Albania was 3000x better under Communism than Cuckitalism
Albania was 3000x better under Communism than Cuckitalism
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It wasn't truly communist, it was natsoc disguised as communism.
Why does Albania not have proper roads?
Fuck off, you cuck. Communism under Albania killed, tortured and imprisoned all those who had been intelligent and hard working in the pre-communist era, and promoted those who had been stupid during that era to positions of power. Stupid peasants who could barely read worked in luxurious offices, while smart peope ended up in the Albanian version of Gulags. Because of communism, Albania has become a genetic garbage dump.
When communism fell and "capitalism" "muh freedom" was installed by the americans, the first thing they did was privatize every single factory and industry in the country. They created a pyramid scheme that literally threw the entire country into mayhem (97 civil war). The country has roads and is 100% electrified (95% coming from hydropower) thanks to Enver Hoxha. However the country has been turned into a shithole since his fall, and decay has taken many towns and regions with it.
You literally deserve to be in a gulag you clueless fucking mutt. King Zog was a peasant idiot that was put into power by the Italians because he did whatever they asked of him, and because he sold prime albanian land for nothing. Why didn't they put Fan Noli who spoke 11 Languages and was a heavyweight intellectual into power? Hmmmm could it be that they didn't care about Albania.
You are genetic garbage.
OP ur baiting again.. communism lead to basically most of Albanians starving. all labor went into farming none into innovation.. Then we had the fools at the top having a ball..spending money left and right. dont get me started on fucking being an ally to china.. or spending all its money on concrete domes. lmao
>the propaganda be real Mr Khrushchev
You're the goyest
All of albanian land was owned by 100 landowners before Hoxha. You are such a fucking idiot that just spouts CIA propaganda without knowing shit all.
Even CIA admitted that Albania was formidable.
>t not knowing what a pyramid scheme actually is
Zogu made something that vaguely resembled a country out of basically nothing. He sold one single village, most Albanians can't even find on a map. Fan Noli was too soft and too idealistic. If most Albanians back then hadn't had a double digit IQ, he would've have gotten into power. Albanians didn't need someone like Noli back then.
Communism is a failed system that brought our country only cultural isolation, starvation, and deprived it of all that was natural and beautiful. Who do you think is in power now in Albania? Both parties are filled with communist shills, their sons, and stupid peasants who by all rights should be scratching the earth right now, and be thankful they are allowed to live.
well no shit, a society of criminals and wife-beaters could only work under russian dictatorship.
>east germany
Yeah because, when i traveled to Albania with my UAE passport, and the roads weren't developed, it was dirt roads.
We'd have done much better under fascism. At least the fascist economical system seems to work.
How old are you? Do you even have an idea of how your people lived under communism?
I was a kid when the first Albanian immigrands arrived here and i remember them being fucking scared like animals. They were really premitive.
My grandfather, when i was a kid, used to tell me that if i don't behave he will give me to the Albanians to get eaten.
Stop idolizing eras you don't have a clue about.
I thought Albania was the worst place to live in the USSR? Wasn't there some sort of "pure-Communism" doctrine that ran the country?
I heard they suffered the most.
When and where did you exactly go?
worked a lot worse than free market germany
bruh albania is never gonna be great cuz of fucking cucks like you.
We were never under the USSR, but you are right about the rest. This is just some kid who eats propaganda, and doesn't know shit about life.
id say Romania got the worst
Make Albania Christian again.
Suburbs near Korca
I'm down for it
he doesnt explain it in detail but they were really decieved by a pyramid scheme at that time
It was that fucker Berisha if I remember correctly
he industrialized the country(but w/o free market was useless) after 1989 they fucked all
When were you there? No wonder. Rural roads are shit. We are just getting around at fixing the rural roads around the capital. Korca will have to wait.
Communist Albania had cinema theatres, doctors, public servants in every municipality. The entire country was elelctrified and made literate. King Zog literally didn't make a single peasant literate. Hoxha stopped the barbaric treatment of women as mules by primitive peasant folk. He made Albania a formidable millitary force in the balkans. Do you idiots not realise CIA and Tito had talked of Tito swallowing albania into Yugoslavia, because they didn't want Stalin close to the Adriatic.
I love how everyone talks without ever having done any personal research.
Around 2013, Albania is the recovering Iraq of Europe, or technically the Lebanon of Europe, both Lebanon and Albania thrive on weed.
Commie Albania was kinda tsundere toward USSR and wanted big chinese cock, so we did not give them gibs. Of course chinks tricked them in the end.
Some criminals decided that they would profit from the fact that most Albos have a two digit IQ to make some money. After living in a system where economy is 100% government controlled, no wonder they got tricked. Poor devils didn't even know how money actually worked.
