has dropped the briefcase!
I can't wait for the American Race War.
I pray for the day where we will walk through the streets and execute browns and blacks every day of every month until they are gone.
what a patched road.
Don't you have Lions to chase Mubutu?
A school girl doesn't put up a fight like a nigger does
Boko is now haram
That's a real cop, who was fired if that makes you happy. Bitch tried to bite him, he lost it.
so violent, I blame modern music.
>he thinks she will ever comply
>socks and sandals
he is kill
That was a crazy move. Do you have the one where the nigger gets hit and starts seizing out and dies? Looks like they're boxing in a field or something.
the girl in the video is a school girl that didn't put up a fight. her being a nigger is not an argument
Fat whitey deserves the electric chair.
Dipshit medpack obviously does not spend any time around niggers.
You can not show weakness around them. It does matter if you show then all the respect in the world, they will NEVER offer you that same respect unless you show them who is boss.
Pic related if you want to learn about how niggers react to being treated like people.
All that disgusting horse hair on the ground
They get on their backs because the last sensations a burn victem experiences is a crushing need for oxygen, due to their lungs being scorched and unable to take in more air. So the natural animal instinct is to get your face pointing upwards, not at the ground, in order to take in more air. And like user said, the arms contract as the muscles and tendons get cooked, its a bad way to go.
Protip, should you ever find yourself being burned alive in an ISIS snuff film, immediately get on your knees in a praying position, face looking downwards, and breathe in deeply as much as you can. If you are lucky, you will sear your lungs immediately, and black out after thirty seconds and avoid the fate of those poor roaches, rolling in the dirt for minutes futilely trying to extinguish yourself. Also, loudly recite the Lord's prayer whilst doing so, even if you aren't religious yourself, it will ruin the video for the muslims, a nice last "fuck you" to your captors.
I cant believe how long ago that was.
Nig was fighting for wrist control.
Gave up his back.
I challenge you to remain cool while being swung at and bitten. Who are you fucking Buddha?
No, but they should be.
>her being a nigger is not an argument
She was resisting being escorted out of the classroom. This particular student had a LONG history of being disruptive in class and requiring removal. She also tried biting the officer.
I think he made a half-assed attempt at getting the cops gun.
Doesn't matter. He got a top5 clip for his life highlight reel that nobody can ever take away from him.