CONFIRMED: Germany has become a faccist dictaotrship under Merkel
CONFIRMED: Germany has become a faccist dictaotrship under Merkel
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Don't be frightened Britbong. We are used to be a fascist dictatorship without freedom of speech.
Interestingly enough, rocketry has also boomed as of lately in Germany.
You gotta fight fire with fire.
Maybe the cop now identifies as a Muslim- BOOM! (Pun intended) No charges anymore. Cuz that'd be racist.
topkek, well noncucks are welcome to America. RIP Europe
this is not true fascism, true fascism has never been tried!
also, wtf? you can't criticize your leaders in germ?
and archive your shit you abo tier nigger fellator
This nazi got what he deserved.
Wtf I thought Sup Forums loved fascist dictatorships.
Fascism requires being right wing
pls i hope germany goes to war with russia so the usa can kill china pls
fascism is leftist ideology you stupid americuck
Merkel will probably have to request a German equivalent of BLM in order to reign in the police.
no it isn't
The millions of immigrants and their Antifa cucks will do that.
Not when thier fascists don't at least pretend to like their native population.
Isn't Merkel ex-Stasi? That's the furthest thing from fascism.
So? That's what you get for questioning Glorious Leader. He can be glad he isn't put into a special sort of camp for people like that. Yet.
should have let russia exterminate the germans after ww2
I wonder if they are still lazy enough to repeat the same slogans in English.
>we can change the definition of gender, languages are fluid and the meaning of words change over time
>fascism is right wing only because the dictionary says so
True fascism would be killing antifa faggots. Can't come soon enough
We should have listened to based Patton, re-armed the Germans and killed all of these Bolsheviks while we had the chance.
4th Reich is revving up!
It says "faces criminal charges". That means he isn't convicted of a crime. Make a thread when he's actually convicted. I do want to laugh at german cucks but this news is pointless unless he's convicted. People face bullshit charges all the time and they are rightfully thrown aside.
>True fascism would be killing antifa faggots. Can't come soon enough
heh oh Kek....
More like communist dictatorship
Antifa always uses English because all of their slogans sound like shit in native language.
"refugees welcome"
"nazi scum"
"good night right side"
Authoritarian is the word you dumbfucks are grasping for.
Antifa are the brown shirts, they just find realize it. They're the instruments of the German government's implementation of anarcho-tyranny.
>has become a faccist dictaotrship under Merkel
How? You don't know what you're talking about, you imbecile.
Death camps are racist.
We just send him to a re-education camp where he can work and exercise and think about what he did wrong.
Hmmm, what should we call these camps? Maybe something about "thinking about shit", "Think Hard Camps" or "Concentrate Camps". Anyone have a good slogan for those camps where we can send those bastard racist Nazis who criticize Angela?
>Germany became fascists
>but in the wrong direction
It's not even "the dictionary"; it's Wikipedia and Google.
I don't think it counts as rocketry if it's strapped to a man shouting "ALLAH ACKBAR"
communism is fascism without fascism's ability to make the trains run on time
>also, wtf? you can't criticize your leaders in germ?
Of course you can, which he didn't. He insulted them personally. You should stop swallowing the latest bullshit on pol with your tiny mind.
>can call "right" and opposition anything insulting you want without any consquences on mainstream media
>call insane acting libfag person insane
She will need to kick this off soon.
I wonder what the "Micheal Brown" event will be?
>tfw Germany is incapable of not taking an ideology to it's maximum
Last time it was nazism, this time it's going to be cuckolding on an unparalleled scale. The world will again tremble in fear when it watches Germany become the new Meqqa.
this will surely keep up the morale in police forces.
who needs loyal executive forces, right? certainly not politicians :^)
>ignores the evidence provided in the OP
>asks for evidence
insulting someone personally is criminal?
Is this bait? I can't even tell anymore.
>You should stop swallowing the latest bullshit on pol with your tiny mind.
Reported to the STASI for hatespeech... oh wait you are just insulting from the opposition! Go on.
I have called Justin Trudeau a cunt many, many, times... Even when he really didn't deserve it.
Yet here I am, a free man.
Nothing like this happened to me yet is it really so bad? Do you get arrested for saying the truth?
