>comes to Sup Forums to attack the alt-right
>see this video referenced
>"lol probably some crazy nazi guy haha"
What the fuck?
I'm actually literally shaking with fear.
>comes to Sup Forums to attack the alt-right
>see this video referenced
>"lol probably some crazy nazi guy haha"
What the fuck?
I'm actually literally shaking with fear.
Subversion, haven't you watched the fucking video?
Turn back now. You have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes. Ignorance is bliss
Post the video you britbong piece of shit
We're your family now, OP.
You should be careful, they are going to kill you and your family.
Down here.
Red pills so big, they have to be used as suppositories.
Based Yuri playing over log(9)^e dimensional chess
Join us. Get red-pilled. Save the white race
Congratulations: Your Life Is A Lie
Alt-Right doesn't exist. It's yet another label from the media.
Also, yes. The Yuri video is redpilled as fuck.
This video and interviews with millennial college students is very telling.
Yeah but, I learned in university that
I don't know what I learned.
My head's hurting.
Seriously what the hell is this?
I feel like I've been acting from a script my whole life and someone just pointed out that I was holding something in my hand.
I want to just throw it away and say "there's nothing in my hand," but there it fucking is right there.
I want to deny what I saw but it is all so obvious but I don't want to see it.
Actually fuck this conspiracy bullshit and fuck all of you I'm not going to be dragged into your extremist lies.
Biggest red pill I ever took desu senpai
You're just coming to realize like the rest of us already have that the world is shit and the Jews run everything.
Silly user, after see the truth you are here for ever
This, 100%.
The ride does not stop.
I feel sorry for idiots who believe this bullshit.
pretty great bait mate
you should be embarassed for being such a useful idiot for so long
>he thinks he can untake the redpill
>he thinks he can go back
If you try to deny it then it will only be worse. You can't go back to having the bluepill. We've tried, we've all tried to some extent or another. It only makes it worse.
Consider the following; We're not extremists, we just know what's going on. We can tell you more, if you're willing to stay and listen
The truth wants to be found.
>literally shaking
low bait 5/10, made me reply
Yeah a KGB defector probably employed by CIA would have no motive to drop conspiracy theories which would make people more alert during Cold War, or just sell some story like millions of people do.
His points aren't even bad, besides the ridiculous point that KGB is behind social trends which, if you studied history, have their roots in a period before USSR even existed in Lenin's dreams.
ITT: OP LARPs as a blue pilled cuck experiencing intense cognitive dissonance brought on by based russkibro
OP, knowing about Subversion watch this video about the Frankfurt School.
First,forget the term alt-right, just a subversive meme to discredit us. We are simply awake.
Welcome, you dropped your first redpill. Stick around for more.
speaking of which, did RT stop brainwashing westrern useful eediots since Trump got elected?
anyone following RT?
If you had actually watched the video, you'd know that actual libtards are too brainwashed to even entertain the chance of being wrong. You can show this video to them, and any other proof you want, you can force them to watch and listen, but they will never change their mind. Libtards can admit they've been wrong only after years of ascent to truth, but they are simply incapable of learning new things just like that.
>Franfurt School
People like Adorno and Fromm criticized the degredation of capitalist culture. Their point is basically similar to the points Bezmenov is raising.
It's amazing how ignorant you people are. Literally useful idiots.
i made this same post about a year ago
you'll never be the same m8
>a bunch of retarded trust fund kids patronizing a manlet on camera is proof of cultural marxist subversion
This is why Sup Forums is the worst board
Eh, fuck it, I'm watching it again.
I would say leave nOw but its to late for you matey
Type out another one. I got a whole bag of (You)s I just opened.
I wouldn't call the KGB behind everything, just giving the pushes where needed.
A lone leftard won't get far, but give him a few hundred bucks so he can get a soap box and a megaphone and he will.
It's sort-of a war of attirition. Instead of mega-Stalin showing up to trample all capitalist symbols at once, KGB forced you to play whack-a-mole with assorted small-time lefties. KGB would wait for them to reach critical mass and then cash in.
Fromm came from the critical theory developed by the Frankfurt School. it amazes me somebody claiming to know something could be ignorant about its history.
funny guy you, you just got date raped by the redpill
i could never put it so beautifully :)
You're here forever
Try not to ruin every relationship you have. Need 1 or 2 friends
>Buying (You)s
Here, have a homegrown one
You will only really understand it when you come to accept the same thing has been done to the right as been done to the left. The crazy alt-right Trump supporters are suffering from the same type of effect.
The tools he describes can be used for things beyond communism. They are effective on the left and the right. The only goal is destabilization so you can reorganize the government as an authoritarian one that is ran by kleptocrats.
You have already lost user, we all have.
You're clearly an idiot so I don't give a fuck m8.
Don't get wrong, KGB did A LOT of shady work.
But to believe (percieved) degradation of culture and society is the work of KGB is fucking insane.
For start, Bezmenov was fucking no one in KGB.
For real info on the inside of KGB, read works by Mitrokhin.
My posts are not defense of retarded Soviet system, I'm just pointing out you're barking at the wrong tree.
I would agree with you, if this wasn't the trend throughout college campuses. This is how the 60's hippie bullshit started. In colleges.
He is right about method but it wasn't KGB doing.
>it was all false flag
Did you actually read any of their works?
You people should be crying about people like Derrida, not Frankfurt School.
Stop using the meme "woke" white guy ;)
Yuri was right all along.
You should have listened.
