Reminder Trump's advocating even more Reaganomics. Massive tax cuts for the wealthy will explode the national debt and lead to another great depression. Look up Republicans of the 1920s. Taxes under Wilson, the Democrat, was 90%. Republicans lowered it to 10% in the 1920s crashed the economy. It was called the Republican Great Depression till 1939.
Reminder Trump's advocating even more Reaganomics...
what year was it when the US went of the gold standard?
Around the same time oil was being sold in USD.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
How exactly does taxing people more solve incoming inequality? All it does is make the rich less rich, but doesnt make the poor any richer.
City dwellers don't own land. Kek
>muh share of income
Kill yourself
>cutting taxes makes the economy crash
You have no brain
>Taxes were 90%
Yet people paid nearly none of it because of all the tax breaks and subsidies handed out by the government. The economy crashed due to the beginning of ridiculous government regulation in the market, that's why our economy is so fucked right now, because the market isn't allowed to regulate itself.
Taxing rich people at higher rates is basically just forcing them to put that money back into the economy instead of saving it.
Note that inflation and deflation were more volatile before, but created an equilibrium by cancelling eachother out. This is what a stable economy looks like, not the bubble economy we have where inflation runs rampant with no deflation to counteract it.
No you dope, it goes into the feds pocket, not the economy. Do you think rich people just hoard all their money into giant silos like Scrooge McDuck? They invest it into other businesses to profit even more and in doing so allow those businesses to create job opportunities. If you tax the rich at such a high rate, they have no capital to work with and thus can't reinvest.
That's horrible pissing posture, this was clearly made by a woman
Because Trickle Up economics will magically work by giving the most unskilled workers a double their wage raise.
literal serfs
>Reminder Trump's advocating even more Reaganomics
So remember something Trump never advocated that the left made up?
Nixon took us off the gold standard.
>hoard all their money into giant silos like Scrooge McDuck
Not all of it but too much of it. The middle class wouldn't be disappearing it they didn't.
1971, in response to strong inflationary pressures. Reverse causality is a common misconception here.
You really have no clue what is going on.
You are an idiot and are misrepresenting the tax plan of Trump. I wouldn't expect anything less from liberal idiots. Trump's tax plan is far more like Kennedy's plan. Kennedy proved that a "rising tide raises all ships." The problem fundamentally is not Trump but the Federal Reserve. If you don't understand this you need to keep studying. Because right now, you sound like an idiot.
>The middle class wouldn't be disappearing it they didn't.
They're disappearing because our ridiculous regulation and tax policies make it too costly to create jobs and hire workers. The rich have no vested interest in not having you work for them because they end up making less.
Oh look, another post about some retarded liberal trying to slap a label on something.
My favorite thing about liberals is their labels. They attach them to things - like trying to call what trump is doing Reaganomics - because they're all mobs of mindless trash too stupid to process something in their tiny worlds that isn't able to be shortened down into a buzzword or a CNN soundbyte.
I almost want the muzzies to fuck over Western culture, just so I can see you guys rant and rave about how you weren't multicultural enough as some sand nigger slits your throats.
You're delusional.
I voted for trump because of his stance on immigration but to believe the above is just pure delusion.
If you look at the distribution of income, outsourcing has benefited one subset of the economy and sucked money from the rest. The rich absolutely do have a vested interest in paying as little as possible to increase their profit margins.
Reaganomics created the boom of the 90s exactly as it was intended to.
Contrast this to Obama's disastrous stimulus.
pure gold standard 1913. Was the FED who caused the Great Depression by printing money like there was no tomorrow. Then in 1944 we entered in Bretton Wood, which means all currencies could be changed by dolars, only dolars could be changed by gold. But because the USA sold the gold and kept that empty box which is called Fort Knox, in 1971 they abandon Bretton Woods and dolars could not be exchanged by gold anymore. Then Nixon made a deal with Saudi Arabia and other muslim regimes, by which they would support islamic tyranic states if oil could only be bought with dollars. And here we are, with the consecuences of such a deal.
>How exactly does taxing people more solve incoming inequality?
you don't tax them equally
the more useless you are, the more of a free check you get.
>Do you think rich people just hoard all their money into giant silos like Scrooge McDuck?
It's called Switzerland.
>Lowering the tax rate caused the great depression
Good one.
>outsourcing has benefited one subset of the economy and sucked money from the rest.
It's cheaper to outsource precisely because of the 2 issues I outlined, dumb poster.
>Contrast this to Obama's disastrous stimulus.
You mean the thing ever US president did since forever?
The great depression was caused by the tards at the fed reserve not by any political policy or action by either party.
>believing the truth is delusion
So you're saying taking away peoples money doesn't make them poorer?
Communism is a meme ideology. It's never worked and it's never going to work.
>lowering wages will make the wages increase´
Them logic
$12/hr is higher than $0/hr.
