Holy shit, the D.C. Police Department just admitted they NEVER investigated Comet Ping Pong. Someone sent them a FOIA and they were forced to admit that they didn't even visit the place!!!!!


Other urls found in this thread:

washingtonlife.smugmug.com/keyword/James Alefantis;septime webre/

maybe if somebody could come up with some fucking evidence. somebody show some fucking evidence.

not super secret code words or a picture of a restaurant cooler.



>says they did an investigation and found nothing
>someone sends them a FOIA
>"OK we didn't investigate"


For your digits

this is what you're looking for

It doesn't matter now.

All the evidences were probably destroyed by now that it went mainstream. Even that guy's instagram is gone.

James Alefantis is even inviting Pence to Comet Ping Pong for a pizza. It will take another decade before we have any evidence again.

statue eating kids

Because the ogre is wearing a pointed hat resembling a Jewish hat, it has been speculated about the possibility of the ogre being the depiction of a Jew as an expression of blood libel against Jews

>Kek traveled to the past and left us clues about this in the historical record

"In 2001, a new generation of experiments, including the BaBar Experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) and the Belle Experiment at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation (KEK) in Japan, observed direct CP violation in a different system, namely in decays of the B mesons."


It matters that they lied

The AI was early today.

>B mesons
something about masons?

look at the date of this report

I am sure they did 9/11 just to hide it!!!!!!!!

more like they timed the release of the report so it would be buried in the news the next day



CPP sponsors underground project

But but "debunked"

I want to get something out of pic-related, but honestly, they many I've seen are so convoluted I'm not sure what I'm seeing other than "therefore CP"

skip to 3:45
guy fires 1 or more shots through door, lock, computer
why didn't they take the computer for evidence?
the door/lock already replaced?
anyone ever seen a pic of supposed bullet holes besides this?



it's impossible to read all the material

if someone read it, sum it up

Are orthodox/conservative Jews and white nationalists unlikely allies these days? Seems we have more in common than not and both have similar concerns regarding nationalism, culture and a sense of belonging to one's homeland? If white nationalists really cared about their nation they would defend it as hard as Jews defend Israel. I don't want Jews and white nationalists to be enemies.

>sum it up
pedo rings are real, almost common
investigators face many hurdles
men and women involved, tends to be generational
most victims never come forward
better luck getting convictions when they ignore all the satanic stuff (also common)
many ppl in law enforcement dont follow leads because they're into similar shit

Could someone explain to me why is this girl talk about pizza in 2015?

>better luck getting convictions when they ignore all the satanic stuff (also common)
that's what i am doing

You need a crime for them to take an interest. Law Enforcement and all.

Don't worry. The FBI is investigating aspects of pizzaGate. They are building a case against you retards for libel/slander/defamation and inciting libel/slander/defamation.

pretty sure pizza existed in 2015
pizza chef moustache

>says they did an investigation and found nothing
>someone sends them a FOIA
>"OK we didn't investigate, we retract"

suure, keep pretending is normal, shill

meaning in court they dont bring it up
but satanism is connected to many cases, whether organized or copy-cat wannbe stuff

No, they would say he's joking.

>says they did an investigation

Yeah but if you type "webcam video from"
you get all those creepy underage girl dancing or commenting about pizza. :\

The worst thing is that Jewtube doesn't remove them. Coincidence? I think not. Gaargle is under this...

dbl dbl sez u r right
washingtonlife.smugmug.com/keyword/James Alefantis;septime webre/

no doubt alot is pedo-bait
but that one vid, literally nothing
kids like pizza, thats why its used as a lure

No wonder why in Scooby Doo they were always harvesting on food at the end of every episodes.
Subliminal Message! lol




Ding Dong Pizza
>Where is the Basement?






I hope those insurance files from Wikileaks has something good guys.

Which "hand" this is?

