In a time when there is so much disinformation in news (most notably from the left) it's important to have a reliable, unbiased, and truthful news source. ITT we discuss the best news sources for this.
Sup Forums approved news sources
Other urls found in this thread:
Fox news
Fox News
druge report
Honestly I just go to /POL and crosscheck info. Everything else is too skewed and politically biased
Zero Hedge
Daily Stormer
I get my news from Sup Forums
Wherever you find it. Use your intelligence, your critical-thinking skills, your gut feeling, your psychic skills, whatever the fuck it takes. Just don't get suckered too often.
This is a very important issue and it will become more important as we go forward.
Please do not be fucking retards. CIA is building a profile of us and you're literally just sitting here giving them the information they want.
Here's the UN's research, already conducted.
Yall forgot Breitbart.
besides hitting those right wing outlets,
cross referencing with other MSM sources
as well as foreign outlets,
should essentially give a triangulation of truth
Ha ha ha :^)
What the fuck.
>turkroach detected
Daily stormer
The Daily Show
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
The Huffington Post
Mother Jones
The Daily Beast
The Young Turks
The New York TImes
Washington Post
USA Today
The Guardian
The Hill
These are pretty cool news sources.
They'd be stupid to take this information as fact.
Daily Caller
Christian Science Monitor
holy fuck its real
AND from oct 2016
this is it guys, this is the end
checked and verified.
I came across this yesterday, and it's worrying. This place is getting big. It has to be pissing off a lot of big players.
there is no such thing.
most don't tell blatant lies, all present a biased perspective, making them untruthful.
some are better for specific issues, so you need to assess which to media to trust for each specific subject.
for instance, foreign policy you can forget about USA or UK media. A mix of RT, Al Jazeera, euronews is probably the best option.
The only news you should trust is any article posted on Sup Forums that is unanimously agreed upon as factual.
No, they'd be right, little by little. They'd also know you better than you knew yourself by the end of it. lol
Do you have a breakdown of which boards are getting bigger? For all you know Sup Forums and Sup Forums could have taken in a lot of people.
Kike news is not real news faggot.
Here is an actual intelligent list for those interested.
Geopolitical Futures (Center - Best resource for geopolitical analysis)
Stratfor (Center - 2nd Best resource for geopolitics)
Zero Hedge (Center-Contrarian/Right)
The Week (Center-Left)
Fox News (Center-Right, a fairly accurate conservative news source)
Wall Street Journal (Center - Lightly Right)
Anything but Chris Cuomo is fake news.
Would they know that I get my news solely from Sup Forums and don't click on any of the links to articles that are being discussed. I go solely off of the titles and what op says.
>Here is an actual intelligent list for those interested.
>proceeds to post jewish propaganda media
good try shekelstein.
>Fox News
Keep giving conservatives a bad name.
Daily Shoah
Sup Forums
Fox Business (better than fox news)
>Geopolitical Futures
Serious Retards
Actual Retards
>Zero Hedge
>The Week
So retarded they don't know they're retarded
>Fox News
Retards with smokin' hot legs
>Wall Street Journal
Meh...some of their stuff's okay. But they definitely have retarded brothers.
>psychic skills
>a leaf
This is a decent list, do you have any legitimate complaints with it?
At the moment the right-wing Jews in Israel are clearly allies against their left-wing counterparts. Now, the extent to which we can trust them, that is another question entirely. Anyways, I'm not going to attempt to explain this much further, only those with high intellects will be capable of following this line of reasoning.
Fox News is one of the only MSM news sources not run by the Jews. The other sources I listed are all center/moderate and nearly all of them support Trump to some extent. Geopolitical Futures, especially if you can get input from Friedman, is almost 100% neutral.
Bretty based
Council on foreign relations is were its at, It's like the nerds who rule the world have a teen magazine to themslves about world conquest.
>implying I don't lie about what I like
>This is a decent list, do you have any legitimate complaints with it?
yes, every single one of those is run by jews.
fuck off with your jewish media.
>Fox News is one of the only MSM news sources not run by the Jews.
Nice one mate. What do you think controlled opposition is?
Wow, haha, to think there would be those actually opposed to purely neutral sites like Stratfor and Geopolitical Futures.
I'll take your bait. Why do you dislike their analysis? What news sources would you propose as an alternative?
Sup Forums
Rebel Media
>The web has a lot of dark corners, and since 2003, Sup has
been considered one of the darkest.
>to think there would be those actually opposed to purely neutral sites like Stratfor and Geopolitical Futures.
take your kike fake news elsewhere faggot.
Bro that's all controlled opposition even Sup Forums
>It's real
>There are people who took the time to research write an (((academic paper))) on an anonymous Mongolain throatsinging forum
tbqhwy, senpai
> good advice
Before the election, CNN played on every TV. Now i see fox news playing everywhere. If liberals want a popular news channel again they should invest in the young turks. Young turks is pretty much CNN with a fat guy and an OK looking girl.
Sup Forums is the best news source out there.
She is a fugly whore and you know it
PBS is actually trustworthy news that's pretty unbiased.
I wouldn't go with Fox or Infowars or Breitbart, they're too biased. Along with CNN, MSNBC, HuffPo, etc. They're too biased on the left.
Sigh, I'm not going to waste time tossing around childish insults. Sigh, it sucks being on the high end of the bell curve sometimes...
Merry Christmas all
It was. It has been infiltrated by (((them)))
Sorry cunt, I'm not into insectophilia.
Or maybe I am?
>neutral sites like Stratfor and Geopolitical Futures
>neutral sites like Stratfor
>neutral sites
Like, are you even listening to your brain right now?
kys yourselfs
>PBS is actually trustworthy news that's pretty unbiased.
>(((PBS))) is trustworthy
good try leaf.
>Sigh, it sucks being on the high end of the bell curve sometimes...
said the retard that swallows by the assload, mountains of jewish propaganda.
kill yourself faggot.
No u
>In other words, while Sup Forums might be an ideological backwater, it is surprisingly diverse in terms of international participation
Maybe diversity is our greatest strength after all.
0.25 shekels have been deposited in to your account
>controlled opposition
when will this meme die
drudegreport, fox news, sometimes RT news. haretz online, thats about all you can really trust these days
Al Jeezera
Yeah I'm dead fuckin serious fggts
Better than CNN or NPR or Big black cocks
not a meme at all, you fucking cretin
The most popular image (Figure 12) was posted 838 times and depicts a (skeptical?) Pepe, a meme recently declared a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League [13]. While Figure 12 is clearly the most common of Pepes, we have included a collection of somewhat rarer Pepes in Section 9.
this is hilarious, thanks for posting
Sup Forums
>russia dindu nuffin
>american propaganda make new anti-russia hitpiece today. it is ridiculous as always
>stalin a good boy
>putin stronk
>israel is great ally
>so is north korea
>muh ebil russia boogeyman