
Alright.... any of you fucks who call yourselves "atheists" or whatever cuck shit you are you better not fucking celebrate Christmas

>No Christmas tree
>no lights on your house
>no singing when you hear Christmas music
> if anyone gives you gifts you turn the away and tell them what a faggot atheist you are
No nothing.... just shit in your house and act like a faggot like you do on any ordinary day

I mean it mother fuckers..... don't you dare celebrate Christmas

Christian family + social obligations. No choice but to partake in the festivities.

What a sad bunch of fucks atheists are

Christmas is about getting together with your family, not just celebrating the birth of Christ

How can you cucks ever be happy? Atheism is a jewish plot

Jul was originally a pagan holiday.

it's more cultural than religion at this point. it's just the way to celebrate the solstice like pretty much every other western culture has had

>tfw not atheist

Atheists never look appealing

Prove me wrong

I cut down the tree myself and I do it to honor my pagan ancestors, not to celebrate the birthday of some loser jew's wife's son.

I'm Atheist but I celebrate Christmas come at me faggots

If I owned a fedora I would tip it in your general direction after informing you that Christmas is merely an amalgamation of traditions predating Christianity, and that you should be careful with your cultural appropriation lest you trigger someone offended by such

>I cut down the tree myself and I do it to honor my pagan ancestors
>not to celebrate the birthday of some loser jew's wife's son.

Shut the fuck up and go celebrate hanukka you filthy kike scum.

Ok Christcucks don't put up a tree or give gifts and celebrate it on Jan 6th like you should.


No it's not. Fuck off with your zeitgeist bullshit.

This too.
>celebrating the birth of a jew from a slut, literally the biggest like awomen has ever told.

Is Christmas banned yet in your Caliphate?

Irrelevent and untrue. This is Christmas...not yule.

Yes it was. "Christmas" was a pagan winter solstice festival that the early Christians co-opted to make converting them easier. Now it's a largely secular holiday. Deal with it.

No it is not. What part of CHRISTmas escapes you?

varg said its ok and anti christcuck because yule is paganic

meh, christmas is a pagan taradition
>winter solstice
>Yul tree

you didnt really think that you guys celebrate christmas because of Christ, didnt you?

Even if you dont believe in it, you can take part in it, its the tradition of your people

Christmas traditions are pretty far removed from the bible and they're also comfy. I think I'll keep celebrating it.

I will celebrate and enjoy with my catholic family and there's nothing you can do about it

No you do not. You do it because everyone else is celebrating Christmas.

Daily reminder if you're an Atheist and celebrate Christmas your'e literally a cuck

>thinks Christmas has anything to do with Christs birth

Really? You think celebrating the birth of the jew has nothing to do with judaism or Christianity.

>If you put your beliefs on the side in order to spend time with your family you're a cuck

Yule was invented by pagans
Santa Claus was invented by Coca-cola to sell more Coca-cola
Christmas is a materialist holiday

any of you fucks who call yourselves "christcucks" or whatever cuck shit you are you better not fucking celebrate Christmas

Many of us don't have a choice.

I don't have a tree, buy gifts or expect them, but my religious parents insist on celebrating, so I show up for the meal. I always get gifts, but I always tell them not to buy any. If the reasons to celebrate Christmas, in terms of ALL effected by it, was a pie chart, the smallest slice would be the family aspect and getting together to celebrate something that just kinda "happens" every year. The rest of it is silly fairy tales and commercialism. As an atheist, the times I enjoy being with other people aren't limited to christian holidays. I can do that shit any time I want.

Are you less than intelligent? You think CHRIST MASS is not CHRIST MASS?

The only religious thing in christmas is the word christ, we all know it's just a holiday made up by the jews to make us fill their pockets with shekels


Jokes on you OP, you dumb christcuck faggot. I'm celibrating Saturnalia with wild sex, gambling, drinking, and drugs. We /roman/ now. Why don't you go to church and felt up by the priest?

We're happy without silly storybooks telling us that it's ok to be so. We're happy knowing that life is what we make it, and that we're not pawns in some grand scheme that this 'god' fellow has in store for us.

Besides, it's almost impossible to escape in America; it's a commercial holiday more than a religious one at this point.

Atheists crack me up. If I were them I would lie, cheat, and steal to get ahead. Now I know what you're thinking. "THATS AGAINST THE LAW, I would never"

Yes it's illegal to do all those things that are against the law derived from CHRISTIAN LAW of the 10 commandments. Atheists think one time there was a lot of stuff that exploded into everything and then they proceed to do mental gymnastics with Genetics end Evolution. Nobody has ever seen or witnessed evolution taking place yet they sit there and say "MUH science" oh yeah? Well in order for something to be considered scientifically testable it has to be observed!

Shut up nigger. Christmas is a Scottish pagan festival.

No. It isn't.

Christmas has nothing to do with Christ.
It is a materialist shit holiday and an affront to the lord.

"do not save treasures for tomorrow", "carry your cross so that you can receive eternal reward", "Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you'll have treasure in heaven", "it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to enter Heaven",

and an adoption of sacrilegious pagan traditions that we need to separate from.

I am doing this yet I still consider myself Christian. No decorations, no gifts but I will probably eat turkey on Xmas day. I live 100 miles away from my closest family members and won't be visiting. They won't be coming here either. Feels good man.

I have never met an atheist who wasn't an unhappy little cunt

>tiny bait

Christianity is the Jewish plot friendo. Christmas is a pagan festival originally concieved as Saturnalia. All your traditions are pagan. The bible even says not to decorate fucking trees like the pagans do and you think it's your tradition LMAO

I'll do that when you actually do what the bible says :^)


I celebrate the return of the light with my family by consuming copious amounts of food and spirit. It's what countries with European cultures do, you wouldn't understand.