I'm pretty sure North Korea has all of that shit in every municipality as well. Whether or not they're used is another story.
Yes, it was Berisha. But who financed Berisha and put him in power? It was CIA, do bring "MUH FREEDOM" to ALbania.. Y'all a bunch of mindless decomposing drones.
Hmm, its weird that as soon as Hoxha Albania degenerates and America steps in to bring Muh Freedom to Muh Oppression...
Those were the days. I still miss the old Enver.
w2c Cosby sweater?
It was Stalin style communism for half a century, turning the country into a shithole. Mix that with Islam and it isn't too hard to understand why the place is so fucked.
Btw, I'm an Ameriburger who lived in Albania for a year. Been in Serbia for about 6 months now. Sooooooo much better. Albanians are incredibly friendly but fucking weird. The whole culture needs a lobotomy.
As I said, Zogu started from absolutely nothing and got absolutely no help from outside until he sold his arse to Italy. And he still managed something.
Hoxha got help from Yugoslavia at first, then from the USSR and then from China. THEN he isolated his country, and the true stink of communism finally started to show. Starvation, lowered wages, more senseless arrests etc etc.
>Hoxha stopped the barbaric treatment of women as mules by primitive peasant folk.
No, instead he sent women to work as construction workers and other men's jobs. Thus women during communist Albania looked like barbies with the body of Rambo.
Lol, they literally picked the prettiest Albanian man they could find. Men here (myself included) are generally ugly.
I told you i saw Albanians back in the day i have spoke with them. They were scared to death.
Aren't Albanian women usually attractive somehow?
you can attract them with money
So they are just normal women.
I figured that, a lot of Sheikhs here are dating a bunch of attractive white european women
>Communist Albania had cinema theatres, doctors, public servants in every municipality. The entire country was elelctrified and made literate. King Zog literally didn't make a single peasant literate. Hoxha stopped the barbaric treatment of women as mules by primitive peasant folk. He made Albania a formidable millitary force in the balkans. Do you idiots not realise CIA and Tito had talked of Tito swallowing albania into Yugoslavia, because they didn't want Stalin close to the Adriatic.
>I love how everyone talks without ever having done any personal research.
Being swallowed by Yugoslavia would have been to albania's benefit. The place would have some infrastructure and wouldn't be such a shit hole. Yugos could have taught you how to govern yourselves as well since you all have never really figured that out.
Hell, in the long run, you probably would have gotten Kosovo too! Converting to Islam and sleeping with the Turks was a bad idea too. Why does Albania always make the wrong decision?
Rarely will you find a place where sexual dimorphism is as present as in Albania. Women are babes, men are apes. And women don't have much time for useless pretty boys in here.
To quote my mother: "Men just need to be a bit more handsome than your average ape, so long as they are strong and practical." She was right.
poor people are easier to attract with money
>Men here (myself included) are generally ugly.
Jesus christ how much of a fucking loser must you be? Of course a cuck like you would be defending Zogu. Zogu was literally housed in italy and pushed by italy from the beginning wtf are you talking about? You don't even know albanian history so fuck off and stop posturing.
Here's what you dont understand. Albanian men are just as handsome as other races men... You still don't understand that poverty makes people fucking ugly and stupid.
Hopefully i'll be booking in another flight to Albania to see if it improved
>THIS shitskin is still replying
>also t.
holy fuck,go aloha someone, GTFO of this thread oil cuck
Albanian women are hot. Their men are weak and useless, drink all day doing nothing. Women do all the work and pretty straightforward with foreigner men
Will go for sex tourism this summer
Same thing happened here but with the stock market a few years later and governement encouraged the people to gamble in this financial bubble.It was the beggining of the end for the Greek economy
I've met a few Albos that think like you but they were older,45+ at least
It was UDB who destroyed Albania Yugoslavia relations. Enver Hoxha literally fought alongside Miladin Popovic in WW2 and personally made sure to kill the Albanian that assassinated him in Kosovo. The Cetniks that were rehabillitated into the nomenklatura backstabbed the albanian partisans who fought alongside them, and this caused a severe falling out.
You can talk shit when your country improves its roads, and doesn't rely on weed for its economy
>You still don't understand that poverty makes people fucking ugly and stupid.
Yeah, communism will do that to you.
>defends right-winged dictator
Pick one, underage faggot.
Zogu was around since the declaration of independence. He actually signed it, did you know that? He was smart and energetic, and rich, making him not easy to corrupt.
Hoxha was a degenerate. He studied in France for three years and never took a test. His scholarship was eventually revoked. He had the guy who revoked his scholarship (also a commie) killed for that. He gallivanted from degenerate party to degenerate party and there were rumours he was gay as well. He taught at my grandmother's school for a while, and what my grandmother noticed is how eagerly he looked at underage girls playing ball during PE.