Die Partie ist Merkel und Deutschland Merkel ist! Seig Heil!
>Spitting in the face of the people who will protect you tomorrow from the "love" of the nation.
Not very bright Frau. Not bright at all.
>he's only facing criminal proceeding because he insulted Merkel rather than provided constructed criticism, this is A-okay
Well at leats it's your own leader rather the Turks you aren't allowed to insult this time around.
They only like them if the dictator supports what they do.
>How? You don't know what you're talking about, you imbecile.
Reported to the STASI for hatespeech... oh wait you are just insulting from the opposition! Go on.
underrated post, really exquisite burgerbro
Fuck off transnigger
>faccist dictaotrship
is that how you call communism?
The laws they will go by have been in place for decades you moron.
It's a criminal offense building on personal honour stuff by the penal code 185, but a lot of it gets equalized by freedom of speech rulings, especially when it's done in an artistic context like comedian stuff.
According to our laws public figures are allowed to be insulted more freely, and it seems to be so everywhere else too. How many times you heard Trump be called rapist, sexist, misogynist, fascist, sadist, racist?
But insult the Merkel the mother of refugees and you're in big trouble.
Getting charges because you are telling the truth. It seems she is getting desperate to silence the opposition, she knows the jig is up
If you are becoming a threat to the regime yes.
And if you are unlucky and they want a new public beheading.
Reminder that Merkel is done
>Reminder to report every leftist who does the same to "right wing" politicians
Well good for you I guess.
Is there a possibility of a globalist facist state? What would you call that?
>The laws they will go by have been in place for decades you moron.
and now the laws finally being taken advantage of and you're okay with it. talk about moron, you fuckin retard
>this is what true cuckery looks like
It's a common ground for discourse of a civilized people, you imbecile.
That's fucking idiotic, my dude.
>It's a criminal offense
>buts its okay when we insult and slander everyone that isnt radical or far left including the farce that is the CDU on state funded TV
Well fug I'm getting re-educated soon :D:D:D
German faggots ENOUGH save yourselves before someone else has to.
Do you know the AfD? They're making extensive use of those laws all the time, especially to shut up comedians.
I would call that justice.
if you faggots wont fight the tyranny perpetrated by elton john in drag then you deserve to be raped
The point being that your laws are silly.
Not really if you think about it. I suppose it's to keep discourse civil and harassment without consequences down and prosecutable.
Come again?
Yeah I get it, see You probably have something similar in your penal code like some libel laws.
I think the cultural barrier is too strong to continue the conversation.
But he's an anti-semite.
Lucky that he had an """""accident"""""
>can't establish dominance hierarchies via verbal expression of someone's character flaws
>codified into law
no wonder germans are so cucked
libel implies the thing has to be false
Good, there should be no nazis on the police force.
>lack of completely protected free speech
>first world country
Pick exactly one Eurocucks.
What about something to do with working towards one's own emancipation? Something like, oh I don't know, "Work Sets You Free?"
>Even when he really didn't deserve it.
Are you sure about that.
Meanwhile in Germany.
Come on leaf, at least make your bait clever.
>That's fucking idiotic, my dude.
It wouldn't be as absurd if it applied equallly to everyone and not just the radical left, far left, jews, muslims, blacks and basically everyone that isn't white and doesn't hate German culture and German people.
The people who justfy this harassment of the opposition to the Merkel regime, insult and slander you in the same breath without any fear of consquences and any sense of shame of the obvious hypocrisy and doublestandards.
A true fascist would put his people before shitskin invaders.
Phew, maybe you should step out your dumb internet bubble for a while. Merkel's not insane, you know. You're the angsty mentally ill white guy.
> 1479618188530.jpg
> mfw this is legit
Tbh, this makes me kind of happy. This is going to wake so many people up and maybe wake up a few people here who want big government.
Angela Merkel is a dictator. You fucking krauts NEED to overthrow this cunt
>the Merkel regime
You fucking moron.
>Phew, maybe you should step out your dumb internet bubble for a while. Merkel's not insane, you know. You're the angsty mentally ill white guy.
The trolling is becomming obvious Achmed
>Germany has become a faccist dictaotrship under Merkel
>Sup Forums monkeypaws fascist Germany back into reality but it's a liberal fascist Germany