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It means he knows who his masters truly are, and that Obama is based.

sucking that heeb cock



Link or fake news




Thats fucking great. Bond villian-esque. Get ready lads.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.


>thinking Trump isn't a good goy

Hooo leee fuck

Actually happening


>living in burger land and not know shit about it's politics


He's mad the UN took action against his masters in Israel stopping them from building settlements, when Trump comes to power Israel will get to do whatever they want.

>appoints his jewish friend to "peace keeper" position in temper tantrum response

Enjoy your 4 years of wildfires, Israelis

He's so cool

Remember when all the candidates dropped and cancelled everything to go suck AIPAC's cock except Bernie?

He means Israel won't dominate the U.N. anymore. God king.

Thats cute, hows your first day on Sup Forums?

Autists like you should kill themselves.

fucking lunatic, it's getting funnier and funnier.

Donald will not disappoint. His presidency will be very very different.

Let Israel reclaim the ME for themselves and actually make use of the land unlike the useless sandniggers surrounding them.

WTF I love Jews now

Don't be retard. Israel always did what the fuck they wanted.

For instance, resolution 242. Never complied to it.

saw this yesterday. sad


So you mean shitskins, beta cucks, and feminists all voted for Hillary and the rest of us sane folk voted Trump? I'll take it.

Thanks CTR, now i know the truth

Trump still got 20% of the vote in most cities. For instance in New York City Trump got 500,000 votes to Clinton's 1.9mil.

Cityfag here, voted for Trump.

Does anybody ever comply with UN resolutions?


good goy

>a fucking leaf copy and pasting the same thing over and over
>replying to it

Israel is a good, decent country with a population of decent people who just want to work hard and make their country great for their children. I'm pro-white and reject international jewery and globalism, and am also pro-Israel.

i've been seeing this multiple times every day


Trump is just another Zionist puppet like bush

yes. they are binding by default.

Democrat here. Pacific Northwest.
You're a fool if you think progressives aren't armed. Shit man a lot of us served. Those of us who haven't have family who have, family in law enforcement, and so on. I've hunted and gutted deer. I've slaughtered squirrel in potato fields. I've fought. I've wrestled. I used to skate and I've broken so many bones I've literally lost count and walked half of them off. And there's nothing special or exceptional about me. You're a fool if you don't think progressives are formidable. For every straw man pic you have of a faggy liberal I have a pic of a fat virgin beta orbiter with a weak stance who still flinches when he fires. I don't presume that the alt right is not formidable. I grew up surrounded by the tea party before they became the tea party. I know what they can do. I've hunted with them. But that's what's funny about these neolibertarian pseudofascists. They assume they're the toughest guys in the world and everyone else is soft. That's why they keep losing wars. The south loses. Every time they flex. Progressives are ruthless when cornered. We burned Atlanta to the ground and used rape as a weapon of mass psychological operation, disrupted troops and marched right up to Jefferson Davis front door. We designed a bomb that destroyed entire cities, then we upgraded it. We invented remote control flying guns and remote control bombers.. Don't fuck with us. The south will rise again? Fine. We'll put em down again.

>Applause erupts after @UN #SecurityCouncil passes first resolution on #MiddleEastPeaceProcess in 8 years.

This is really good D&C

oy vey UN doesn't remember the 6 gorillian here comes goynald trump to remind them of the shoah

Suck his cock more. I like trump, but the UN just shut down isreal and declared their settlements illegal. Trump should fuck off and put Americans first just like I wanted him to, and all of his voters too


because he is literally a jew retard.


Nice pasta, is it fresh?

Holy fuck people are lazy.
Remember when people that doubted something looked into it and confirmed on their own?
Now we have niggers like you that demand a link to it or completely write it off as fake.

stale as fuck

Torontofag here. City people are the absolute bottom of the barrel.

anybody concerned about Trump's allegiance to the jews?

his offspring is jewish, I have heard..

This. I'd much rather have jews occupy the middle east than a bunch of inbred mudslimes.

