Why did the Spaniards rape the injuns? Why the Anglos didn't?
Spaniard Conquest of Mexico
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anglos were busy raping the poo in loos
This. There was a whole world to rape for white men of that era.
Spaniard conquerors were violent criminals, mostly thieves, murderers and rapists that were sent into the new world because Spanish prisons were overpopulated. I suppose they were as violent as SS-Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger.
Anglos that came to the New World were mostly normal.
Brits took their wives with them or didn't, individually, stay away from home for long, Spaniards didn't take their wives and would more often permanently relocate, on a individual basis.
They made the same mistake the Zud Afrikaans did: they didn't kill all their indians. Even worse, they fucked them.
North American Indians were no farmers and thus harder to rape, due to lower population density and them being more elusive (fleeing westward).
They militiamen on the frontier over the decades probably did some raping but most of the conquest was not as sudden as the Spanish conquest and thus times of lawlessness didn't exist that much.
Btw, most of the Mestizos are the result of Indians marrying Spaniards.
>be Spainiard
>see mexican are sacrificing humans
>risk everything and everyone to end the barbaric ritual sacrifice
>500 years later get called a piece of shit by people who think Christians stopping kidnapping and human sacrifice are he bad guys
Rhode island was a colony of felons and prisoners, they didn't rape the Indians
In fact towards the revolutionary war, king George was sending felons to the american colonies in large numbers
based Ben franklin even wrote a satirical editorial about it in his newspaper called rattlesnakes and felons or some much.
This. The Spanish and French colonists didn't bring nearly as many females.
anglos were raping them too, except they were raping their corpses and corpses cant conceive
you should be thankful
How do you know they were only raping them? You think those girls wouldn't want to have sex with a horny, rich Iberian?
They don't teach you much about what happens following rape, do they?
1. It's their culture, their human resources; let them expend what's theirs as they see fit. You deprived them of agency, and murdered their people in God's name, all if which God doesn't really consider in good character.
2. You don't "help" a civilization by raping, ushering, and plundering them.
IDK, who knows?!
Maybe that's why the Spanish side went to shit.
No, they actually married.
Spaniards really didn't have any problem with admixture. They had the caste system down pretty well, and bent it to the benefit of their children, anyways.
The natives for the most part, were very used to being used as compulsory labor because the Aztecs were brutal when it came to tributes, and were mostly just pleased to be given actual rights and not have to engage in fake wars where they weren't allowed to harm or capture aztecs, but their own people were captured as sacrifices.
Yes, Cortez went crazy paranoid toward the end and started killing his allied tribal leaders. But there were indications that those dudes were also setting up to betray him, because everyone knew now that the big dogs were out, whoever was left standing when the dust settled would get the whole area.
But natives who were looking for an edge did bear Spaniards children, and DID marry.
Spain gave all the native Mexicans who converted to Christianity the full rights given to all members of Christendom, to the point where if a native worker had a complaint that could not be resolved by people higher up in the chain of command, the throne would literally SHIP THEM TO SPAIN to talk to the crown and the highest representatives of the crown.
THIS HAPPENED MULTIPLE TIMES. The native Mexicans were treated fairly as serfs according to their station. Which was exploitative, yes, but no more exploitative than any other feudal system that treats people as peons.
They were too busy raping their african slaves
by the time the Anglo's showed up most of the native populations had already bin decimated by diseases brought by those of first contact
The Spanish were single men. They were soldiers, mercenaries and teamsters. The only women around were natives.
The English in the New World brpught their English wives with them and started English families.
This. The French/Scots hooked up with alot of Natives here, but the English were typically were business minded over pleasure (in North America at least). Maybe its a Catholic thing?
They were a colony though, not actual armies sent to pillage and bring as much shit back to their motherland.
Pretty much every army in history with big enough numbers did mass rapings.
degenerate Spaniards race mixing with those thicc indias. The Anglos were more race-conscious.
>implying they weren't giving their captives as sex slaves to the conquerors
>implying women didn't move to the winning side to spread their legs like they always do
the real explanation is that unlike in anglo colonies you basically got nothing but men moving to your country, while they got entire families
>trying to teach pol history is more than "rapebabies" and "jews" and "muh aryan master race"
Anglos are low test betas, also they would be spreading the white seed which is not okay. The eternal anglo is a cuck who seeks to be dominated at home and abroad.
spanish=arab muslins blood=rapists
>Country of barbarians rape shitskins
>Mexico is born
Made me think (>_>)
Hahaha, thats why all tribus in mexico are alright,and in northamerica native americans are white.
sure sure, oh w8 Australia
As a general rule, the British are a disciplined orderly race.
