Man up and save them.
Women's Suffrage = Women's Suffering
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>(((Simon Baron-Cohen)))
>Cousin to Sacha Baron-Cohen
>Director, Autism Research Centre (ARC) in Cambridge
>Propagator of "extreme male brain hypothesis" of autism
I don't know. I know a lot of smart women. Wouldn't be fair to deny them opportunity.
>le synaptic density dictates intelligence
goddamn you're stupid
Degenerate Single Men that do Nothing to Help the Nation should not be Allowed, and Especially not Encouraged, to Decide the Future of the Nation either.
With Rare Exception, Women should Vote by Influencing their Husbands.
>women working means cutting wages in half
What did they mean by this? This is modern day slavery. Prove me wrong
>wouldn't be fair
lol at basing your political opinion on "fairness" you fucking baby
Who cares if Western civilization goes down the drain and your children end up raped and murdered by the mestizo-nigger hordes?
The important thing is that voting opportunities are fair!
Just another big step towards the Enslavement of America.
>be me in conversation with my sister about how I want to raise my kids
>say that I want to send my sons to a private school to become top of their classes, compete in sports
>say that I want to take great care of my daughters and have them home schooled by my wife
>sister: ''how can your wife do that if she starts working?''
>me: desu, I wouldn't pressure her to work, as I can put money on the table by myself, thanks to my good paying job. She can bond with the kids. It's proven that it creates a healthy family
>sister: oh, so you just want a woman who who's dumb and stupid, and has no career?
>me: well me, like most men, don't really see a career woman as any benefit. I suppose vice versa, it's different story. Plus, I want her to bond with my children instead of dumping them in a state daycare home.
>sister: well that's pretty sexist. you realise some women want a career too right? Why can't the husband look after the kids?
>me: Well yeah, women should work and do what they want, but they will pretty much always aim for a guy with higher earning value. It's pretty much natural selection, and biology. Do you really think most women would want to date a loser who sits at home?
>sister: well, lots of boys at my university dump their gf's because she didn't start her career
>me: college is a minority. in the real world, a male doctor would date and matter his receptionist. But do you really think a female doctor would date and marry the fucking janitor?
>sister: now you're just being sexist
Then she starts talking bullshit about women being discriminated from UK parliament as it's 78% Male, and all this other random bullshit.
She's studying to become a lawyer, and has just started. Why the fuck are they teaching law students about discrimination in UK's parliament? I thought all this marxist bull crap was in the social ''sciences'' and arts section.
Is my sister on the path to having a miserable young life of being an SJW?
When having these arguments always bring your opponent into the picture. In this case your sister. Ask what kind of man she wishes to marry (especially when it comes to $$$$). Ask if she wants children. If yes, then ask who should stay at home. If she says the man should, tell her that means he must have been making less money for this to be a logical decision. If she says she only wants to marry a man richer than her, then tell her it makes economic sense for her to stay home.
The key to arguing with liberals is to trap them in a logical loop, where the only means o escape is the concession of their argument.
Is this for whites only or all races because nigressess seem to more inteligent than niggers. White women being less inteligent makes sense because white men are pussies but niggers are violent towards so it makes sense that shegroids had to be more inteligent to survive.
He's arguing with women though... which is like arguing with a fucking wall
College has become a cuckfest. Its really sad but true.
>Really makes you think/10
Women were trying to tell us this the entire time, we men were just being cucks, pussies and degenerates. They couldn't communicate to us in a way we would understand until we woke up.
Muslims Patriarchy enslaves women, Jewish Matriarchy enslaves men. It is up to Strong White Men, The Japanese, and Based Dark Men to Save Humanity on Earth from being Conquered by Evil.
I can't see my sister becoming an SJW, or a radical feminist at least. She thinks black men and women are extremely unattractive too, and this is something SJW's don't say.
Shes most likely say a man who has a career too. That was the point she was trying to get across to me. She was basically saying that people with top tier jobs want each other, while I was stating that men don't really give a shit what job or intelligence she has. As long as she isn't stupid, and isn't McDonald's burger flipper tier if she HAD to end up working.
I think her POV is basically saying that both her and the husband will work in careers. But I can only see a nanny/daycare home raise her kids if so.
When she started bringing up the convo about ''UK parliament'', I said to her that there was no discrimination, and that it was just the natural selection of meritocracy. Then I a mention to her that most of the world we live in today was created by men.
Then she started saying that it was because of patriarchy, and started saying that men are ''thicker'' than women. So I proceeded to show her a graph of W/M & W/F IQ comparison showing that women are nearly all of average IQ, while men are more diverse. Hence why there's a lot of retarded men compared to women, while there's a lot of clever men compared to women.
She was still in denial, then went into the other room.
Some lawyer she's going to be...
