When did you realize you don't have right to your shit opinions? Join the real world, man children.
Sup Forums bigots BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
You ignorant Sup Forums racists will NEVER recover
So now facts are just opinions.
really fires me almonds
>I think women/the LGBT community/ people of color are subhuman
We don't thin homosexuals are sub-human, we know they are mentally ill and need help with that, although with people of color... whelp some of them do really act on a sub-humans level.
I don't think anyone besides autists think this way.
>saw this pic online
>better post it on my kikebook because i want my friends to know how virtuous i am
can you imagine being pathetic enough for these thoughts to go through your head? can you imagine craving validation from others to such an extent?
You have to go back
Fifth post, best post.
She's right, the second one isn't an opinion.
>1 post by this ID
So these people are telling others how to think now and that's perfectly fine? What's the word for this again?
Reminder that this is who you voted for
>Well done steak
We all make mistakes
What do you got against a good milksteak? You a pansy faggot or something?
>missing an opportunity to make a pun
your b8 is shit m8
go get an Australian proxy before trying that shit here
An ignorant opinion is still an opinion. This picture is claiming that ignorance makes an opinion not an opinion. Does that mean when people say "fuck white people" and "white people are evil" that isn't an opinion? Or anything deemed "ignorant" means it's not an opinion? Who has the authority to say if an opinion is ignorant? I have so much to learn.
Stop watching degenerate TV programs.
Is it not an opinion itself that someone else's opinion is ignorant?
>not subhuman
>Anyone who disagrees with me is b8
negros are subhumans.
homosexuals are degenerates.
nice strawman. literally no one ever has tried to argue that anyone is subhuman unironically in real life. except mainstream black """activists""" who have called white people subhuman due to a lack of melanin or some shit
you recognized the reference bro. follow your own rules
They're right. It's fact that they are sub-humans
Looks like leafposting isn't limited to leafs eh
Yes and if the opinion that someones opinion arose from ignorance is ignorant then there is no logically sound way to prove who is right or wrong unless there is an objective bipartisan ruling that states what is ignorant and what isn't. I believe that anyone who judges an individual based on their skin color and not their personal individual merit is racist and I'm fine if that is considered ignorant because it's considered progress to me.
>man children
How fucking dare you assume that I identify myself as a man! I identify myself as an attack helicopter. Fucking bigot.
This must be a troll thread, I don't see a real argument here. Calling any human subhuman is ignorant. Calling a murderer a murderer a rapist a rapist and a liar a liar is not. /thread?
the nazis were actually progressive blank slatists
shabbos goys shut it down