Your entire country and your neighbours countries are USA cucks who produce no value whatsoever. You are literal whore states. Even the Oil in your ground wasnt valuable before the west creataed the technology to make it useful. You are like the douchebag spoilt rich kids of the world that nobody likes.
Hmmmm, your country is literaly the global harbinger of degeneracy
Handsome American Man
Cultural Marxism is the harbringer of degeneracy. Now fuck off to /lefypol/, you Jew shill.
>Health and wellbeing
>3rd most HIV infested country
Thank niggers for that.
No, FUCK YOU okay,your country is fueling radical islam all over Kosovo and Albania by building mosques everywhere, STOP DOING IT,we don't care about religion.
Its a nice theory that NEVER has worked out well in fact only CATAFUCKINGSTROPHICALLY in reality.
but the boss doesnt "get what you create" he gets part of it.
Whoever the fuck you are you should be ashamed with yourself.
Obviously you think oil is what we have, but hey atleast our country didn't get fucked unlike yours did
Yeah, it's definitely capitalism and not corporationist Jews doing that.
That's saudi, not UAE
>Be American
>Be very wealthy
>Practice exercising and maintain health
you mad poor eurofags?
>trying to guilt somebody by implying he is racist
>on Sup Forums
Lurk more, and learn the board culture, underage fag.
its a dumb theory that ignores how fundamentally different individual humans are and only works with broad brushes.
Please understand this. What YOU and YOUR BOSS create together, it should follow that the portion created by HIM goes to HIM vice versa.
Yet the Boss has full power over how much is desginated to you, who is a creator.
>>Practice exercising and maintain health
>implying you cant do that under communism
>implying communism doesnt lead to a healthier society unlike cuckitalism
I wasn't implying racism. I was showing Capitalist foodlines.
Here are the Crimes by Capitalism.
Name me one Capitalist country that hasn't failed:
Communism is reverse feudalism. In feudalism it's the smart, but ruthless and arrogant lord that controls the peasants, in communism it's the stupid and ruthless and arrogant peasant who controls the former lords.
Not at all
>Albania was 3000x better
kys yourself 3000x times
Every country in the so-called West that is still alive and kicking. Sure, it's not a perfect system, but it's leagues better than communism.
>you mad poor eurofags?
I'm actually happy for you my no-homosexual american friend
Socialism as been a disaster for East Europe- they had to build walls to stop the people leaving. Sad!
> autisticly building bunkers everywhere
> having a meme dictator that says he is minister of everything and kidnapping people that looked like him for no reason
Kek, a shithole, african tier
>Armenian genocide
>African Slave trade
Done among Africans themselves, among Arabs, and Jews controlled it, not whites.
>Nazi Holocaust
NatSoc=/=Capitalism. nOt agreeing with Hitler's methods, but the Jews pissed the Germans one too many times.
Too lazy to list all those, but most of them were not done in the name of capitalism, but due to humans being humans. A good chunk happened before capitalism existed as an idea.
> being that autistic that you say that everything has been made in the name of capitalism but still it's the other people that are obsessed by money
Fuck off beggar, you won't have my euros
Not NatSoc, and not German so that meme is not an insult to me, no matter what mental gymnastics you make. Still, it took 4 out of 5 World Powers and 50 or so smaller countries to bring Germany down.
pretending the 1% chav inbred trash of the UK = all UK citizens
top bait lad
Are ad hominems the only arguments you can bring to the table? You really are underage.
Capitalism isn't an idea. It's a economic structure in which the capital, the means of production is owned by a small class. The class that doesn't own capital has to sell their labour to live. This has existed since industrialization, you cannot say it didnt happen in capitalism when it did.
> capitalism isn't an idea
> here, look, I have the list of people killed in the name of capitalism
>pretending the 1% chav inbred trash of the UK = all UK citizens
top bait lad
Welcome to pol
no he doesnt.
There is a contract that i negotiated over the money i get for the time i sell to him.
Also i dont have any risks while he has to struggle with constant changes in the price of the raw materials and the value of the product.
In the end he owns me as much as the sawmill owner owns the woodcutters.
>Capitalism isn't an idea. It's a economic structure in which the capital, the means of production is owned by a small class.
That's corporationism you're thinking of.
>This has existed since industrialization, you cannot say it didnt happen in capitalism when it did.
Most of those still didn't happen due to capitalism.
Where did I ever say killed in "THE NAME" of capitlaism?
The list was a number of deaths IN Capitalism. AKA, the economic structure in which all the worlds oil is owned by...guess who? The bourgeois!
why is selling labour somehow looked down upon?