Why aren't you resisting, Sup Forums ?

Why aren't you resisting, Sup Forums ?


Check your privilege.

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Tell me about life in Cote d'Ivore.

starving much?
or is there plenty of ONU food?

White people are the best

We deserve our status as leaders of the world

Prove me wrong

>white people



Why is our flag backwards?

Nice try.


>African country
>French name
just fuck my shit up pham

It's hard because of the white minority oppressing us.

Nope. Got lots of rice for Christmas.

did you make sure it's not decorative plastic rice?

What the fuck flag now?

>no archive.is link

Don't give these kikes click shekels newfag

Resistmedia, founded by (((Derek Ellerman)))
These kikes can't stop trying to weaponize blacks against whites, while they have been mostly responsible for the black slave trade...

I'm sure.

We invented rice, fucking sand moor.


lottsa niggers.

Niggers are in the EU and the US

Here we only have strong, proud african men

when will you invade us with the voice powered helicopters???

T'es ivoirien? Pourquoi est ce que tu viens dans ce trou de merde rempli d'imbéciles? Moi jsuis uniquement ici pour rire de ces cons

Ok, i come from ivory coast, why the fuck do you post on this shithole?

Btw for white autists thinking they are superior hahaha

We arrived in canada ,we were on welfare. we are 4 brothers

All of us were always at the top of our classes,no affirmative action in our province

Today my 3 brothers are doctors and i'm in pharm school meanwhile lowlife autists keep masturbating about their so called superiority

I know many people from ivory coast in med school lol, there is more and more africans getting in the stem field and staying in the top of their promotions above so called "superior I.Q" whites and asian

At the end of the day, you'll still masturbate to you imaginary superiority to forget how shitty your life truly is while the rest of us carry on with our comfy lives while sometimes coming here to have a quick laugh at low life subhumans haha

We africans are a peaceful people. You whites are the ones who brought violence to the continent.

ok t'es un imbécile, jsais pas ce que tu fou en cote-d'ivoire

Well he's just an autist roleplaying with other autists,nothing to see here. Get out of ivory coast tho


T'en fait pas, ca m'amuse bien generalement. Et de temos en temps y'a des conversations interessantes.

On est ensembles.

L'ironie t'as oublie ce que c'etait?

Devenu trop canadien mon pote.



ahhh, jcommencais à croire que t'etais un blanc retardé. Ya vrrmt bcp d'imbéciles sur ce site qui éssaient de se faire passer pour des noir

En passant il commence a y avoir de + en + d'ivoirens en medecine, pharmacie, medecine dentaire, c'est vraiment beau voir ça. Tout ça sans leur boogeyman qu'ils appellent "affirmative action"

Ce qui me fait rire c'est que ces cons ne font rien de leur vie et sont incroyablement stupides mais passent quand meme leur temps à se dire qu'ils sont supérieurs à toutes les races pour oublier que leur vie ne vaut rien.

Quand ils sont exposés à des "minorités" enormement + intelligentes qu'eux et ceux qu'ils connaissent, ils ne savent pas quoi faire

"I don't do politics of envy"

Faut que j'avoue , j'ai regardé le drapeau, orange blanc vert... j'ai regardé une deuxieme fois pour confirmer.

Je ne m'attendais pas à voir un ivoirien sur ce site haha

J'ai fait mes etudes en France, je suis avocat maintenant. Ici pour les fetes.

Ca les deranges que nous soyons la nouvelle race productrice quand eux se reposent sur leurs lauriers vivant d'une gloire passee.

It really bothers you that were are the new productive race when all you have is a nostalgia for greatness and shitty countries now.

>no affirmative action in our province

Employment Equity is at the federal level, you dumb nigger.

Surprisingly enough I agree with you. People should be based on merit only and not the color of their skin

The problem is that generally whites are better perceived than blacks, based on nothing but unconscious bias.

Am i going to call that "habitual racism"? No. It's an image that must be changed by ourselves.

Lol your dumb lowlife ass thinks it applies for our admissions in medschool,etc? Look it up . Even if there was affirmative action, does it matter when we were always at the top of our promotions, even in medschool? (for my brothers)

and pharm for me

You'll keep looking for excuses to justify why a "inferior race" is smarter than you and more successful than you. Keep it up if it helps you forget how worthless and depressing your life is for mere moments

Now keep circle jerking here for the rest of your life, while i go practice the "white genocide" by fucking my white side girl


like looking in a mirror

Ça s'applique pas pour les admissions ici.

