Be honest Sup Forums, do you enjoy Christmas? Forget about >muh white christian traditions for a sec.
Be honest Sup Forums, do you enjoy Christmas? Forget about >muh white christian traditions for a sec
No. It's a cruel time of year for many. You see the stress and anxiety on their faces. Tv promotes mass consumerism. People can't afford Christmas celebrations as portrayed in the media, but they know their kids expect it. So the parents put themselves in debt, trying to save face for their kids, friends, etc. They don't know how they're going to pay back the debt. Others simply can't get credit, can't even pay ordinary household bills. Parents trying to find something to give their kids on Christmas morning. Old people on age pensions saving a few dollars each week through the year in the hope of being able to give their grandchildren something at Christmas. And often those grandkids turn up their noses as those humble gifts, breaking their proud grandparents hearts although the old people hide their tears and shame
Then all the lonely ones, those without family or friends or money or hope. Christmas reinforces the emptiness of their lives
People turn to drink to try to seem happy and to hide their worries. Drink brings out their despair leading to arguments, fights, road accidents, homicides, suicides
Christmas has become a disgusting farce of what it's supposed to be
Yes, I do. It's nice to spend time with my family
Damn straya. That's some stone cold analysis.
Maybe that's you guys down on Criminal Island. Non-abo families actually love each other and tend to appreciate gifts and affection. Sorry, maybe one day you'll evolve the brain areas required for love.
Agree with straya on this one. Christmas is drunken crying while wishing I had the balls to kill myself time.
Got nothing to do with 'love' you dumb American stuck over there in tv fantasy land living on credit, unemployed with less than a third of you able to survive a week without welfare according to your own 'news'
Did you read what I wrote? No, you thought you'd land in with some denial Hallmark Card crap
Love is what makes struggling parents and grandparents try to do the impossible for their kids at Christmas. Love is what makes kids tell their struggling parents they don't really want anything for Christmas. Doesn't mean Christmas, overhyped, oversold, retail bonanza doesn't cause immense stress for many if not most
so get some comprehension skills before you reply to me
I cut contact with my family at 18 and so did the person I live with (they were intolerable). We go where we want and spend our time as we please.
I find Christmas has only gotten more enjoyable for myself since. It's one of my more favorite holidays.
Existence is suffering of course, but seeing as how most don't want to suffer it's interesting that they often create their own hells.
yea I actually do
>spending time with my family
>giving them presents
>watching comfy christmas movies
>listening to christmas music
>fancy decoration+tree
>a whole lot of great food
tomorrow it's seafood(shrimps, calamari, salmon etc) and good ol' german bread no meat of course and the day after that it's duck and goose
I love it
>good ol' german bread no meat of course
Why no meat? Just curious.
Remind yourself it's only a day. Just a day. Something which began because people in the Northern Hemisphere created roaring bonfires and pleaded to their gods for the return of the sun, warmth, feed for their animals and ability to sow seeds in the still frozen ground
That was usurped by Christianity which built Christmas and the birth of Christ onto those old mid winter rituals
Now it's become a time of excess, stoked by the usual suspects who pray we'll spend more this year than last on presents for ourselves and others
Grab a book, find a park, clean out junk or even paint your room, go for a walk, talk to someone on the way. It's just a day. Click a switch in your brain, like a light switch, turn a sad mood into positive. Remind yourself to smile even when alone. It will trigger positive energy by activating nerves in your temple region. You're strong, you're fine, everything's ok.
I like christmas for my childhood memories and spending time with the family I still have left. It also reminds me that I have no "own" family and kids so this makes me fucking sad. I'd love to give my children presents, seeing the joy in their eyes...fuck this. Fuck it all.
Also this
I'm christian we don't eat meat on christmas eve or goodfriday tho
meant for
Ah, I see. Merry Christmas Germany.
Bringing kids into this world isn't exactly a 'gift' to them, so try to count your blessings and as you say, you still have family members as well as your happy childhood memories
>Saying antinatalism truth
Oh my, how delightful. I'm so pleased, truthfully.
Merry Christmas to you, hope it's enjoyable for you even though you don't seem to enjoy the holiday.
>Bringing kids into this world isn't exactly a 'gift' to them
Guess that is one reason we came up with special days on which we throw presents at them, so they can have good childhood memories when they are grown. And I don't fucking care, I want to put my seed in a womb to create 4+ kids so my bloodline lives on and can continue to hate zhe jooos and niggers + shitskins on European soil.
Yes. I enjoy picking out presents for friends and family based on what I've learned about them over the past year. The music is comfy. The weather is comfy. The food is yummy. I do get burnt out by all the socialization though.
first post sad post
Thank you and likewise
I'm fortunate, my family is fortunate and thanks again, yes .. we do enjoy Christmas together. But we're aware of how fortunate we are and we see what this time of year puts so many through
Best wishes one and all
What the fuck are you playing at? We see your ID and your shitposts aren't even thought provoking.
It's alright. I get to eat lots of good food and usually get a lot of money from my relatives as well, and it's also nice to spend some time with them.
It's pretty good actually now that i think about it
No. It's the most hypocritical time of the year.