What is the point of this?
Sup Forums is filled with faggots who like "feminine dicks" at worst so I think they're okay with this
This isn't new
fuck Drumpf and fuck LGBT people
I'm suprised no phtoshop autist wizard hasn't shopped this flag into something meme worthy yet
is this the real life?
trump is a cuck
wtf I love LGBTQXFPVBN2 people now
A humble Syrian here, some advice for you all.
Do not put all your faith in a leader, he will always let you down.
Assad let us down by compromising too much with the NATO terrorists and we arrived at where we are today (though we cannot stop supporting a leader in a time of war or the nation will collapse).
What kept us all going was the love of our nation and people.
Fuck Trump, fuck the DNC/RNC, have faith in your people and do not let the (((blood sucking))) vampires do to you what they've done to us.
Godspeed my Christian brothers. Never lose faith in God almighty no matter how hard the battle goes on. Trump is a vampire, just like the rest of them.
Post facial hair or gtfo
Feminine non functional cock is shit. Hot guys have better dicks anyway.
Homosexuality is physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically damaging to your body. That being said, I think people should be allowed to fuck themselves up all they want, it's not my responsibility to make sure a fag lives to 50. At most, I think the filthy lying media needs to cover the health dangers of homosexuality, it's not helping anybody to just pretend it doesn't exist.
I could give a damn if Trump support the gays or the LGBT because I could give a damn whether they kill themselves out or not.
You're a filthy ar*b but you're right
amen brother
hi syriangirl
syrian girl, please let me massage your luscious lips with my penis
You're like a goddamn Liberal News Outlet with all this Non-Proof Providing you're doing here.
Yeah it is that's why if one does it they need a committed partner that way there isn't any damage. The only problem is no one really likes them and they're hard to get into. Not like straight sex hasn't been corrupted by the Jews either
>Post facial hair or gtfo
I'd rather not, but here's a memento from Syria.
>You're a filthy ar*b but you're right
Syrians are not Arabs. Otherwise we would have fallen long ago.
>I could give a damn if Trump support the gays or the LGBT because I could give a damn whether they kill themselves out or not.
Of all the issues he could have furthered, he chose to further sodomy and Israel. Can you guess why?
lurk more or go back to r/politics you fucking faggot, this has been covered time and time again.
>Gays like Trump cause he wont import fuckloads of muslims who will kill them
>This makes Trump a cuck
what does this mean?
>There are no signs that the LGBT community will be in the crosshairs of a Trump administration. In fact that evidence is just the opposite.
>In the 1980s & 1990s Trump donated heavily to charities that focused on the AIDS outbreak. When he floated a third party presidential run in 1999 he went on record saying he would consider adding sexual orientation to the Civil Rights Act. Trump is also believed to be the first private club owner in Palm Beach — in this case Mar-a-Lago — to admit a gay couple. This is not the resume of an LGBT foe.
>Fast forward to the 2016 election and Trump’s view of the LGBT community remained unchanged. In June 2015 he forcefully condemned the terror attack at Pulse nightclub, a LGBT club. In condemning this attack, Trump bravely spoke an ugly truth many in the elite dare not speak – radical Islam and the LGBT community do not mix. Trump took this truth to Cleveland when he vowed to protect the LGBT community.
>“Only weeks ago, in Orlando, Florida, 49 wonderful Americans were savagely murdered by an Islamic terrorist. This time, the terrorist targeted LGBTQ community,” Trump told the Republican delegates. “As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology.”
>During the same convention, Trump asked gay Silicon Valley tycoon Peter Thiel to address the Republican delegates. Thiel accepted then and is now a part of Trump’s transition team. And now Trump is said to be considering Richard Grenell, an openly gay man, to be his ambassador to the U.N.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>talk tough against Libertarians and civic nationalists
>vote for this man
Isn't syriangirl pro-Assad? She is a Russian shill after all.
Care to explain to me the 3 million shitskinned subhumans terrorizing streets of turkey right now?
What are you if not ar*b then?
basically Sup Forums, although I do see his appeal with things like the wall and temporary muslim ban. Plus he was a better option than delegates kike shill, sweaty robot man and guacamole. At least we have Pence "turning transvestites into transistors" Pence.
>Care to explain to me the 3 million shitskinned subhumans terrorizing streets of turkey right now?
Probably the 3 million Saudi goat fuckers released from prison to kill Syrians and shipped over the border by your sultan.
Trump is doing Taqqiya
Gotta use their own tricks on them
He's playing a temporal RTS game
The flag is upside down, Trumps PR team did a fuck up.
Wow, it's like Trump isn't the openly homophobic baby eater the media made him out to be.
>really unzips my almonds
He never actually supported electroshock therapy.
I know but it's fun to meme it
Yeah Trump was never anti LGBT
What's so funny?
Trumpy likes buttsex
The flag is upside down.
Gay for Trump?
I mean
You mean to tell me you haven't fantasized about sucking his dick and him cumming in your mouth and eyes and calling you a fag and spitting in your face and telling you to fuck off after he gets off?
I mean that's normal, right?
Y-you're fired
>Trump has spent most of his life being rather socially liberal.
>Liberals spend the past year insisting he's literally Hitler.
>Most of Sup Forums realizes he is about as far from being "1488 gas the kikes race war now" as one can get, but still a useful vehicle for shaking things up.
>Liberals are suddenly faced with the fact that he's not acting like they expected literally Hitler to act.
>Cognitive dissonance kicks in.
>"Ha ha, fucking stormfags, look at Trump backtracking on being Hitler!"
You forgot, '~' people, shitlord
faggots are just another tool to gain more control.
Chess move to get a reason to get rid off muslims.
>not Arab
>>Liberals spend the past year insisting he's literally Hitler.
He ran almost the exact same campaign Hitler did in 1932.
Go away Mohammed
Is making your country good fascist now?
I'm sorry that you're still living in a delusion, user, but you're gonna have to pull that band-aid off someday.
>t. literal Ahmed
>fuck LGBT people
with your brown penis no doubt
we all know the suicide bomber kids get molested by fag imams, it's no secret