Some jews are scum though. For instance Greg lanksy of BLACKED. I can't stop watching it

We're gonna leave the UN under Trump.

Oh, this faggot again.

his offspring married a (((banker))) and before that she was dating a rothschild

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

2017 the year of isolationism?


>people are mad that a country was told to stop building illegal settlements in a foreign nations land

I hope pol hasn't started shilling for Israel now.

I guess it sort of follows Hitlers thinking of Work Will Set You Free: In Israel there had to be at least some jews who worked an honest days living, the country would have immediately collapsed otherwise, no matter how much international aid they got. If we can get Israel to continue to promote this thinking, it could turn out to be a very good thing.

Praise Kek

Holy shit. US (Obama) was the only nation of 14 that didn't condemned Israel for building houses in occupied land in the UN today.

Is Trump is gonna go full anti-israel?

We support the most chaotic option in the Sandnigger/Jewish struggle. I hope Israel keeps building those settlements.

He better not be siding with the jews
god damn.

>Trump ends US funding for the UN

The Reeeeessssss would open a time/space dimensonal rift so powerful PEPE could step into reality instead of working behind the scenes in the next dimenson.


No way pol hates Israel more than UN. UN is a SJW paradise.

And jews are the cause of the whole SJW mess. Your point?

This. Go back to your mediation room with alice bailey's corpse you cucks

>his offspring married a (((banker))) and before that she was dating a rothschild
they've always controled the United States government, so at best nothing changes in that regard.

the special concern is that by memeing this guy to the presidency we gave him a green light to do what the fuck he wants, regardless of being shocking.

Resolution 77899
The official recognition of those digits

Sup Forums has always been pro-Israel

Israel is our greatest ally and we hate anti-Semites

If you disagree you are CTR shill

God I hope so, fuck the UN.

You cannot be serious leaf.. Ivanka is married to jew for fucks sake. Trump was the most pro-Israel candidate out of all the Republicans throughout the campaign and that says a lot.


I will grab the UN by the pussy. If they do not comply I will pull our funding.

>still not understanding the art of the deal

The UN has been a joke almost since the beginning

Because he is a fucking kike.

Pandering to your own kind seems dangerous from an outsiders view.

He has no need to give jews a nod and a wink he is the living embodiment of it and we all know Bernie is just as corrupt as any Hillary or Elizabeth Warren.




I'd literally cry tears of joy if he did it.

pic related

Good, fuck the UN. It's run by a bunch of despots and child traffickers.

Guys from red ice said that there already some schism amongst the jew. Can somebody confirm that?


And of course Hilary cares about the poor, considering her supporters use stereotypes about them to shame the opposition

Probably talking about Obonigger not vetoing the recent vote at the UN.

Israel will be Trump's Achilles' heel, I'm calling it right now. Trump will do everything he says, but some heeb will throw a wrench into the system in the ME and bring the whole thing down. He went from being neutral in the early days of the campaign to being clearly pro-Israel by the end, and nothing good can come of it.

My god, the US now has a yuuuge Twitter Teaser President Elect. Sad!


apparently there's breaking news. the UN security council adopted a resolution anti-israel, with US abstention. Usually US votes against and these resolutions never pass.

That's what Trump is on about.


>abandoning greatest ally because your reality tv successor with no official power got an Arab state to pull its resolution with a phone call

Build settlement.

It's so funny that he is talking about white people who did all that stuff .. and the *****altright***** is just trying to save the white race from genocide.

Liberals are a unique type of retarded.


>kirby air ride
Nostalgia punch coming out of nowhere.

You can't expect otherwise. Trump has made it clear his entire campaign that he is extremely pro-Israel, anti-Palestine, and anti-Iran.

He's been more consistent about that than he has been about the fucking wall.

Bush was a fucking cuck. We should encourage Israel to level Gaza and annex the abandoned Jordanian territory.

Good. I think Israel should be allowed to do whatever it wants, as long as it doesn't mean us funding it. If this puts us on a better footing with them without costing a cent, its a good decision.