With taxes at 0 and no regulation we still couldn't compete with the slave labor overseas.
You understand poor people are taxed more heavily than at anytime in our history right?
Strawmanning isn't going to work or deflect from that fact that anyone making under 50k should be paying zero, but are having 30% of their paychecks taken from them.
>working for breadcrumbs while rich people buy their 2nd yatch
You can with tariffs and businesses preferring to keep work local.
>With taxes at 0 and no regulation we still couldn't compete with the slave labor overseas.
This, you would have to turn America into Vietnam to do this.
>You can with tariffs
That's socialism
>he thinks i am talking about poor/middle class people
Nice strawmen
>and businesses preferring to keep work local.
You mean all the bubbles and the fucking housing crisis?
Jesus fuck.
You never go full keynesian.
Reminder the US economy always does better under Democrats than Republicans.
Oh shit I completely forgot about military spending.
Hahah yeah prepare for your tax dollars to line the pockets of military contractors and weapons developers that haven't done anything of note in decades while your children starve without jobs or a future and are forced to join the military to fight for foreign interests.
Good thing you're not who I'm talking to, retard
Fake news.
Real unemployment is 21%
more like 28%, 95 million people are unemployed.
>Real unemployment is 21%
It will be 80% under Drumpf once the robots take your jobs.
I stand corrected.
It's not robots fault that they can reproduce the low skills job that liberals like you are limited to.
Also, good luck when you can't suck from the swine tit of the state. Live up the rat life while you can! People like you need a growling stomach to actually work.
Your a dumb faggot
>impose tariffs on improted goods
>Samsung TV costs 500 euros or 10,000 dollars
Deregulation is good bro, Jewish millionaires are totally honest, they won't fuck people over.
>Y..your a dumb faggot
Classic cucked liberal response.
Have any actual facts except for your rigged unemployment numbers?
>Have any actual facts except for your rigged unemployment numbers?
I have a fact your mom's vag isn't big enough for my cock.
My mom is dead.
Is defending necrophilia Salon's next thing?
Typical liberal degeneracy.
What's the argument against making the income tax rate for 0-$50k 0%?
>^Underage b8
Come on. You're better than this, Sup Forums. Don't fall for it.
Somehow trickle down turned itself into quantitative easing.
Why do liberals get massive hardons for taxing the wealthy but have no problem with Obama Literally handing over massive piles of wealth to those in his internationalist cliche? The liberals say these things yet they will not allow a large business to fail.
Qualitative wealth > Quantitative wealth.
Use your noggin.
This may have already been addressed, but you have no idea how Supply Side Economics works.
Supply side economics is based on the Government basically getting the fuck out of the way of the private sector. This means the government A) Cuts taxes and B)Reduces regulatory burden. Idiots only the left only see it as A, not B. The Federal Reserve also fucks it up by also not getting out of the way and printing a shit ton of money. Often, Supply side economics will be stiffeled if taxes are cut but regulations are kept or expanded.
Supply side economics, if done right, will also increase tax revenue. This is done by a Republican secret that the pig filthy Democrats can't know. I'm a rebel so I'll tell you this little secret. Its called increasing the tax basis. Essentially, people earn more money which is then taxed. Basically, everyone buys more pies and the government gets small slices of a lot of pies rather than taking a huge fucking chunk out of one tiny pie. High taxes can also lead to lower tax revenue. Besides people avoiding higher taxes, it takes money out of the private sector and puts it into the wasteful government where it is essentially lost. Because more money is taken, everyone gets less and the government takes more from a dwindling pie.
Also, the Great Depression was prolonged by 7 years thanks to FDRs socialist policies. Obama has done the same thing in the Great Recession.
Reagan took a stagnant country with double-digit inflation and handed a stable country with 3% yearly inflation and sustainable growth for the next decades. Go suck a dick.
>sources US department of labor
>fake news
If you didn't outsource, plebs like you couldn't afford the computer you are typing on to make shit-tier comments.
> bashes Reaganimics
> uses 1920s as example
Fucking retard
The dems just push for minimum wage increases which is 1. Increasing revenue because you pay more tax on $15/hr than you do $8 and 2. Pass that cost onto all consumers by taxing them in the form of inflation.
I don't think you understand what Americans want. They want to be poor. Americans want to be the poorest motherfuckers around. They want to be poor so they can cry and scream about how their political system failed them. They want to be poor and die broke, never having really experienced much. I don't know why they want to be poor. I don't know why they keep voting for people who want to give me and my family tax cuts, while we continue to downsize our businesses but still earn more. But, they do, they really want to be poor.
No argument from me.
Should be 0% for everyone.
For the "muh roads" people, they don't understand that the federal highway trust is funded by gasoline excise tax (consumption) tax which means the more you use the roads, the more you pay.
