What did she die for?
What did she die for?
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child porn
who and how
She named the Jew
Sticking her nose into someone else's altercation.
So her husband could shamelessly exploit her death for his political causes
She died for your sins user.
The racist diatribes which you espouse on here daily about the poor, defenceless brown people.
she died for having different opinions. the cunt that killed her deserves a death sentence.
She died so I could send my kids to college by targeting the people willing to parade a corpse with my epic marketing skills.
Fuck off OP, she didn't do anything worth being murdered for, that's for fucking sure.
Do you deserve to be killed for being a grade A shitposter? No.
But a good beating would be fine with me...
A lost cause
>captcha: select all images with pizza
To prove on June 23'rd that kikes aren't nearly as clever as they think, apparently.
>Be racist and sexist Chav
>have strong political views about Britain leaving the EU
>decide to ''shank'' some weak, innocent, ''literally who?'' and unarmed, pretty middle aged woman
I'm not even b8ing here. Why is it always white males who have a problem with women?
The same shit goes for all the white males (O'Railley, Assange etc) who were against Hillary Clinton's campaign. Meanwhile, black males, Muslim males and other POC males are more than happy to have a woman president.
Do you people not realise why white women flock to us non white males once you white male folk treat your own women like shit?
>inb4 white women voted for trump
that was mainly old women
For England, James!
>"Vote Remain" slogans on the flowers at her memorial
How are leftists always so autistic?
>implying she wasn't relocated to some island or bumfuck location
Last ditch effort for remainers to make Brexit look bad, they sacraficed her for nothing.
6 million years in the gulag.
The only people who voted Leave are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted Remain.
Unironically this. They were in a loveless marriage of convenience. When his paymasters were looking for a martyr for the Remain campaign, he saw a way to get in their good graces and offered up his "wife" on a silver platter.
You have to go back.
This meme is truly evolving
>bumfuck location
She was the MP for the very definition of this place. Imagine if you took a shitty Alabama town and replaced the blacks with Muslims, but kept the redneck locals and made them have even stupider accents. It's basically "gibs" the constituency.
They all voted to leave, though, because the ones that are eligible to vote have a deep hatred of Yuroland.
The rich parts of cities voted remain. Someone proudly announced that Leeds voted remain, but disregarded entirely the fact that the entire north and west of the city is populated by people from the South who stayed there after Yuunay.
The east and south of Leeds, where people from Leeds actually live, voted leave overwhelmingly. Cox's constituency included.
>yes m'fuggah, I'd love to have a female president
>we wuz perfect gentleman n sheeeiiiiiit
>*tips turban*
>tfw so many habbenings that you already forgot about her
She died so brexit and Trump could win.
Did you even read my post you mongoloid?
pic related
Noice shop user.
Filename of OP's pic.
She was stabbed and shot to death by an Islamic migrant just before the big Brexit vote.
What happened with that?
Oh no he was an actual Brit, my bad.
hero worship
To become a Psyop and false flag.
She's got that nasty slag look on her face. Miles of cock taken, likely double/triple penetrated. Her husband has at LEAST 4 HD videos of her being spit roasted by 9 inch cocks.
the chickens have started spit roasting humans in retaliation?
Seeing as saint Jo was soooooooooooo tolerant we should free Thomas Mair im sure it's what Saint Jo would want
..and the charity single only made it to 138th, not even the top 40 despite 'muh Christmas no.1 for Jo' being shilled by a bunch of leftist celebrities and MPs.
Why can't they stop losing on this one?
Only thing I'm disappointed at is that we didn't try and get 'Death to traitors, freedom for Britain' above it in the charts. We missed some great bants on that one by not running a campaign for it.
>t. syrup nigger
implying she died
Apparently nothing