Has anybody else been seeing this faggot nigger comic by this dumb whore on Faceberg and Instanigger? I think they're subverting the youth. What do we do about this horseshit? Should we Ben Garrison this stupid cunt?
Faggot Webcomics
Seems harmless
If you aren't good at time management then you aren't actually smart or creative at all
>faggot webcomics
It seems more like shes just a product of a generation of people who dont understand why they are unhappy and are unwilling/incapable of changing themselves or the world around them.
its targeted to rich white cunts who attion whore with "anxiety" and their insecurities that they dont truly have. so they can buy them and scream "SAME"
>high intelligence
>bad time management
Checks out faggot
Exactly my point. Which is why we should start Ben Garrisoning her comics.
Now your personal army fag
Fairly accurate. Motivation and effort come naturally when called to action, but nowadays everything just feels like a gig, and people have made such a mockery of action that people would rather not deal with the responsibility.
There's a direct relation to the amount of "SHIT PISS NIGGER JEW FAGGOT" in a post and stormfaggot leanings. Guess you must be super redpilled, OP.
>being triggered by a drawing
fuck off you're making me sad
>tfw to intelligent for time management
>tfw to intelligent for ">tfw to intelligent" memes
>getting this triggered over a simple comic
i bet you were a fun kid goimg through the sunday newspaper comics
>So smart I can't grasp time management
Not as smart as they believe? I love how people that profess intelligence but have accomplished little always redirect their lack of achievement by pointing toward either an outside source or some eccentric but "endearing" character trait.
Kill yourself you worthless sacks of shit. I would rather the world be filled with people of moderate intelligence but with some actual drive. Not that these faggots are above average in any sense of the word.
I get it
What? Somebody's happy and carefree? Why isn't she drawing about muh j00z?
> rating your own intelligence
Ya fucking right. The average human believes they're above average.
t. Above average individual
well you're not wise
>tfw to intelligent for proper grammar
> tfw to intelligent to understand the ironic and intended usage of that word
Bragging about one's own intelligence or creativity is degenerate
>Now your personal army
Great, checked, I have some things I need you to work on ASAP.
>tfw to intelligent
Here is your damn picture.
Kek. Nice.
I had a sensible chuckle.
Top fucking kek. Thank you bro.
It's a meme you dip.
well done user
Even better.
A reasonable improvement.
pretty good
What did she mean by this?
no unterrmenchs
Here's another one.
That we should treat people based on their ability rather than making everything about what's in their pants?
>girl with leggings and choker
how can you hate that, that's a 100% chance she does anal
I've always wondered how someone could base their entire life around their fucking sexual identity. Literally who gives a flying fuck. It would be so sad.
I'm just smart but lazy. If you're really smart and creative, you don't need good time management to get by.
Check and mate. This is that "smartness" I was telling you about. ;)
It's still awful, but that's the closest this hot garbage has ever come to actually having a set up and punchline.
Time management has nothing to do with creativity dingbat.
Absolute top fucking underrated kek
>Creativity without time management skills.
How's that career in the "ideas guy" department going?
i dont get it
These comics are pure cringe.
this is pure cringe. pure fucking cringe.
Holy fuck leaf, learn to read and comprehend.
Creativity has nothing to do with fucking time management.
You can be creative as can be, and have shitty time management. It's not good, it wont help, when it comes to a career, yea sure it's necessary. But not having good time management skills is 100% irrelevant to whether or not you can make up unique ideas in your had, you fucking moron.
Man pol makes me so angry, you post comics like this and then switch tabs and continue fappening to traps
Guess what, they are just guys with dicks
Someone with no time management skill isn't smart and likely has poor memory. I can acept creativity, but tht doesn't speak to the quality of his work
Trying to get in on those lucrative victimbucks eh sarah?
>5-minute hug
What a fag.
This. I hate this fucking cunt. Are you seeing this shit as often as I am Pierre?
I dont like traps anymore, they are degenerate fetish
Fucking this..
Traps are not ok
I used to believe everyone was just joking about traps cause its so retarded but now i know better.. fucking degenerates
Every once in a while is already too often.
You don't want moderate intelligent people. They're blue pilled, and fucking stupid. They night have motivation but they're are motivated to do some stupid ass ideas.
Made me spit my coffee. Wasn't expecting it.
traps are a sexual deviancy, a kink
the problem is these people are trying to take them out of the bedroom and bring them into normal, everyday life
prez frok
That's a high energy edit
So your sexual deviancy/kink is being gay?
A bundle of sticks is a faggot. Faggot
She is coming out with a book, apparently. Plenty of material.
>i recognize that bulge!
holy fucking shit user
That's what happens when you have nothing else in the world
Same, I thought it was a joke for a time, but traps are literally the gayest, most degenerate thing you could do.
Dumb cunts are always sharing them on Kikebook and it's driving me insane. I just want to see Ben Garrison versions of them.
>getting paid thousands of dollars a month in Patreon money for being a talented hack pandering to the mentally ill
>not making your own shit buzzword filled comics for faggots
And Sup Forums calls millennials the lazy ones...
sort of
This is why I come to this place.
One you might like
Sheeeittt. She's actually a qt. I still hate her fucking nigger comics though.
I don't think you nor the other cucks here don't really get this at all. Stop being so easily triggered.
Yeah. Her stuff is all just self-deprecating humour. There's practically no politics in her comics.
Actually better than expected
>accessing the social jew
How about you stop being a faggot instead