Is this true Sup Forums? You prefer asian women?

Is this true Sup Forums? You prefer asian women?

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i prefer white, i had a white friend who had serious yellow fever though lol

also nice post shill, you are not going to 'make us less racist'

Fucking gross, no

black women BTFO


The tier list goes:

White girls
and I'm not really interested in anyone else.

I find it hard to cum asians in the eyes though.

>put dick in asian girl pussy
>cream inside her
>I-I still hate you chinky face baka!

I've always said that white men are the Asian women of the women sex world.

>black men prefer Asian women


You losers always post your dating website nonsense.

Fact is women flock to black men for sex, not for dating. Yes, women looking to settle down will prefer a nice beta white provider like yourselves. However, that is not until they have had their full of big, black cock.

In fact, oftentime even after settling with a pathetic white boy like you, women will still fuck black men on the side. Don't need dating sites for that!

Since when are asians that colour?



No I still prefer white women. Although my current GF is open to dating any race; she's dated black and indian guys before. Her son is mixed european and african, but I treat him as if he were my own.



>nobody goes for white women
>everyone goes for white males

It's almost too meta that a man constantly trying to tell otaku's to stop getting distraced by tits and realize the damage their lifestyle is doing to them as it slowly consumes them has the same group only be distracted by the tits he uses to make a point.

>hasbara STILL pushing this shit meme

you fags need to get some new fucking material, you've been posting this for years

I once had an attractive Thai girl hound me for years. She was British born but I thought to myself that if I were to get married to her peoples first impression would be that I was just one of those white guys who went to Thailand to get a bride lol.


Asian women are considered to be exotic and have the stereotype of being submissive which is really what a lot of men want.

>Fact is women flock to chads of all colors for sex, not for dating. Yes, women looking to settle down will prefer a nice beta white provider like yourselves. However, that is not until they have had their full of being a single mom. But by then its to late, especially if they are towing around a little nigglet.

It depends. I know Asians look different but cute and beautiful in their own way. I wouldn't trade my Japanese qt for anyone or anything


White women btfo


Even most white women whores will prefer a Chad over Tyrone. Coalburners are disportportionately the fucked up crackhead and heroin users of the white women world

Bro, a lot of white women fuck dogs too, should they be bragging? In fact the same women who fuck dogs are probably the same that fuck you. Be proud.


I'm actually a pillow waifu kind of guy now. And because of gay marriage I can marry my pillow wife. Thanks gays!

If everyone flocks to white men why are most of you guys virgins

I always thought it was white or Hispanic.

Yes. In most cases. Unless they're Korean. Those whores are crazy. Nice tits, but crazy. Asian girls are just nice. Not even for the
>muh submissive

they're just overall very feminine and I like that. The nag is real, but what woman isn't?

I like white women just as much to be honest though, but for different reasons. Only problem is that white women have god awful personalities and are vapid. Asian girls I find are more intelligent.

>Why are people who frequent an online imageboard more likely to be virgins
Jeez, I wonder why? Because white normies aren't on Sup Forums, you idiot.

Came here to post this. And it's not just this study either, not even their own race wants them.

I'm starting to understand all the fatherless blacks tbqh famalam

80 20 rule.. That being said the vast majority of Sup Forums users are not virgins. Go to /fa/ for that.

Well, they shouldn't have done such a good job animating the tits and ass. They had to know it was gonna spill some serious NEET seed.


Daily reminder that 53% of White Women voted for Donald Trump.

Asian women are less likely to be fat. White women on dating apps are often fat because noone wants them.


Abbos are like the Hominids from distant in the past.



Black chicks used to have an aesthetic that I personally find really attractive, but the roller disco and golden afro age is over and now all they do is disgusting shit like twerking.


cuz we're niggers

Sad but true. You did the right thing.

>Sup Forums is one person

>racist bait

Asians are redpilled

Your American Negros are part white also desu. The only Reason American blacks have a slightly higher IQ than African blacks is because they have slight white DNA. Also almost every black considered attractive has a lot of whtie DNA.

I prefer australian abos over asian women

>thinking Asians look just like your anime girls

We're not white.

Prefer white but so far have only fucked Asian.

this isnt even a good shitpost but so much kek

>black women

Top kek. At this point even Beyonce is unfuckable

Post an image of the most attractive Abbo you can find desu. I am genuinely curious to see an attractive one.

>what is wizardry
Only shortsighted people fall for the reproduction/sex meme, true power comes from celibacy and abstinence

Yeah I can't deny that. Never seen a full-on black as night African that I thought was attractive. Not once.


do arabs count as asian in this study

>that awful feel when latino

What a dumb

Probably. But most Arabs aren't on dating sites, they usually just marry one of their cousins

Given that:
>Black and White women are generally filling up the entire page with their face but not giving any body image to look at [Which generally signals "Lardass"],
>the Latino women look like moon pies
>asian women tend to be bots?

Yeah, makes sense.

Married to a, pre-me, virign Asian. I'm a race mixer. Despise me. I've found a loya wife in SK.

denial is always the first stage

You could have just gotten a loyal Slavic wife instead

Better than a Swedish feminist tbqh desu.

True dat, but they aren't as loyal.

how can white women even compete?

Da truth, I wouldn't touch any Swedish meat, fuck Sweden.

The whole white guy going to Thailand for women thing seems pretty shameful really, that being said they mostly only get the Prostitute women and lady boys. I wonder what the Thai males think of it all.

>Don't need dating sites for that!
Yeah, because that's what people use Tinder for, dating, not sex. Totally.

A guy's gotta do what's a guy's gotta do, bro.

Thank God for my BWC

Wonder (((who))) could be behind this.

2D women are superior

3D is Pig Disgusting

Girl would probably beg you to do it a second time.

Yes indeed, fuck Sweden. That being said I here you still have some pretty based Rural parts. It's such a shame what has happened, though it seems a sign of things to come for the rest of us.

All I know is that Swedish feminists are filth.

t. asian masculinity

Don't get me wrong, Thai is a pretty good race as far as non whites go, but the whole phenomena is a bit overkill.

Even loli feminists get jealous of pillow waifu's.

Friendly reminder that ricemixers will be the first to go during the Day of the Rope

No, Sweden as a whole is filth. I've left society, found alternative work and I'm moving to SK in 1 month. Fuck Sweden, watch it burn desu~~~~

>Asian men avoid Asian women
Really makes me think.

>still thinks Sup Forums is mostly white

That girl is probably more European then African though.
>Yeah I can't deny that. Never seen a full-on black as night African that I thought was attractive. Not once.
That's because all your africans are from west africa, if you want to find a good looking 100% african you have to go to east africa. Some of them have caucasian feutures while being black as fuck.


Just try son, just try. You've awoken a viking when you defend the white filth that is feminist of western society. Go ahead, try and hang me.

>brown ID
Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger

Kek, it's not about hate. If you are a white male with any opinions on race you are considered racist.. Also well joked shill. ;3

>That jealous loli in the background
Gets me every time.


hear* dammit

>desperate enough to settle for a nigger