If you are going to tax, base it off consumption.
I'm 31 years old, made $85k this year but only got to see about $50k something. THEN they tax you for property tax, car registration, sales tax on everything...and the left want to be taxed more??
When it's all said and done, half of everything you make goes to government in one form or another.
I've had this conversation several times with employees, and I can't figure out their logic. They want the government out of their schools, hospitals, etc. But when I ask them if they don't like public schools, why not go to private schools? Their answer? They can't afford it. The same is true with medical care. They'll scream about how evil socialist medicine is, but then they'll cry about how they can't afford their medication.
When my family sold the mill they owned, and we were having a ''thank you'' party for all the employees (gave them a bonus, too) they seemed shocked when the remaining management told them that the mill wouldn't be hiring anywhere near the amount of people that worked there now. I think it was a 30% reduction? Americans don't understand that their jobs are being taken by robots, not Chinese or Mexicans. They're just, so fucking dumb.
Because if the rich people don't pay, you do.
Red states always think it is the liberals who get hurt by republican policies.
Rural voters are the greatest useful idiots this country has ever seen or will ever see.
If it doesn't fit their narrative, it's fake news.
>quotes Obama controlled and rigged US department of labor
>Doesn't count people who have dropped out of the workforce, not on unemployment or are no longer looking for work.
Critical thinking is not your strong suit I guess.
You can't compare current labor statistics to older ones when you change the methodology, idiot.
It's going to be Kansas on a national scale.
Several years ago our governor cut taxes for businesses in my state. I'm still waiting for all these new job opportunities while all of our teachers move to other states and our infrastructure falls apart.
>when you change the methodology,
So, as a ''business person'' I'd like to comment on this. What folks don't understand is the nature of business is changing. The most valuable companies in the U.S., Facebook, Google, etc. don't really employ a lot of people. Businesses are learning to do more with a lot less, because employees cost too much and it's a lot easier for me to sell investors higher returns! Tax cuts are great, but if we're running, say, a small metal fabricating operation (most U.S. manufacture are small) you're not going to see a lot of new jobs in an area we move to. What used to take 2,000 to 3,000 people now might take 300-400. U.S. There are just way, way too many unskilled people and not enough jobs. This gulf cannot be closed, it will only get worse.
the fact that you cant make it from nothing to rich says a lot about your sorry ass.
it's called working for what you want you dumb subhuman nigger
Moreover, it has nothing to do with us not wanting to provide jobs. The best part of my job telling people they're hired. I don't even work in HR, but I always love to be there when we bring on new employees. We'll sit and talk, maybe grab coffee, and we'll chat about the company, it's history, etc. but there is something about a new hire, something in their voice, that just crowds any negativity in my mind. Businesses want to hire folks, but we have to remain competitive. This is doubly so when you make window fabrications like we do, it's basically a commodity. As much as we'd like to employee more people, we can't. Because we can't push the cost onto consumers and we want to be as profitable as possible.
Bankers are cucking Italy for 20 billion $. And nobody is even talking about it.
That's what the financial sector does, really. Their job is to make money. That's all they're going to do, it's their programming. When people talk about greedy bankers, but refuse to impose rules on them because of not wanting to intervene in the market, they're saying this is what they want to happen. You can't appeal to an amoral entities morality.
People don't even know about banking. Sure they know everything about Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. Economics should be a part of elementary education. Of course, if that happens, there would be a revolution in no time.
"Trickle down economics" is a straw man that nobody ever promoted as policy.
The left loves inventing meaningless shit and mindless rhetoric.
Looks like you should work harder to be in the top 20% yout lazy faggot. Leftists always forget JFK was an advocate of 'trickle down'. But.. but.. 'rates were higher back then'. Completely ignoring the concept is exactly the same. Lying hypocritical leftists are the real enemy
No he's making America great again through based memes as Twitter in chief
YOU : durrr , goverment Give us jod (government_employees)
Give us free education , free healthcare , free house
GOV : OK , First , we borrow money from bank
Second , We Tax on social climber
Third , for maintaining Job we need more political science/gender study project
And since we have many student come in
someone will not pass the exam
That's Racism and sexism
so we will lower the standard
You wasted money for nothing , Mr. Robin hood
New regulation and tax hurt remaining business
White middle class leaving ( Because they are social climber)
Too Many student in public school class - nobody can't focus
Public education so fucked-up
(You Think rotten bureaucrat such as Teacher union is trustworthy)
Now public educated nigger/beaner commit a crime
more crime mean more cop - cop do ain't shit just like chicago
state financially broke and totally wasteland
check out that free fall of manufacturing jobs immediately after Bill Clinton signed the trade deal with China...HUGE mistake. Chinese have been getting rich ever since while Americans have been getting poorer and now the Chinks are using that money to buy us out of our homes.
Based South Korean!
South Korea is BEST KOREA!