God DAMN that's how you BTFO Sup Forums
God DAMN that's how you BTFO Sup Forums
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am i supposed to know who this is
How will Trump ever recover?!
He's the restaurant rescue guy
oh no, brit fag who likes to eat cow dick becuz "muh multiculturalism"
doesnt like the god emperor
So they're saying his restaurants will be successful and never need help
Can't wait for Boudain to die in one of the third-world shithole he loves so much because of "muh food"
Kieth Floyd wont as well
my sides
Oh no! An irrelevant, drug addled chef wont eat at Trumps restaurants!
Based Bourdain.
>he works at CNN
Kek I've never seen a news organization more assblasted than cnn
Neither will Mexicans because they'll be on the other side
He should of been kidnapped when he went to Russia such a pathetic kike.
fuck that ameri-french faggot
hope he's raped in his fav mudslime country
no he's not
he's a food/culture """"""journalist"""""'"
his show's on CNN called Parts Unknown
No he's that 'Flavor Town' fag that wears the glasses on the back of his head
>some liberal with a shitty show refuses to eat at Trump's restaurant
How will we recover?
Probably from a brain parasite contracted while eating undercooked maggot taints.
I'm retarded, l was thinking of Robert Irvine
>(19)84 as ID and post number
>the awful and salty bantz in that article
What did Kek mean by this
anthony bourdain was a failure as a restaurateur and has never owned a successful business
I have also had sex with his now ex wife because he's the cuck to end all cucks. While he travels she just fucks dudes she meets at jiujitsu.
I have personally been in a room with 6 other guys talking about fucking her
>Oh no! An irrelevant, drug addled chef wont eat at Trumps restaurants!
>drug addled
it's cocaine, right?
Brumf can NOT recover
what was obama doing with jeremy clarkson in china?
He's only boycotting because Trump restaurants don't serve Anthony's favorite dish, tranny assholes.
A pleb faggot who pretend to know something about food.
the KKK internet was made in 1984
trust me im an expert
No one gives a fuck. If I didn't watch Joe Cuck Rogan, i wouldnt know who this guy is.
oy vey
>be President
>get assblasted a literally who won't eat at your restaurant
>>get assblasted a literally who won't eat at your restaurant
US proxy, huh?
work on your english, dood.
no just an iphone poster
>no just an iphone poster
Is that what Iphones do to all text that is sent from them?
>Bourdain has said he was raised without religion, and that his ancestors were Catholic on his father's side and Jewish on his mother's side
Daily reminder Alton Brown is our guy.
>gets on tv because people think hes gay
>lol jk southern dude with family and guns
>still blows the fucking industry out with his character and cooking style
Bourdain is just a French-Jew dude with an attitude problem like most people with French ancestry.
Probably my favorite "celebrity chef"
This guy
Gotta respect any gun loving American
smashmouth eat the eggs
Anthony Bourdain gets assblasted if you put ketchup on a hotdog. I personally don't but after he cried about it I did it the next day.
As much as I like good food I find foodies to be cancerous fucks. Just like any mundane activity taken to the extreme by pretentious cunts. Although at least Bourdain gets somewhat of a pass since a chef should be pretty extreme in their passion.
i don't get it. how does being a butt hurt liberal BTFO anybody but yourself?
This is the Elliot Gould super jew with a travel channel program where he fucks asian prostitutes in between tasting their dishes, right?
Anthony Bourdain is a faggot and an illuminati stooge.
>hurr I make millions going to third world shitholes and eating their food and getting blind shitfaced while flipping off the starving locals
He definately ate some shaman prepared peyote shit in one episode the whole time saying for the camera, "my crews not all drig heads" as he takes the bowl and nods in appreciate to the shaman. Then looks like hell the next day on the boat cause hes been tripping all night.
Bourdain is a loser with an uncontrolled drinking problem.
The only restaurants to allow him inside are those on the verge of bankruptcy, desperately looking for publicity.
And here we all thought that Trump had won something.
