That means, no SJW's, no identity politics, no queer theory, no Democratic Socialism, no Bernie Sanders, no radical feminism. The left explicitly rejects liberal capitalist ideologies such as libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism on the basis that they are exploitive of both the working class and the planet, neglectful towards the sick and the poor, as well as too individualistic without any emphasis on community.
This thread is for the discussion of any and all left-wing political ideology, including, but not limited to, Marxism/Socialism/Communism/Anarchism
Gabriel Edwards
How the fuck do you classify Anarchy a leftist ideology or a right wing one? I am one and don't consider myself on either side of the spectrum. I just want to be left alone
Luke Sullivan
You're a faggot and so is your fat slavic faggot messiah.
Xavier Russell
anarchism is a stateless society, which is anti-hierarchical, therefore left
Jace Green
Kill yourself
Ayden Ross
holy shit youre a faggot
Aaron Brown
And no workers
Josiah Diaz
Joseph Bell
>muh individualism
this is exactly how. individualism was designed by jews to create commodity markets, when the most sensible society is collectivist; organized labor, organized police force, organized education.
anarchism is an open invitation to (((capitalism))) because a single person does not have the political or revolutionary muscle to btfo the jews
Luis Rivera
Hunter Smith
this is wrong as fuck. why do you think hierarchy defines right wing politics? and not individualism? just because edgy teens at hot topic like to piss off their conservativec parents and call themselves anarachists does not make anarchists left wing
David Howard
Read this and go away
Parker Scott
>t. Toronto
Capitalism is the natural order, where the strong thrives. Charity to the weak handicaps society as a whole.
Jackson Cook
>no democratic socialism >lists anarchism I can atleast respect democratic socialism. Anarchism is utter trash.
Wyatt Ross
Left can mean 3 things - hierarchy, economics, or social issues. Anarchism is a progressive mode of thought, and should thus be placed in the left wing.
Colton Adams
Demsoc, while respectable, is not radical, which is what this thread is about.
Nolan Gutierrez
Real Leftist Idea for Discussion >Nationalize all military contractors.
Levi Moore
Christian Anderson
>Includes Iron Heel noice
Lincoln Hughes
So what's up with Podemos, euro-beaner? Are they splintering? Is it a meme?
Noah Walker
I trust Muslims far more than the Jews, the reason that intelligent Muslims (i.e. bin Laden) hated the US is, ostensibly, because of Israel. Israel is in favor of ISIL and instability in Muslim countries, have outright stolen land and continue to steal land from Palestinians. I am fine with Muslims having the Middle East... don't particularly want them here, but if they are Westernized I don't really see the difference. Some Muslim women can be pretty hot, at least when they're in their teen years.
Contrast that with the Jews, who use usury and deceit to abuse Gentiles and outright force to abuse Palestinians. It is redpilled to accept the existence of Muslims, provided they keep Shariah in their little sandbox while the rest of the world continues in the 21st century. They hate Israel, not the West.
Benjamin Torres
>Are they splintering?
It's a meme by the media, they are just organizing internally democratically.
Leo Murphy
who the fuck is from toronto? you must be a rig pig.
> the (((strong))) thrive you are a retarded pawn. may the rake-ning find you first
Kayden Jones
Muslims can't do that,'s not enough that they play with their toys, they want me and my family to not only allow their toys, but play with them as well. The various Caliphates throughout history, from Ayubbid to Ottoman, proves this. And yes, Islam does hate the west (citation not needed)
Juan Hughes
how is anarchism progressive? progressive movements necessitate social and structural norms that anarchism inherently disagrees with. the only people who think anarchism is leftist are right wingers or people who listen to right wing thinkers, for a whole slew of reasons
Lincoln Harris much of their existence do they owe to opposing bullfights? I don't see another party like this anywhere in the world, I think it's fascinating.
Aaron Perez
Anarchism=radical change=progressive as opposed to conservative
Wyatt Hernandez
The Muslims can be easily and systematically destroyed with very little retaliatory threat, so as long as they are kept aware of that, it is fine.
By intervening in the Middle East, you create situations where they end up migrating here and creating absolute chaos and start fucking your women, meanwhile their women are back in the Middle East as some guy's 6th wife/first daughter. Withdraw all support for Israel and let the problem fix itself, or Europe becomes overrun in the next decade and there is only one White Continent left.
James Foster
I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.
Carter Foster
there are 1 billion muslims in the world Most of them are not in the Middle East It is not feasible to kill 1/7th of world population, no matter what your beliefs Immigration is bad for the working class, as it increases the labor base, thus giving more power to the boss class (they can just hire someone else)
Andrew Torres
Logan Sanders
Sebastian Lopez
>most of them are not in the middle east
ok, we shouldn't intervene in poo country or fool around with the pakis, either. also if you killed a few million you'd quickly see the number of muslims in the world drop
Noah Ortiz
malaysia north africa Central asia they're everywhere