Anyway, other than that, she's never shown SJW traits.
Good point but is also right, 99% of women cant in to logic m8.
>Jewish Matriarchy
I've never understood this. I don't see Sweden tier feminism in Israels government. And judging some Kikes I've met on meeting in North London, Jews seem to be quite traditional and patriarchal.
I also thought that Matriarchy can never work. I thought it destroys civilisation, if it isn't literal tribal third world like those Matriarchies in South West China
>Boys get their dicks mutilated at birth, have reduced rights by law in court AND women get to vote
Zionist Israel is somewhat pushing back against it's own Matriarchy but the lies, deception and divide/conquer tactics used by jews 100% mimic the way weak women and submissive men fight.
Good men learn about good/evil, speak the truth and fight for what is right till the end if they are convinced it is what is right.
Judaism is even more patriarchal than islam, have you read their religious books? Modern jews are mixed with europeans that's why they've more feminist culture in spite of religion.
This is a good point to bring up. Single mother whore society destroyers should not have the right to vote and neither should gangbanging niggers.
Based Black men should marry QUANGS and vote through the head of the family
>Go in debt
>Be a degenerate
>Get indoctrinated
>Lose your youth
Absolutely Semitic
Matriarchy just means women are given the power to legally oppress men. Men still have to do the work, the building, the fighting, the decision making etc.
US is ruled by a man but it is effectively a matriarchy. The easiest way to see this is to look at who gets their genitals mutilated at birth.
Who births a child and says "Lets traumatize this child for life and butcher it's genitals then make everyone else do the same thing forever"? A pretty sick group that's who.
Smart women (basically unicorns) have to settle for betas and be their mom in some way.
Smart men like to be in controlling relationships and can't stand a woman being better in some aspects of life than them. Sad!
>I've never understood this. I don't see Sweden tier feminism in Israels government. And judging some Kikes I've met on meeting in North London, Jews seem to be quite traditional and patriarchal.
Of course they don't want it for themselves, they want it for EVERYONE ELSE, because they know how destructive it is.
The Jews push feminist, multi-culturalist and race-mixing agendas on everyone but themselves.
For themselves, they remain a Tribe. Within themselves they have the "Us vs Them" mentality. For every other group, it's all about diversity.
>I also thought that Matriarchy can never work. I thought it destroys civilisation, if it isn't literal tribal third world like those Matriarchies in South West China
Matriarchies are a result of environmental conditions, those conditions being abundance of resources and no natural predators. Matriarchies do not create these conditions. Eventually the conditions may change and there will be a scarcity of resources and an abundance of predators. This is when it all falls apart and either rises again with Men in charge to handle this real shit, or remains a perpetual hell hole if they say "fuck it".
US was a patriarchy before women's suffrage though, right?
I thought the Teddy Roos days were supposed to be Sup Forums tier.
So Judaism is kind of eating itself too?
these studies mean nothing
kind of like IQ tests
>still falling for the ovarian jew
Because of mandatory freedom, the US has been shifting back and forth like a pendulum, but it is clearly matriarchy now but starting to shift back with Trump. Clinton, the first woman POTUS, was the endgame for the US oligarchic Matriarchy.
>Because of mandatory freedom, the US has been shifting back and forth like a pendulum
A pendulum that's standing on a platform with a left tilt.
Ever been mired for your brains pol?
Should we Civic Genocide Germany? The once great people are gone and the unsaveable Nation is becoming a blight upon humanity.
Is that a way to talk about your own creation?
Shes on the path to be 50 and single.
Yes, hence the racemixing ban in Israel and Netanyahu being somewhat of a misogynist racemixer(or was it his son?) whos sick of Matriarchy.
Yes, real brains is reflected through facial structure and means you can read women's minds and say stuff while looking into their soul that makes them fall in love with you. Every problem has a cause, and being a virgin is not because you are too smart, unless you choose it to become a wizard.
We fucked up. No guilt or reparations. Just learning from a mistake and making better decisions in the future like the Japanese taught us. We are all growing as a people and Hitler/Germay's spirit of Truth will live on through our American Civic Nationalism and whatever survives/can be saved in Europe.
We made this mess, now it's time to fix it.
>and Hitler/Germay's spirit of Truth will live on through our American Civic Nationalism
>We made this mess, now it's time to fix it.
You obviously won't.
did...did your mom put her finger up your ass too?
She's in a relationship with some weak effeminate ''male'' atm.
Not a Nu-male, but more a ''Californian Street dancing/skating weed smoking DUDE bro''.
Seriously man, a lot of americans over here are nu-male and effeminate as fuck :(
but facts are racist user, or misogynist or some other word that are supposed to imply hate or damage to my reputation and well being.
Don't fear user, when she grows tired of this beta, you can easily use it against her.