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Richard Spencer: We memed alt-right into existence
Why is this guy being shoved down our throats?
What makes you think he is?
2 months ago, nobody knew who the fuck he was.
Now, there is a news article about him everyday.
jelly of that sick cut tbqh
>cuckservatives, RINOs, and neocons run on platform of defunding obamacare if you elect them
>they get elected into the majority
>they proceed to fund obamacare
>people are upset that politicians will do anything to get elected
>tons of people dissatisfied with mainstream GOP
>actual alt-right forms as a response
>MSM gets a trust fund kid to be the poster child of "The Alt Right" which is completely separate from what it used to refer to
>Richie Reich makes an idiot of himself to gain publicity for his facetious political movement to muster together all of those dissuaded with the mainstream GOP
>MSM laps it up because they can use him
And then they're going to reveal some huge dirt that ruins his public image so that they can return all of the lost sheep back into the fold to inject some last blood into the GOP before it's overwhelmed by changing demographics.
Does she want to fuck him?
he said hail trump, and the media is trying desperately to make him look like Hitler (not a problem) and pin him together with Trump (also not a problem)
This & checked. I never heard of this dude until that video of those 2 (((alt-right))) goys seig heiling Trump after the election.
only nu/pol/ didn't know who this guy was. Really shows who's into the pro-white movement.
I'm starting to think he only sieg heiled because he knew it would get him attention and launch his political career
This, this thread is either b8, t. newfag, and or shills trying to force a meme. Sage goes in all fields.
*Only (((nu-pol))) knew who he was. Or controlled op Sup Forums here's your (you) nigger
Nice try shill I've been here before Sup Forums was /new/ this (((leader))) of the alt right was never discussed at great length.
Here come the shill army who must have been the ones keeping his save meh innocent mama from the joos thread bumped. Guarantee there isn't a single oldfag who gives a flying fuck about that cunt or her son. Media cuck ass stormfags. Go back to trs or stormfront, calling everyone shills and new doesn't convince anyone that you guys aren't shilling. You think you can kill the redpill you faggots are not going to win. Some of you are niece children who want acceptance yes I know, but yalls leaders know what they are doing. Almost cost trump the presidency with that nazi bull shit. Kys, telling newfags to lurk moar in hopes they get brainwashed by the 75% shilling in here as of late. Kthxbai
fuck off shill. the alt right is a strawman proped up by the msm and spenner is an attention whore faggot.
(((Richard Spencer))) can fuck off
(((Richard Spencer)))
He isn't, but he gets out and talks to media so media is going to report on him. Dumbass.
He's the MSM's scapegoat in case a mass shooting occurs in Pepe's name or something. He fucked up big time by revealing his power level in public and on camera so now late-night comedians will give the liberal masses new talking points (strawman arguments) to throw at anyone who feels redpilled to them.
Seriously fuck this attention whore.
This is the unfortunate truth.
>call everyone who disagrees with you a white nationalist
Isn't working fast enough so they now
>declare white nationalist is head of the movement you dislike
>We memed
>alt right
Theres no such thing as the alt right. It was a blanket term for trump supporters that msm concocted so they can label trump supporters like nazis
Then you have dumbass attention whore opportunists who take the bait and claim to be the "leader" like dick spence and milo
Cant stand the guy
stop trying to force this meme person
This guy has been around for years. He literally coined "Alt Right" and defined what is was since 2010. Just because you don't know who he is doesn't mean he hasn't played a role in the past few years. We need someone like him representing a pro-white movement to the masses.
fuck this attention whore
>memed the "alt-right" into existence
I fucking hate new fags so god damn much. The "alt-right" has been around before even /new/
No he wasn't! you literally made him up!
He was, thanks to the storm cucks falling for media bait. Now he's fading away predictably due to the media not covering nearly as much as they used to, and likewise the storm cucks don't make as many threads about him anymore
We need to stand behind him no matter what you morons, exposure is always great as long as they don't portray you as a loon/weakling
THE MAINSTREAM MEDIER still can't understand why Brexit happened or why Trump won. They do not realise that many people who are no part of a particular group all decided to vote for a common cause. They tried to label anyone who was against Hillary buy also didn't like Jeb! as "alt-right", a group in which every major person who was labelled "alt-right" would deny that they are part of it (Milo, Lauren Southern etc.). Then this guy comes along declaring himself a leader of this movement the media made up. It gives them a target and a way to associate people who have vaguely similar opinions.
And who do you think created and defined the term?
if you haven't been listening/reading radix for at least a year then you don't have a valid opinion of him
This guy is either an egomaniac or paid opposition. He's retarded.
Milo was 2016
Spencer is 2017
>hey, lets save the white race.
fuck off kike.
We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.
He's one of us, goys, I mean guys
Accept him
She looks like she wants to drain his balls.
Don't be mean to Cher.
He's shifting the overtone window of what is politically acceptable. After the "Hail Trump" debacle, he's had many more interviews on mainstream news, and he is representing explicitly pro-white ideas better than any of you Nazi LARPers ever did. He's well dressed, fairly good looking, and speaks eloquently about instilling European identity among whites, which is the first step in this battle (rather than just attacking other races). Non of this was even being discussed just two or three years ago, but it is now.