I have information that will read to the arrest of Hillary C-

'left hand path'
right = dexter


Historically, the left side, and subsequently left-handedness, was considered negative in many cultures. The Latin word sinistra originally meant "left" but took on meanings of "evil" or "unlucky" by the Classical Latin era, and this double meaning survives in European derivatives of Latin, and in the English word "sinister".

Meanings gradually developed from use of these terms in the ancient languages. In many modern European languages, including English, the word for the direction "right" also means "correct" or "proper", and also stands for authority and justice. In most Slavic languages the root prav is used in words carrying meanings of correctness or justice.

So, if you were left-handed or sinister, you were associated with evil. In time, sinister itself meant evil and threatening. EtymOnline said that sinister attained this meaning in the early 15th century. The OED supports this, writing that the first uses of sinister to mean malicious were:

1474 Rolls of Parl. VI. 110/1 Contynuyn in habundaunce of goodes and havour, to their sinister pleasure.

1477 Earl Rivers tr. Dictes or Sayengis Philosophhres (Caxton) (1877) lf. 7, Leste ye be let or withdrawen ther fro by eny sinistre or euil temptacion.

Or... OR! Or, or, or, or...
It was simply a test to see how they can manipulate people.
If everyone believe that this left hand is bad to masturbate we can control their brains and the way they think.

I think we are on to something Shaggy...

i think leftys are all suspicious now.........

Everything is Sexist
Everything is Homophobic.
Everything is Right Handed.
And you have to point it all out with your left index!

bill clinton, bush sr., obama all lefties

Also, spiral staircases in many castles were built to favor the defenders fighting off invaders. Left handed swordsmen could fight going up the spiral.

God was a leftist... o_O
We are doom.

hillary very concerned about 'rescuing' haitian kids
pizza cap more often than not

Im having one of those things that the alcoholic called "A moment of sobriety"
What if actual meat was getting rare to find and they resolved into those Satanic Pedo ring to "create" more meat to feed people...

Yay or Nay?

such things are not unheard of
willie pickton had a pig farm, killed 49 hookers, woodchipper, pig food
alefantis supposedly owns a farm with pigs too

And they will keep lying.



>The police should just investigate what I tell them to without any real evidence

Nice one. I bet you cry about having freedoms taken away, too. I hope some feminists accuse you of something based off of some bogus connection they formulated by reading some emails and taking half the shit out of context, call the police, and have you put under investigation.

hmmm... But why children when we have plenty of food at the super market...

>Picture related.

Wait a minute... Those Lefties could be Vegans.

And they want use to be disgust by animal meat in order to turn the world into Veganism.

So they make us eat kids in order to turn the world into Vegans...

Because notice how Vegans doesn't care about humans or children, As if they were pets or something.

So Vegan Gain real father is Obama?

>real father is Obama?

this x infinity

The "i" is literally a penis

anti slide bump REEE



Rao/Kline probably told them to fuck off.

What's new?


That's the kid taped to the table, yes?


No way to prove/disprove it since all evidence is gone.

Someone here about a year ago left a comment saying something like "if you still eat meat, it's too late for you anyway, everyone will know within a few years" which really made me think.

correct "caris james"


what happened to the guy who went there with a gun? did the police search the place after that? were there tunnels?



>"Humanity will make peace with animals.

>“Pigs will become a brother to man,”

>the seer wrote of 2016. Some believe that this is an indication humanity will stop butchering animals. Some think this means we’ll develop technology to talk to our pets.

Could it be that Nostradamus predict that People will stop eating animals because they wont be able to see themselves in a glass after eating their own kind for hundreds of years?




Why would the police lie about doing an investigation?

I came here to post this link!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! SO FUCKING PISSED OFF!!!!!!!!!



So the DC police didn't investigate because it was "debunked" as fake news...because it says on wikipedia and elsewhere that it had already been "debunked?"

Fucking corrupt pieces of shit. I hope they all burn.

go to youtube
search for "webcam videos from"
wew lad




Already comment on this








you think that's the worst youtube has to offer? it gets even more degenerate kek