>Prove me wrong
You can't.


I'm actually celebrating the solstice, with a few days offset.

hey dipshit: care to explain why Christians are over-represented in prison?

While you're at it, try to explain why states with higher self-reported religiosity have higher abortion rates, higher divorce rates, higher crime rates, and lower IQ?

(this is rhetorical, don't hurt yourself performing gymnastics)

Not an argument

>Santa Claus was invented by Coca-cola to sell more Coca-cola

Fucking Americamemers, I swear...

Bolshevics have destroyed christmass here fore good.

I'm gonna have a savage party with gifts and a tree with lights on New Years Eve.
But the orthodox chrismasss is just a day in January when religious people go to church for some special chants and prayers.

No festive celebration.

> if anyone gives you gifts you turn the away and tell them what a faggot atheist you are
My birthday is on Christmas though.

christmass is good. the country needs it. I however wont be bothered to hang lights. i would rather hang niggers. cant do that tho.....



I don't celebrate Christmas, I celebrate X-mas

If you're a christian don't you dare celebrate the pagan holiday renamed Christmas. I mean atheists have no obligations to abstain from "false idols" but Christians do.


Since when does Santa Claus wear a mitre?

He doesn't. Just like sinterklaas looks nothing like a grecian living in asia minor.

Santa Claus is as much a fabrication as dutch Santa Claus.

"white" people

What are you gonna do about it?

dont tell me what to do, kikelover faggot.

Ahh the wailing of some christcuck who's assblasted his god doesn't exist and doesnt understand that most every xmas tradition was coopted from pagan rituals by early church.

I'm an ignathiest who couldn't care less about the religion but the holidays are nice

I'm atheist and I will get a New-year tree, lights, some actually cool and relevant music and I've already made and received some gifts.

Happy Saturnallia to you and your kike-on-a-stick.

Okay. I wasn't going to.

thats literally what i do every year. it's not out of spite or anything, im just really lazy.

Paganism is still a religious belief you ass blasted cuck

Op is right. True atheists shouldn't celebrate or even recognize Christmas. They should just treat it like any other day.

You're a pussy hypocrite faggot and you're not a real atheist

Pussy coward bitch

Fuck yourself, I like food and gifts and Jesus is the greatest lie ever told by the jews

You're a pussy cop out bitch and not a real atheist

You're such a faggot wannabe coward you might as well start going to church

>Alright.... any of you fucks who call yourselves "christians" or whatever cuck shit you are you better not fucking celebrate Winter Solstice.

>No tree of life.
>no festival lights on your house
>no singing when you hear festive songs and carols.
> if anyone gives you gifts you turn the away and tell them what a faggot christian you are
No nothing.... just shit in your house and act like a faggot like you do on any ordinary day

Christmas is based on Astro-Theology. It´s literally a pagan tradition and TONS of religions had it way before "Christianity" fucking newcucks.


Good goy, turn the other cheek goy, love thy neighbor goy, yes yes

You really don't know, do you?
Everything you do has been done for thousands of years. You just call them yours and assign new names to old concepts.

I'm going to convert into christianity.
Islam is a barbaric and cruel religion.
Will you accept me?

Is there a distinction?

I'm an atheist you pussy cop out faggot

You're a cowardly fucktard you shit eating AIDS infected Brazilian cunt

It doesn't matter what it's based on you pathetic faggot. It's still religious practice

If you're a real atheist it must be completely ignored

I celebrate jul. Fuck christmas.

>implying the modern "celebration" of Christmas has anything to do with christianity and isnt just pure consumerism

>No choice
Merry Christmas user!

>If you don't do what I say you're a cuck

Fuck all of you faggots I'm doing whatever the fuck I want

>if you are atheist you can't have fun

>I'm an atheist
pathetic, even worst than christcucks

the only truth is in agnosticism you fat piece of shit

Most Christians actually believe Christianity is the oldest religion on the planet.

I celebrate it as the secular, cultural holiday it really is. All the Christian shit is tacked on nowadays.

t. muslim immigrant

I'm an atheist and I celebrate christmas because it makes people send me free stuff. Give me one good reason I should stop exploiting ignorant Christians?

You're not allowed. Your fellow death cult members will find you and kill you for that.

Christmas wasn't even a christian holiday originally

Don't you have some stones to be throwing at trannies or something?

top kek, enjoy being mad while i eat tamales and turkey and get drunk off my tits singing shitty christmas songs while i replace my fedora with a santa hat

When you die it will be the same as before you were born. NOTHINGNESS. YOU WILL BE NOTHING. Does this terrify you? Does the thought of total personal annihilation for eternity bother you? Of course it does. That's why you're willing to subscribe to fairy tales to ease the pain of your impending doom.

On a sidenote as an atheist that operates on a flexible moral compass I'm Christian when I need be, Muslim when I need be etc. If there's something that'll benefit me for that moment I'll pretend to believe in whoever. As long as it furthers my agenda. I got this computer I'm typing on from a church.

christmas is a shitty pagan holiday, not your own, christcucks


How can I get a computer from a church?


Jews invaded europe and converted everyone to their modified form of judaism called christianity. Pagans either converted to christianity or were slaughtered. The pagans managed to keep some of their traditions such as christmas and easter but of course the christians always pushed their shitty religion into it. Pagan sacred grounds were destroyed and churches were built in their place. But you'd know all this if you werent retarded.

tl;dr: atheists should be the only people allowed to celebrate """""christmas"""""

Say merry christmas to your girlfriend's lover Abdul for me, Sven

They had a Christmas giveaway. Foolish Christfags donated some of their precious possessions to the church and gave it out to the masses.

Really? Damn. Welp, guess I'm a good Christian boy now, I like to find plastic eggs with money on them left by an anthromorphic rabbit. Just like Christ wanted.