How is he bad for us?
The Alt-Right existed before Trump ran for president you dumb fuck.
Hi I'm Richard Spencer and I represent all the multitude of disparate groups that despise the political establishment.
btw heil Hitler and heil Trump, lol, now you can conveniently dismiss me and all the people I claim to represent, most of whom have never heard of me.
I still don't know who the hell is this faggot.
He was right when he said "Nobody identifies as a racist". It's the only slur word that works against whites, that's why all the public alt right figures refuse to identify with it.
Like if you ask a black "are you a nigger" he could objectively think about it and say "oh yes, i fit the description because the original word meant black" but he won't identify with it because it's a slur word. He knows he's racist but he doesn't identity as A RACIST, like that consumes his whole being. it's just one side of his character.
The truth is that whites are so superior that people couldn't come up with an insult that cuts deep enough to shut them up or use to ostracize in society (honkey/cracker?) so they came up with a word that alludes to morality and shames them on that basis. This is why it's so powerful, and the alt right will have to think of ways to counter that until it loses all meaning. It needs to get to a point where it doesn't carry as much weight and public opinion shifts. This is when you create the space to get the other arguments across.
I really want to cum on her glasses
You literal niggers and faggots with your "who?" faggotry.
He's out there with his real name and face.
You smug little virgins.
I don't think he is that well spoken. He comes off as a pseudo intellectual attention whore in this interview, which is saying a lot considering who is interviewing him.
anyone who doesnt know that Alt Right came from Alt Media is a shill or a retard
We will establish White shariah. Bless Mufti Spencer may peace be upon him.
I used to dislike the guy but he is doing way more than any of us are to cause political change and promote white identity. Shit on him all you want, but if you're going to, I hope you have a better way to accomplish these goals than he is and I hope you're going to do something more than shitposting to accomplish them.
How do you overcome the racist label other than simply owning it?
If they want to cry about racism, we can give them real tears and conquer them again.
That's how you turn a political liability into an asset.
TRS, learn from the DNC. You can make people hate someone easily enough, but it's impossible to make people like someone - especially a larping autist like Spencer. Guy couldn't even debate a WE WUZ KANGS Blm nigger without stuttering
>he hasn't read alternativeright.com in the early 2010s
>he probably doesn't even know Kevin MacDonald, Steve Sailer and Jared Taylor
how new can you be?
I like to think that after the interview, he handed her a copy of "Culture of Critique" and she will soon be the Harley Quinn to his Joker.
>name one thing Trump said thats racist, you cant you sheeple
>giggle giggle gas the kikes race war blacks are inferior
what the fuck is wrong with you?
>Get quints
>Nobody notices
WTF I hate Sup Forums now.
>larping autist like Spencer.
> couldn't even debate a WE WUZ KANGS Blm nigger without stuttering
Back to worldstar negroid.
Back to TRS, useful idiot.
every sequential number system will produce r epeating d igits
is this your first time with human numeral systems?
>Everything is Russia
>Some leftwing rag
>being around
wew, just admit he's controlled opposition and you were fucking dumb enough to fall for it
Ooga booga indeed.
>what the fuck is wrong with you?
If you are white, you are simply never going to win. Period. We will be shutdown consistently by our enemies yelling "RACISTS" at us to morally silence us.
This tactic has worked and continues to work, as minorities keep pushing themselves into positions of privilege over us.
The only way for us to win, is to use this liability as our source of power. Stop being afraid of being called a racist, embrace it, and shown the minorities that we won't be cowed into giving them authority over us.
Richard is just the first to get publicly scorned, more will come. Nathan Damigo did a great job being interviewed by TYT Politics:
I'm not saying I agree with Spencer on everything, but he is certainly creating a good image for White nationalists.
How could what we are ever have a leader? Seems like kneebender shit to me.
Who is this (((alt-right)))?
Literally, this name was a /r9k/ joke at the beginning, right?
I was going to watch this until I saw the interviewer and puked
He looked like a fucking retard in all his appearances.
Checked, kek has spoken
he handled that rabbi perfectly, thought.
Is she supposed to be a journalist? She's just arguing with him.
It's meme journalism with stoned hipsters. AKA: VICE.
But she's hawt
The (((media))) is going to build this guy up then obliterate him with some kind of scandal in an attempt to disintegrate the who ideal. It won't work.
He is very well spoken. He will be an influential political figure in the future.
Meme magic is about coherence and the 100th monkey effect by sharing complex ideas in simply analogies. That´s how I´d put it.
BTW I am way over my teenage years....
I thought he was an idiot in the hail Trump video, bu here he is actually making some pretty good points, plus he made me kek a little bit with his impressions of a liberal.
This video isn't new.
>He comes off as a pseudo intellectual attention whore
Actually she does with her artsy style,empty questions, ad hominem and ad populum.
I think her whole life goal is to appear "intellectual" and progressive.
Also she likes him and cant hide.
I can see you thinking that if English isn't your first language, but he actually comes off like a moderately intelligent guy acting like a super intelligent one.
Fuck off, satan.