I steel nao
The whole idea of the Comintern was to force communist on others. The aftermath of ww2 shows it is not an efficient method. It is easier to force the people to shift the country on their own. All they need is a little push on the right direction to get the snowball going.
This user seems to know a lot more than most in this thread, please tell us more.
The alt-right has been around since about' 08, I still don't get how you faggots can't absorb that information and..oh wait..
It's easier living as a useful idiot.
All ye who enter here abandon all hope.
>Not an AUS flag
You've already stepped over the edge buddy.
Accept Kek.
Congratulations on your first redpill user. That is a particularly rough one. You will likely fall into a depression in the coming months, and begin lashing or at everything around you. Slowly you will recover, stronger than before.
It's a pointless term that just refers to "the right."
It's meaningless.
>OP doesn't realize he's now a member of an invisible college of Egyptian frog god-worshiping Neo Nazi wizards employing reality-warping quantum memetic magic to battle a global cabal of Moloch-worshipping pedophile cultists empowered by worldwide child sacrifice and endless warfare to control all of humanity
>not immediately recognizing Yuri
YOU are the shitheaded newbie here, britbong.
No one is implying the KGB is behind this but someone has very clearly studied their tactics and executed them flawlessly in the west
>OP is now a card carrying member of a Tuvaluan Nude Underwater Owl caretaking board for Malaysian Orthodox Catholics.
>implies taking the red pill makes you an anti-social NEET who is obsessed with "red pills".
Easy, just dont go balls to the wall conspiracy theorist with everything and use logic. Is it more likely that large governments are inherently corrupt, or that a massive conglomerate of jewish gorrillianaires run everything from behind the scenes through occult magic and pedophilia? Have a life and interests outside of Sup Forums, it does wonders.
I already gave you hints bro.
And one more thing: while decadence of Western society is real, it's nowhere near as drastic as people here percieve it.
They perceive it like that because:
A) they are fucking isolated losers who want a new start so they find it easy to believe the collapse of society that rejected them is just around the corner
B) they have an overly idealistic and simplistic view of past
In the end everything decays, shit breaks, world is chaotic, not everything is a fucking plot.
Although being aware of Jewish influence and race realism can depress you occasionally, it's a good thing that once you see it you can't really unswallow the pill.
Otherwise I think almost everyone would want to be bluepilled again and see the world through rose colored lenses.
Top kek
This desu senpai desu
This was my first "oh-shit" moment as well. Before that, i had only a vague sense of "things are fucked, but i will only look out for my own asshole"
I wonder what subversive international group would use these tactics.
Next time you will tell me that degradation of the Roman society wasn't caused by KGB.
>look at him and laugh
Mfw I'm an ENTP and this hit me hard.
the video is the ultimate introduction for newcomers to Sup Forums.
Harsh redpill but necessary
You've taken the first step into your parents basement. Welcome to Sup Forums.
You'll be here a while.
>implying that we are not sociopaths that know how to wear a mask to socialize with our fellow citizens.
Yeah good luck with that. Which videos did you watch? Did you read any of his works?
It's a more harmless way of saying you're conservative, but not a neo-con, and are more open to,racial identity for whites. It's not useless at all, it's an alternative to mainstream conservativism.
The fact that Russians still use the same playbook only now have the "alt-Right" as their pawns will make your head hurt even more.
I'm serious, just replace Yuri's references about leftists or marxists with alt-Right and your mind will be blown. The same thing is happening now as 30 years ago, only the useful idiots have changed.
Richard Specner is controlled by his FSB wife who receives orders from he Kremlin.
yup Eros and Civilization, totally fucked up. pansexualism being a degenerated self centered fucked yup.
Fromm was forced on me in high school
not seen that one before.
just need someone to post the leviathan one now...
Its happened now, youre in here forever
Nah, the KGB adopted THEIR tactics. This shit started in the West back with the French revolution and Napoleon.
Most people here completely misunderstand the point that Yuri is trying to make and in an effort to take the "red pill" they fall into the exact trap that they claim to be fighting against.
What he is describing, for the most part, are forces that are always active in a free society, the solutions he proposes like traditional religion are just as authoritarian as the outcome of normalization.
Instead of people working to keep all the forces in check and keep society free they contribute to the downfall because they foster the very lack of discourse and breakdown of normal problem solving he talks about.
The majority of people that have been red pilled have been radicalized from the other side and eagerly work toward the same authoritarian goal.
turn back while you can user, go back to your normal uneventful life... while you still can
Did you ever hear of expression "hard places breed hard men"?
West is in general very rich and peaceful. Wealth and prosperity combined with liberalism cause degradation. It's human nature. Liberalism has nothing to do with KGB or some plots. Liberalism has a far older roots than Rotschilds or communists or other memes you spout to make sense of the things you don't understand.
You're like primitive humans who saw lightning and then came to believe there's some guy far above who's producing them.
Trusting a jew, ever.
Latvia, I solute you. You are one of the few I have seen here that can actually see what is happening. Few here will listen, they are all as indoctrinated and radicalized as the people they claim to despise
Good post bro. Though I wouldn't say religion is necessarily authoritharian. In fact, it's necessary for the masses, and Christianity is an excellent religion to serve that purpose.
How is the alt right attacking traditional values and unity?
If russians attack a cancer patient with cancer therapy is it wrong?
Kil yourself.
the more i read these... the more i want to go back... these redpills hurt... i want off this ride
I've seen some pro and contra arguments as to why Yuri is believable or not, I have to say I'm leaning to no...
First phase of redpilling: NO IT CAN'T BE
Second phase: Eat some red-pilled tasteless soup
Third phase: See dem digits!!