There is a reason we had the greatest Empire that the world has ever seen, or will ever see.
The Spanish and French ended up finding the natives as relitive equals. Thus they bred. British did not find them as equals, so they left them to pee pee in their tee-pees.
150 years, sure was huge but if u don't count US now as ur empire didn't last too much
All though you may be right, it's better to do away with the culture entirely
Which we tried to do
You cant prove that they were criminals serving jailtime. Give me one source.
spaniards are descended from muzzies
read about roderic in year 711ad
From one of Columbus' men:
>While I was in the boat, I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral gave to me. When I had taken her to my cabin she was naked as was their custom. I was filled with a desire to take my pleasure with her and attempted to satisfy my desire. She was unwilling, and so treated me with her nails that I wished I had never begun. But to cut a long story short I then took a piece of rope and whipped her soundly and she let forth such incredible screams that you would not have believed your ears. Eventually we came to such terms, I assure you, and that you would have thought she had been brought up in a school for whores.
>post these at your local walmart to trigger mexicans and redpill whites.
works best in texas and arizona
Spainards sent single chavs and England send families, to some colonies cause they also get Africa and India and other shitholes, we also try to make alliances cause we were few there,they sent a lot and can control the land without that
Mexican Indians had beautiful cities. Empires, trade routes, arts and crafts, religion, science and mathematics. American Indians were a bunch of Buffalo fuckers that worshipped spirits and shit
What do you mean by fake wars?
>American Indians were a bunch of Buffalo fuckers that worshipped spirits and shit
Dirt worshipers.
>Niggers are proof that the Indian had sex with the buffalo.
Those islander women will fuck you till your balls off
Sure Colon want to be slaver, nobody can't deny that, but that was banned by the kings after the first travel and then a couple of years later
you're not much better, though. worse yet, you have a huge nigger admixture.
There was 150 years between the Spanish conquering Central America and the English colonization of North America. By the time the English showed up naval tech had advanced to the point where it was safe to ship English wives and families along and not just the adventuring men.
This shit is true. That's why countries that vote for feminist politicians are fucked.same reason the u.s will always be stuck in the 2 party jew
Spain is now an irrelvant shithole and its former colonies are even worse. Fuck the day my grandparents decided to immigrate here.
Women know the power of pussy.
>the English had native country wives
>their offspring are called Metis
You're so ignorant sometimes.
Who said it was rape.
How many levels of irony are you on?
Quite literally the Aztecs had the whole symbolic seasonal raiding thing that other civilizations at that stage had, such as norse and african cultures, and participation was not optional, because they'd just roll up on you and capture your strongest men to go sacrifice anyway, but if you beat them up hard enough, they'd go and raid your neighbors instead for sacrifices.
All this, and they still enacted brutal levies on the tribes.
Nobody was happy about it except for the asshole priests in Tenochtitlan.
Spaniards were by far the best conquerors of the old world, they didn't killed aboriginals but wanted to convert them to Christianity and mix with them
Most of the aboriginals died fighting against each other or because of the diseases
The anglos were the ones that killed abos
b but Peru seems a nice place to live if u have pesos or whatever is called the currency, all these third world countries if are safe, not like Brazil or Mexico or something like that, could be great to live with money
I have a question.
How do former Spanish colonies feel about Spain? Do they have some sort of complex and hate Spain or they just don't care about Spain at all?
of all the places to immigrate to why the fuck would they chose peru?
Ulterior motives detected. Looks like the start of communism. In fact the Jesuits had perfected it in Paraguay in the 'reductions' and by 1767 were expelled for it.
it was consensual, faggot, the mexi ladies were dripping wet at the sight of the handsome mediterraneans. It's not our fault you guys look like retarded midget monkeys
too bad the chinese won't take u back then
Those people as Bolivar, José Martí, José de San Martín where the ones who fucked up your countries when they wanted Independence from Spain because Anglo Scum's master plan.
