Are Sunni Muslims worse than Shia Muslims?
Are Sunni Muslims worse than Shia Muslims?
Shia: GOAT
Sunni: GOAT fuckers
Both are muslims, what's the difference?
I don't know. Is shit covered crap worse than crap covered shit?
They're both piles of shit, leaf
Since we cant distinguish them from look alone, i will err on the side of caution and hate them both.
If you're Sunni, you ain't Shiite.
Who cares?
What matters is that we keep dividing the two groups and create animosity between them. They are destroying Islam from within just like feminism destroyed Christianity from within.
Shia is a lot more complex than Sunni. It actually has a lot of influence from Zoroastrianism and Neo-Platonism. Look up Mulla Sadra and Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi.
The Koran is actually not considered that important in some branches or paths in Shia.
I prefer Shia, I don't really have problems with Muslims but uhhh too much niggers/indians/brown arabs are in Canada, feels like you're walking in a different country.
That's like comparing human shit with dog shit.
It doesn't matter which you choose, it's both just shit.
>Iran(Shia) is the enemy of arabs and jews
>Shia don't believe in forced conversion (which is why they are the minority)
>Shia don't believe in heaven on earth (Sunnis think it's not only possible but will happen if they keep trying to convert everyone by any means available.)
reminder that Israel and Saudi Arabia are allying up fampais.
It's not a reform. It's the fundamental split that dominates Islam.
All over who should lead the Islamic world after Mohammeds death.
Course since then the Sunni and Shia have developed in wildly different ways.
A lot of the whole "ISLAMIC MATHEMATICIANS!" stuff can be attributed to the Shia. Who were dominated by Persians who were formerly Zoroastrians and brought a lot of that thinking into Shia Islam.
The Shia are a minority.
Iran and Iraq are the only Shia majority nations. And Iraqi Shia are used to being under the thumb of the Sunni.
Also worth noting. The Sunni consider the Shia to be heretics and frequently attack/oppress them.
Assad over in Syria is an Alawite. The Alawites are a tiny Shia sect. Their history is essentially "oh look the Sunni are oppressing/killing us again"
So they developed a very insular and secretive religious system.
There's two rules of Alawite club.
One: You do not talk about your religion much if at all.
Two: You DO NOT talk about your religion much if at all.
That's why the Assads run the show in Syria, they're palatable enough to the majority of the groups in Syria and not inclined towards oppressing any one group.
It's also why they're so opposed to the Sunni majority getting more political power, they know where it will go.
If you want a reformist group then you want the Ahmadi.
Who are quite literally every left wing "islam is the religion of peace!" trope in one convenient package. They believe the Islamic messiah has been and gone. Very much compatible with the west for the most part.
But tiny to the point of irrelevance and reviled as heretics by almost all other muslims.
While Sunni still constitute the majority even among non-arabs. The Shia heartlands are all in regions conquered by Arabs.
This is why its important to counter when someone says "iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism"
It is not. It can't be on the simple fact that most Islamic terrorist/militia groups are Salafist.
Salafists are Sunni. They regard Shia as vile disgusting degenerate heretics who must all die or convert.
Iran literally can not even talk to these groups.
Saudi Arabia on the other hand. Ruled by the Wahhabi (an ultra-conservative verison of Salafism) house of Saud. Can and does talk to these groups on a regular basis.
And is well known for financing them.
Hell it founded most of these groups and is hugely responsible for the spread of Salafism/Wahhabism throughout Europe.
They finance the construction of mosques throughout the world then appoint Salafist preachers to run them.
If they can't get one appointed they will demand that one be allowed to speak there.
If they can't even get that then they pull funding and the mosque collapses.
They've paid for a fuckton of mosques in Europe in recent years.
And all these "homegrown terrorists"?
All went to Saudi financed mosques.
The Israelis and house of Saud have tricked us into taking sides in an ancient sectarian conflict. And they've made sure we picked the side that is hostile to us rather than the side who just want to be left alone for once.
Another interesting fact on mosques in Europe actually.