Sigh i tought he got redpilled after this incident:
This is weird because Bourdain was pretty red pilled on immigrants in his episode on Colonge Germany
Is this the best year?
it's the "a pretty cool celebrity guy who doesn't like Trump therefore he's a cuck and we never actually liked him and he's an alcoholic degenerate" episode
>21D chess
Can't stump, won't stump~
>constructive and pragmatic
they'll get along just fine, i think
Why are so many people in the US so adamantly uncooperative with the president of the US?
I'm just curious as to why they keep trying to shame Trump with celebrities, when we made it quite clear we don't give a fuck what they think of him on November 8'th. Why am I supposed to give a fuck that some person I've never even heard of won't eat at Trump's restaurant, when they're already biased against him to begin with? What makes their opinions so noteworthy? These people basically do nothing but eat, sleep, and shit; their perspective on politics is negligible, at best. So, why are we supposed to take what they say as gospel? What is this secret link between Hollywood and enlightenment that all us little people are missing, exactly?
Kek has spoken, apparently.
>Then looks like hell the next day on the boat cause hes been tripping all night.
Do you have a link to some clips from that episode?
I want to see it now.
I saw one or two of his shows, should look him up again. Is he always a bit autistic about ingredients (actually weighing out stuff instead of using measuring cups, etc), or was the an isolated thing?
>this celebrity doesn't like Trump, omg!
usual leftists only caring about what the upper caste cares about
It was ayahuasca in Peru.
So a gordon ramsay imitation?
I actually like Bourdain. He's red-pilled on the food industry and to be honest, I've used his shows as food guides in my travels before. His Rome visits were definitely legit. That being said, his career has been irrelevant since the end of No Reservations. His last show was like CTR for foodies. He is most likely a pedophile considering his wife wears the pants and he has a thing for southeast asia.
pre-Gordon. He was a drug-addict chef for a French bistro in NYC< wrote a book about all the crazy shit that happens in kitchens and got a TV deal out of it where he travelled around the world eating different food and talking about it in a very beatnik poetic way. Great show, innovated the new food craze.
That shit is amazing
Specially if you get a nice group. There is nothing like collective hallucination
That guy is a lame faggot.
>some Leftist faggot will never support you
Putin and Bush look so cute together lol
Ayyyy! You guys have something in common then you clogged up dyke!!
I don't give a shit what another limousine liberal thinks
i know right
funny how the democrats ruined relations, when the republicans are always painted as the threat to world peace
Wow, Democrats are the real racists!!!
>in a very beatnik poetic way
so you mean pretentious.
Bourdain, the same fag who was for the soda ban in New York but two seconds later was against the salt ban for restaurants.
Guy is a busy body, self Important douche.
Pop manner tutor
what if it is really good? Bourdain is a fool
Don't you dare say that again
Who ?
He was never cool. He was always a fucking kike faggot.
former smack addict now writes about food
he is part of the celebrity liberal pantheon, not really sure why
>an emoji in the headline
I miss No Reservations
Is that Tom Selleck on the board?
>heroine addict doesnt want free meal
i'm ok with this
>Soon to be most powerful man in the world
>Some faggot won't eat at my restaurants
Oh no!
I generally like Bourdain and always have but this last season of his CNN show has been pretty cringey with the trump/brexit/rural bashing. It used to just be him getting cocked and eating good shit all over the world but now there's definitely an elitist agenda being pushed. The most recent Britain ep really rustled my Jimmies. It's just funny because he's an ex junkie millionaire who travels the world and supposedly appreciates different cultures but if your viewpoint differs from him then you're a moron fascist.
That being said I enjoy the vast majority of his work and will continue to watch. Just because he has some opinions I disagree with doesn't mean I can't enjoy the show or his books.
T. An adult
Literally who?
Good Eats is the only Food Network show I actually like. Kind of sad it ended up at least it ended before the channel became both figuratively and literally a whole lot gayer.
Apparently he got divorced recently though, dunno what's up with that.
Oh no, another C-list celebrity says he won't visit Trump. so btfo oh my
Its a meme you dips
>Still using the Volumetric Jew
Who /zimmerman/ here?