KEK has abandoned us
When do we welcome our new Horsefucker overlords?
KEK has abandoned us
This is why Barneyfags need to fucking die.
This is the biggest fuck-up of the century
these autismo lords getting their cum-stained hands on Meme magic
I'm gonna an hero anytime soon
fuck it, every board should get its own cabinet pick now. /k/ got mad dog, we got the president, /mlp/ got press secretary, why not at this point?
>every board except /r9k/
there, fixed
Don't, it's not worth it
Hey, Barney's a shit show. Undeniable.
>Awakens a chaos god
>Surprised when there is chaos
At least he knows who's best pony.
Well, it's unexpected for a toddlers' show like this.
But no Barney character is ever good. They all a shit.
>KEK has abandoned us
KEK is the god of chaos. He was never with us in the first place.
>he pretends to hate cartoons because girls
Waifus for all
I still have no fucking clue why you keep equating Barney to /mlp/. They aren't the same show. The jump in logic you make is truly a feat of super autism or something.
Says the retarded Canadian bakery case
Is Kek really Discord in disguise?
that ass
But Barney is still a shit show, faggot
They're the same shit.
Hang yourself, Barneyfag
More white ponies :^)
You really need to seek professional mental help. You do know that compulsive actions like what you do is not normal, right?
If barney is a shit show, why do you keep bringing it up?
but is mlp a good show? memes aside
i tried to watch an episode to see wtf it was that appealed to so many grownups
and i mean if i was a kid i probably would find it more funny than the shit cartoons that there are today, and the animation looked good
but it was so fucking faggy i couldnt bear it and even less so finding something sexy about a fucking horse
like powerpuff girls was a show that i enjoyed as a kid and it was meant for girls but this was too much
Hang yourself, Barneyfag
Is no one going to address that CNN used the most sexual picture of cartoon pony they could find on the internet that wouldn't get censored?
Like seriously CNN, have you no shame?
He won't, it's been years.
I just want him to sudoku now.
you are more autistic than the most autistic brony
Barney is never good, user. Consider yourself lucky.
Some context for newfags
This. We true believers know that Kek did not manifest to "save the white race". He came to fuck shit up.
It´s up to us to make the best out of all the happenings and insanity coming up between now and 2030. After 2030 we are too late.
Ponyfags out.
You're too autistic even for Sup Forums
powerpuff girls was funny
I though the same, I was like damn cnn my waifu looks pretty good nigga sauce me.
>supporting degenerates
I highly doubt it
But we love you. Pol is like an older brother to us.