Migrants and refugees coming to Europe from the middle east especially from Syria and Africa have complained that our mosques are "Crazy" or "Really extreme"
Because they're regular Sunni going into Salafist mosques.
It would be like throwing an ethnic nationalist into the middle of a building populated entirely by full on 1488 skinheads who were just in the middle of lynching a nigger.
While there's common ground he's going to be somewhat shocked at how extreme the people in the building are compared to him.
Most of the time with these migrants/refugees they adapt. Become salafists themselves or adopt salafist leanings and views.
And if you want an idea of what those are. Pretty much every negative muslim stereotype you care to name. Rapefugees also comes to mind.
Salafists are animals. They can not be allowed to live.
Literally same shit.A lot of fighting going on between these two is just for gaining power over the muslim countries.
Shia don't terror anymore much. Just Anti-Israel stuff mostly. Good people.
Can i just please get the quick answer of who to hate.
Whereas in Christianity the dichotomy between free speech and God's plan is left ambiguous and undefined this is not really the case for Islam. From a philosophical perspective the Sunni Allah is an all-powerful-all controlling God, any action undertaken by a Sunni muslim is directly sanctioned by Allah, since if it were contrary to his wishes he wouldn't allow it to occur. Thus Sunni muslim extremists can rationalise any act of terror regardless of collateral damage since either Allah wills it and thus they will succeed or he doesn't will it and they will fail, the responsibility is out of their hands. Shiites, on the other hand, believe in a just Allah, and the free will of muslims on Earth to damn themselves or otherwise. This is why Shiites generally (though not universally) won't speak about waging jihad, since if it it turned out to be contrary to Allah's will instrumenting a holy war could land a muslim in very hot water in the afterlife. The Shiite jihad will only occur with the return of the Mahdi, since he'll relate to Shiites the will of Allah and guide them, and thus they'll know that they're doing the right thing.
So Sunnis are worse than Shiites because Sunnis have less to fear from their god.
All Muhammadans are subhuman trash just like their prophet
>They are destroying Islam from within just like feminism destroyed Christianity from within.
>being retarded
Germany destroyed Christianity when it conquered northern Italy and caused the split between Orthodoxy and Catholicism. Martin Luther destroyed Christianity a second time when he created protestantism and translated the bible into german so complete retards and cult leaders could promote perverse interpretations of the bible and create new denominations.
Shia > (regular) sunnis > cancer > Salafism > Wahabbism
>not believing that women's rights the source for 90% of the problems we have today
The Salafists are actually the truest Muslims though. They follow the word of Allah literally and emulate the life of Muhammad
All other forms of Islam are corruptions
Who do you think gave them rights and why?
Shia are better in every way conceivable. It's also basically heresy, being influenced heavily by Zoroastrianism and non-semitic Persian culture.
I still wouldn't want them coming into the West but any enemy of the globalists should be a friend to us.
Sufi wins, lets be honest
They're the most self righteous fucks, yes.
>am ex-muslim (shia)
shia are based, they don't want to convert others through taqiya, and generally want to keep their religion to themselves (although shia wont hesitate to kill apostates)
sunnis are scum, isis is sunni, al qaeda is sunni, the whole muslim problem is caused by sunnis. most refugee terror attacks in europe are by sunnis.
tl:dr shia arent that bad, sunnis all deserve to die
way too small to be relevant globally
I've never really got Sufism, is it sort of the equivalent of Kabbalah?
Good post.
literal cancer.
Sufism is basically persian philosophic religion
iran is moving into a high tech modern society
saudia arabia is happy living in the 4th century
less fundies
in UK, they are more chav like
more ugly - no homo
t. not iranian
I first began to see this when I watched a netflix anti-islam documentary, breaking down the differences. but the main one for me was
>Top Sunni Clerics
If you blow yourself up you get 72 virgins and a bunch of cool jazz.
>Top Shia Clerics
Suicide bombing is no different than suicide. You don't pass go and you go to hell.
Sufism is basically middle eastern buddhism
they chill and meditate and stuff
dont go around killing ppl
>iran is moving into a high tech modern society
>Sufism is basically middle eastern buddhism
both Sufism and Buddhism are "inspired" by Zoroastrianism. Shia islam is too, in some extent.