En étant constamment au top de sa promo, mon frere ainé est devenu neurochirugien. À la fin il est meme allé se spécialiser à havard (mais rendu là, il était déjà neuro). Il y a tres peu de personnes qui se font accepter en neurochirugie chaque année

These idiots think ben carson became a great neurosurgeon because they think he has white blood *since he's african american), when you show them 100% black neurosurgeons from west africa practicing in north america.... Their inferior small racist brain starts to short-circuit because it can not comprehend how a "minority" is superior to him in every way
Lol, that's the way i always felt when seeing your flag. Why is it my flag but backwards? (inb4 obvious edgy autist replies)

>gay Ireland

Says the gypsy, the niggers of europe.

t-t-thanks shlomo, i'll go kill myself now

Why did you have to move to a white country?

Makes me wonder why your ancestors had to move to a native american country

>People should be based on merit only and not the color of their skin.
Perception is subjective, merit is based on objectivity. With objectivity, a rape is a rape and crime is crime. The only thing I would change in the prison system right now is the sentencing for non violent crimes. No one will ever convince me a murderer or rapist should be given any extra privileges based on skin color, religion, etc.

>You'll keep looking for excuses to justify why a "inferior race" is smarter than you and more successful than you.

I never denied that you were smarter or more successful btw, I just want to know why you can't be smart and successful in your own country, it doesn't make sense that you'd have to move anywhere to achieve that since your skill level is so high.

there was no natiev american country
settled wilderness

So you're fleeing a tyrannical government?

>White supremacy is a cultural system that benefits whiteness.

...in white countries.

Skills and intelligence still rely on opprtunity to be relevant.

You asking this question shows how much of a retard you are.

Go back to blaming immigrants for your failure at life.

I know you guys are dumb but ......really?

we grew up here, we were became doctors/pharm here

>white supremacy
>white people having political power

And that's a bad thing? I guess to them, obviously. But whites running things is actually pretty good. The best countries in the world are where white people are the most powerful.

Where were the established borders that these natives reinforced? Dumb nigger, they never had control.

Yes because EU countries were absolute havens 50 years after becoming a nation.

Success as a country takes time. Even more so when your own borders are drawn arbitrarily.

>Skills and intelligence still rely on opprtunity to be relevant.

Why isn't that opportunity available in your own country?

Like I said, why did you have to rely on the white educational system to become successful?

Would you be as successful as you are if you hadn't had the opportunity? Shouldn't you be thanking white people for them allowing you to prosper in their nation, where you wouldn't in your own?

Seems kind of entitled to me.

Did opportunity exist for the peasants in post feudal europe?

You seem to forget most of us have only existed as countries for 50 years.

Additionally didn't most of your ancestors emigrate for that very same reason? Lack of opportunity and recognisance in your home nation?

How about all those black inventors, eh?

Your favorite shitty argument.

Invention imand innovation is need + opportunity. If one of those two lack, shit doesn't get done.

How about all those black scientists, engineers, doctors and lawmakers?

> why did you have to rely on the white educational system

do you think i made the choice at 6?

And you're saying this as if you or any of your ancestor deserved merit for "allowing" black people to prosper here.

Sure i am thankful for the country ,not "white people", few whites sure. Your ancestors were most likely lowlife racist peasants , same goes for the ancestors of most lowlifes here boasting the achievements of few members of their "white race" nobody has to thank them for anything.

>when your life is so worthless that you have to rely on the achievements of people who had the same skin pigmentation as you in order to feel better about yourself

you can't make this up

bon j'ai eu ma dose d'imbéciles pour la semaine et probalement le mois.

Jvais étudier, content d'avoir parler à un autre ivoirien ici, bye!

Bro your flag is backwards. Are you drunk again?

oh btw i forgot, i only mock white racist autists such as you guys. I'm chill with the rest,so there's no "entitled or whatever"
you're the one with the backward flag

ok là j'y vais,bye

Opportunity didn't exist, so they set out and conquered lands to build their own opportunity, there weren't any white countries to flee to.

Blacks had to be conquered by Whites to even understand the idea of a "nation".

Had you not been conquered you'd still be rubbing sticks together in a hunter-gatherer society.

You're even speaking the white man's language, English and French. Pretty sad you couldn't come up with your own language.

>do you think i made the choice at 6?

Why did your parents make the choice to move before you were born?

>And you're saying this as if you or any of your ancestor deserved merit for "allowing" black people to prosper here.

No, they were in error for ever interacting with you outside of genociding your people and taking your land and resources. Your reliance on White society proves you were never cut out to exploit those resources in the first place in your homeland.

So if you're thankful to other whites for allowing you into their society and hate the ones that don't enjoy your presence, do you cede your point?

Lads, i only meant to point out that euros and africans are very different groups of people. Africans have their strengths, too, just look at usain bolt. The drawback is that, for whatever superiority they might possess physically, it appears to come at the cost of mental prowess, and if american crime statistics are any indication, of self-control. Can you blame me for not wanting a bunch of mentally stunted "warrior genes" in my country, or at least my neighborhood?

I'm with you, OP. Fuck white people.

Original Americans left Europe due to religious persecution and lack of representation within the govt.

Whites create opportunity; shitskins ruin opportunity.