What do you prefer?

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I prefer this.

>free education
no such thing as "free"
>low crimerate
topkek there are entire cities that are infested with crime, not even the police can do anything.
dont see how it is comfy
>you can easly become wealthy
yeah if you finish abi with the "free education" and move abroad

Poland a shit

Germany has given us scientist, printing press, artist, philosophers, etc.

>Poor education system

Poles have a good education system. Check out their math scores (for example).


Not that poor compared to the rest of the world.
>High unemployment rate
Agreed to an extent. It is at about 7.9%
>Poor education system
Poland has one of the best PISA scores, so that is just wrong
>living wealthy impossible

That was a long time ago.

This is Merkel's Germany we're talking about here.

Poland is a better alternative

Free education is also a thing in Poland.
>Poor education system in Poland
That's factually wrong, senpai.

>bring my american dollars and all liquid assets
>fuck white bitches and impregnate them with my mixed sperm

>Living wealthy impossible
That's not how it works.Also Poland all the way.


Good times will always come, bad times will always come, but if you lose your people then you lose everything, forever.

polish people and slavs in general are devoid of any sincere emotion or original thought

they combine jewish armenoid influences with infantilized baltic features , literally one of the most fugly races on the planet (you can fuck the women because women dont look terrible with babyfaces, the men however...)

That was back when Germany had none of their cons and all poland's pros in that pic tho

>Free education
You`re already paying everyday if you have to endure Achmed and his never ending autistic attacks and rap battles with Husein.
>Low unemployment rate
Well, I give you that.
>low crime
On the country side maybe. But police is literally overworked every fucking day in the cities
Maybe in Bayern or Sachsen.
>you can become wealthy easily
What is "wealthy"? A house + car? Or a mansion + porsche?

Poland according to pic no doubt in my mind

>poor education system
Can you tell me where did you take that from? It's free too.

Nietzsche once stated "Germany is a great nation only because its people have so much Polish blood in their veins [...] I am proud of my Polish descent.

>living wealthy basically impossible
If you have overseas income then you'll love Poland.
If I had a decent rental property here (maybe 2 considering tax) I could live a great life in Poland

>Poor education system
Only in small villages.
Really smart people otherwise.

>Living wealthy impossible
I have uncles and aunts in Poland wealthy off their ass. It is true the job market needs some work tho.

>Low crime rate
It is low you tard. Give me an example.

>What is Nicholas Copernicus and Chopin
American education.


>free education
really? Are you retarded hans? Of course you are
>low unemployment
yeah, stats aren't faked at all. even the MSM is saying this
>low crime rate
Ehhhhh, maybe before october 2015.
>wealthy easily
Eat shit scum. We have a very low "wealth per capita", even Greece is higher, wealth per capita of France is twice as high as ours. The German people get milked to death.

You need to be fucking executed for posting such stupidity.

-bigger salaries than in Polen
-not a lot of muzzies

Nietzsche also said god is dead and now look at Germany Inshallah salei maleikum.

>Proud of being a broomstick.

i must admit its a fair comparison. as an IT person I personally prefer poland, if not for that I would probably go germany at least for the next 10 years but maybe not beyond, depending on how things develop.

>its the fucking ddr
>its a fucking commieshit country
>all that 1984 bullshit

Poland, no doubt

Fair enough I guess but Germany is a still a hub of science and other things but I grant you its not same as before but still they're not completely irrelevant

>Copernicus and Chopin
Johannes Kepler
Johann Gottfried Galle

I could go on

Poland, no doubt

I love when Amercunts talk about things they know nothing about.
Really makes me think.

Yeah I know. And DDR is degenerate as fuck, only more xenophobic

>defending a communist country

Fight me.

its not low, the media just tries to blackout the daily "isolated cases"

>poor education system
Poles have some of the best test scores in Europe.
Prefer Germans overall though. Music is my passion and no one does it better than them.

>Low crime rate
Not for long, I'm surprised that Germany still has those attributes.

>Become wealthy easily
Is that still true for the average young man in todays climate?

>Northern Crusader
>the reformation and Thirty Years' War
>decades long persecution of conservative and nationalistic politics
thanks Germany

Poland has a poor education system?

Depends what you're talking about. Pre-university education is pretty decent as for Europe I think. Universities though suck, because they are run by post-communist clans that feel unobliged to improve anything and immune to any repercussions for their misbehaviour

>(((Free education)))

>unemployed rate
8,2% and dropping
>poor education system
it's not perfect but it's way better than the one Germany has
>Living wealthy is basically impossible
pure bullshit


>would you like to live in a golden cage that is steadily being destroyed
>or a run-down house that given time can become golden
Gee, I fucking wonder

right now germany
in a generation poland

>wanting Merkel's government in charge of your child's education
Top goy

I choose winland

remove all the muzzies from das reich and deutschland becomes a heaven on earth

hitler was right afterall

>be icecreamland
>minus points even with nordic heritage
icelanders are the niggers of the nordics.

I won't say anything about Germany because I have not educated myself on that matter but will try to comment the points about the Poland.

Yes, compared to west we are poor, wages are about 3 times lower that for example in Germany.
2.>High unemployment rate
This is actually not true, we have the lowest unemployment rate in 25 years (there is no good data from the communism times), today the deputy-prime minister officialy stated its slightly below 6%.
3. >Poor education system
Pre-univeristy education is really good, but there are only few universities that are worth going to. As with education anywhere, the results are mostly dependent on the student and from my experience if you are a very good at good polish university you won't have a problem in working abroad in terms of knowledge. But in general majority of universities are garbage-tier.
4.>Living wealthy basicialy impossible
You can get wealthy in Poland like everywhere else but you will certainly not get wealthy working a typical salary job. Your own business is a different matter though.

All pretty much true, but it's not like whole Polish society is truly conservative en bloc, people who were beneficiaries of the former regime tend to be very leftist and there are very powerful left-wing germany-owned media in Poland.

>mfw smarter than everyone except Bergjude

>terrorist attacks

Yeah, our education isn't bad. also it's free, so this image is uninformed as fuck.

Same with 'low crime rate' in Germany, it's not really different in Poland. We're actually pretty safe, there's not many homicides and beatings. I'd say that currently Poland is even safer than Germany considering recent events.

It seems like the image in OP was created by someone that thinks Poland is just another Russia, but friendlier to the west, which is partially true.

In both economy and culture, we have a little bit of western 'normal' behaviour, and a little bit of that Russian wild side.

Poland no question

Germany. Get rich and live in safe rich neighbourhoods.

>we have a little bit of western 'normal' behaviour, and a little bit of that Russian wild side
Poland is neither "western" or "eastern". It's catholic, so it's southern

Question for krauts, just curious, do you at least get day off for 24th as day before Christmas, or its only 25th which is sunday anyway?

>poor education system
Its not bad but was better. It definitely gone worse after it get western style reforms. Still not bad.
>living wealthy basically impossible
It is possible but you either must know people or have money or have skills or profession. Or better two or all of them.
>crime rate
In Poland is really low now. As most of the criminals, gypsies and other unwanted leave for greener pastures - UK, Germany, Benelux or Scandinavia. Ukraine folks cause little trouble now, they juts try to work and earn money.

crime rate higher in poland lol