Does it matter? I for one won't discriminate between them.
More like Zurvanism.
you for one will remain a bluepilled cuck. see educate yourself to prevent others from exploiting your ignorance to help cuck you
are you thick? you're just proving my point
Who knows
Who cares
Both need to go.
Traditional Mazdaism and Zurvanism are very different. The former actually persecuted the latter. I was saying Zurvanism most likely influenced nondualist religions, but it's doubtful that Mazdaism did. Mazdaism did influence Christianity and Judaism though, but I think Mithraism may have given bigger influences earlier on.
I do not think Achaemenids were really Mazdaists -- they tended to be Mithraists whereas in Sassanian era, Kartir Hangirpe codified Mazdaism, based off the Gathas, and ended Mithraism plus heterodox interpretations like Zurvanism or Manichaeism.
I have a suspicion the Catholic Church is based off Kartir Hangirpe approach of codifying beliefs and creating a rigid Church structure.
there's literally zero reason ITT to differentiate between different parts of Zoroastrianism
I like Shia LaBeouf though.
Shia: Hates America, minds their own business
Sunni: Funded by America, kills white people
you decide
Study history more. Kartir Hangirpe persecuted Zurvanites and Manichees. Sassanian era was one of great religious persecution.
Anyways, Iran/Persia can be argued to be the first ones to develop "deontological ethics" based off Indo-Iranian contributions.
Ibadis are the best.
Unlike the other two they are content with what they have and don't try to aggressively spread it.
>Hates America
American government. has no beef with its people.
again, this is not the place for such nonsense. people itt don't even know the difference between shia and sunni and you're here trying to show off your knowledge about specifics in zoroastrianism.
Mazdakism is another persecuted Zoroastrian sect founded by Mazdak the Younger, also received great religious persecution. It was the first socialism (or proto-socialism). The Mazdakites were massacred by the order of Khosrau I and buried head-first, their feet serving as a deadly spectacle.
Sassanian era is more important to our heritage than the Achaemenids.
>to show off your knowledge about specifics in zoroastrianism.
I'm just trying to educate you.
I think the branches you're referring to are Ismaili'ism and Druze (who are technically not Muslim)
>Shia: Hates America, minds their own business
And not for arbitrary reasons. They were a democracy that looked up to us until we deposed their first democratically elected leader so the UK could siphon their oil. The reason they're so hardline today is because this allowed religious leaders to take control of the country.
>not believing that women's rights the source for 90% of the problems we have today
I try not to base all my opinions on internet memes.
Within the Twelvers branch, you can also find strange views that contradict Orthodoxy.
I also find it strange how Piruz Nahavandi's tomb is still preserved, for he was a Zoroastrian who killed caliphs. It has caused a lot of butthurt in Arabs who ask for it to be torn down.
Qarmatians were also technically not Muslim and destroyed the black stone in Mecca. It was pieced together by Arabs.
The question of what is or isn't Islam is not worth discussing -- such theological debates have affected all religions. The question ought to be "can we coexist with adherents of said religion without jeopardizing our own communal stability?" I think it is easier to get along with Shia than it is with Sunni because the latter has been heavily influenced by Al-Ghazali's Orthodoxy -- he even encouraged the genocide of Alawites. Unlike Avicenna or Omar Khayyam, Al-Ghazali wanted Islam to go "back to its roots", hence why the popularity of his "intellectual reformations" is largely the fault of Sunni's backwards state.
>"back to its roots"
"back to its roots by abandoning heterodox approaches relying on Greek philosophy"***
Are they part of the same group as the Whirling Dervishes?
it was Shias who started the suicide bombings m8
it really doesn't matter. let them stay in their countries and battle it out.
thanks to our past 50 years of foreign middle east policy they are united against us instead of fighting each other.
this should be a lesson for future generations
it really does, as your country is the reason why islamic terrorism still exists and why saudi arabia is building mosques in europe.