You were just played and now you live like shit, fuck you traitors.
free pussy..... duh
Catholicism allowed race-mixing, Protestantism didn't.
huehueman's got a point, dude...in the end, most will dismiss it and go back to da joos be plottin' against us n shiiieet
accurate explanation though
there's that thing that they repeat like a mantra"u steal our gold and rape our womens, give back the gold u lazy spaniard"
Everybody hated the Azteca in mexico. So when Spain rolled in. They said fuck the Azteca. Then disease wiped out alot of people. The Indian tribes that helped Spain maintained sovereignty for a long time. But eventually the crown got greedy as shit. Life under Spanish rule in the early days was better then living with Aztecs la Raza libturds. Won't admit this
The Crown demanded serfs (because Spain had a low demographic problem due to 700 years of war) and the Church demanded souls (because proseletism)
The anglo only wanted lands, so the Indians were to be removed.
Not defending spain or something but if i were a man and spend months on a boat full of men i would too rape every women on sight once i reached land.
>country of even worse iberians come to huehueland
>rape even more savage amerindians
>barbosa brought over shit tons of niggers
digits confirm, wedid it also in Ireland, would do it again if we could
This, fuck the mestizos/castizos/cholos/indios who think otherwise.
they were literally eating their shoes in Italy.
wasn't Argentina better back then, I think was almost like USA but el Peru
Cuban- American here.
Since most of the population considers itself Spainairds, everyone here has a hard-on for Spain.
we all love our mulatos, u r cool
Alglos were responsible and used protection.
I'm not mulatto. My great great grandparents are from the Canary Islands.
>"u steal our gold and rape our womens, give back the gold u lazy spaniard"
Wew lad, same thing happens to us, fucking hell. If there is something, like a video, about Portugal, there is always a brazilian calling us names and crying 'about muuh gold n women n shiet'.
Do you know that there is almost no difference between cuban and canary accent 4 a spaniard?
>Canary Islands
>not mulatto
fuck I hate this bullshit
this is the same moral relativism that has ham-stringed society and has hurt women and minorities the most.
there are uncontacted tribes out there right now living in an artificial state or primitiveness induced by governments who protect them from outside society because of this modern bullshit
these people practice cannibalism and infanticide. there are a million missionaries and social workers willing to go in there and do the hard work civilizing them, but they're not even allowed to do this simple act of charity.
can't speak for the rest of latin americans, but here people don't care that much about what happened back then: one human group that was technologically more advanced came over and did what any other would have done back then: take over the land. Althoughm what venancio says here: is true for some ultra mega leftards: muh horos were taken away by manolo n shiiiieeet, but for the vast majority, it's just a meme. Today, thanks to 2008 economic crisis and the fact that they got BTFO sofucking hard, many see they're not even the shado of what they once was...
>los horos LOS HOROS, carajo
it sucks they squandered all the wealth they found here and end up becoming a shithole...nothing worthwhile...sigh
Northern European men have standards.
Black Irish means shitty Irish. Not tanned Irish.
Black was a generic slur.
We still call protestants "blacks".
And how did that work out again? Oh right, the non-anglo regions of the new world are literally nigger tier civilizations.
>implying it wasn't criollos' greed that started all the independence thing, along with frogs fucking spain's shit up and the eternal anglo
Tejano here.
Texans look upon the Spanish with a lot of respect. Mostly because they established roads and missions in Texas that became cities and forts. The peaceful natives in Texas always had a hard time, and so did colonists, because the state had some of the most inhospitable lands, and most violent, raid-crazy Comanches.
It takes balls to try and civilize a land like that when there isn't any gold or glory involved, and our missions are of such a utilitarian nature that it is very obvious that the Spaniards who built up our state were concerned about helping people.
This is probably an effect of being a barely governed region: The Spanish never had a tight enough control on Texas to gain our enmity like an independent Mexico did.
this pisses me off too
fucking NGOs and government keeping people in a state of poverty, cannibalism and 30 years life expectancy for no good reason but muh relativism, muh being primitive is better
at least give them the choice u sorry cucks
don't worry, you'll eventually catch up, your insane love for kikes is the root cause, bu bu they're not psychos, they are not
I was only pointing that we had presence in ur island trying to help u against England a couple of times
The Spaniards were seen as Gods. I'm willing to bet 90% of the time it wasn't rape
You fell in deep shit amigo.
>I believe the black legend: the post
Basically they blame everything on us.
Why are we so poor?
>de spanish took er gul
Why don't we have infraestructure?
>de spanish nevar buld hospitalz
Why are we so communists?
>Becuz spanish imperializm
The Canary Islands didn't have a native population. It was populated with Spanish people.
Because Spaniards are arabs. /thread
>Guanches were the Berber aboriginal inhabitants of the Canary Islands. It is believed that they migrated to the archipelago around 1000 BC or perhaps earlier.