Nietzsche was a great philosopher who raised many interesting points, my own short stories are heavily inspired by him, but I have always sympathized with Schopenhauer's philosophical project more.
Shias are slightly better than Sunnis. At least most of them are Persians, and not niggers/arabs.
>they are united against us instead of fighting each other.
last time I checked, Iran was killing isis in Iraq&Syria, and stopping Saudi invasion of yemen all the while the USA was helping and defending Saudi interests.
they want secular democracy
but the west doesn't
didn't i just say we are responsible for muslims uniting against the west? yes, i did.
i also said their sects don't matter if they were kept in their own's not only muslim sects that fight each other, they also fight because of different tribes. these people aren't one united force. they will find any reason to fight each other.
Yes. Sunni Islam is tribal as fuck. I did two tours in Iraq, my first tour was in Baghdad(Shiite). There are drunks, whorehouses, women without face veils. My second tour I was up North of Baghdad near Sammara. It was all Sunni tribes, you couldn't even have open dialogue with these people about their religion. They seemed to side with their tribes, over the state and civility. Very backwoods esque
>muslims uniting against the west
its not true. you're responsible for the jihadi muslims, killing non-jihadi muslims.
both are bad
Speaking from my time in Iraq, Shiite fighters (Jaish Mahdi) were not suicide bombers, pretty much ever. It was a more serious threat to people stationed in Sunni AOs
Herpaderp, all Christians are the same. What is different between Catholics, Orthodox or filthy Protestant heathens?
>it was Shias who started the suicide bombings m8
They did a couple in the 80's and then abandoned the practice altogether. The Sunni's by comparison have done thousands.
Are wasps worse than hornets?
ahh i see what you're saying. halfway correct you are.
jihadis gonna kill non jihadis, but thanks to us they're gaining the upper hand thanks to arming and funding.
I won't waste any brain capacity on the question which subhuman is slightly less subhuman. fuck them all
Use your German word Hanz. Do it. Subhuman
Iran would have ended the Saudi jihad cancer if the US wouldn't have literally gotten in front of Saudis
if you think the west is being fucked with by jihadis, try being Iran and sharing borders with them.
Hate sunnis. Shias don't try to push Shariah on western countries. they'll either assimilate at best, or simply continue practicing shia islam personally at worst
My friend just came from Iran and he wants to adopt a dog. The Shia are more flexible in their viewpoints, but the important thing to note is Iran is very diverse in its peoples. The ones in Mazandaran and Tehran tend to be more secular in mentality compared to the South.
even then read: even conservative Shia don't fuck with others.
Link to your short stories
The idea that dogs are unclean in Islam was not really taken up by Iranian en masse until recently. Iranians have historically liked dogs, but the Arabs would kill them to mock the Zoroastrians, etc. The recent mullahs are idiots who're reading Al-Ghazali more than Avicenna and whatnot.
It's complex, but I recommend realizing Iran has an identity beyond Islam that also influenced its own interpretation of Islam, and there has been a lot of tensions between various ethnic groups throughout history. There is more complexity when approaching Persians since Islam is not used as a self-identifier.
i know. if it were up to me i'd completely take our hands off israel and saudi arabia, and turn a blind eye as their neighbors wiped them out for good.
However, what is odd is that Sassanian Zoroastrians hated cats but worshiped dogs.
Personally, I like both cats and dogs. I wouldn't mind butchering an Arab and feeding him to my cats and dogs.
>Iranian girl born in Japan
>Bourdain visits Iran
>riding a bike through Iran (not big cities and modern shit, but villages and middle of nowhere)
I believe I can make such great cuisine from the liver and lungs of Arabs for my cats and dogs. Hell, I would start a business for it even.
But then again, it is important to ensure their meat is fresh. We should also use them for human experimentation so that way we can find cures to Alzheimer's Disease and much more.
The Arab children will especially be useful for studies on social deprivation, neuroplasticity, and more.
wrong, the shias actually have the correct interpretation of Islam
Same shit different name they read from the same book which is shit itself.
We can do invasive optogenetic studies on the brains of Arabs and gain unprecedented knowledge at a rapid rate.