How can you tell people that you are a national socialist without also telling them you are pro holocaust?

How can you tell people that you are a national socialist without also telling them you are pro holocaust?

Is there a term which describes natsoc without insulsting jews and cucked germans?

>without insulting jews and cucked germans
and the problem is? youre never going to move towards an answer without offending anyone.

Reading books and talking to cucks won't do anything hans.
Learn how to make money first, travel the world, make friends, stop being a pleb you untermensch

I need some term to convey my message but if someone is offended, the argument immeadiately stops

Listen OP no judgment here. Just a question. Are you pro-holocaust?

You grow a much-needed pair of testicles and tell them, good God. How are you going to stand up for your beliefs if you're too cucked to even tell people what they are?

it never happened the way it is portrayed today

Why would you want to convince a Jew of a right wing ideology? they are the founders of leftism. If you mean convincing an average cucked german, tell them that minorities, vote in blocs , and are national socialistic. They care for their own people more than any other group, and push whats good for them in unified numbers. They are exactly National socialists/ethno nationalists. Whites are divided like 50/50, and that is how a group gets divided and conquered.

Youre not? The holocaust is almost entirely fictional, hollywood and the main stream media (both owned 90%+ by jews, look it up) push a false narrative to protect themselves from being persecuted.

>Are you pro-holocaust?
What? There is no such thing as "pro-holocaust". There are normal people and then there are deniers

I don't tell people I'm NatSoc. I wasn't brought into NatSoc by people telling me that they were.

Instead you break down each bit of resistance individually. The revelation that you are NatSoc comes as a revelation, unwelcome at first, which you eventually accept.


Denying Germans persecuted jews =/= muh six million never happened

Nat Soc is the ideal politically stream.
But how do I convince my fellow germans to agree with me?

I usually get the point across with family socialism.
But isnt there some term ? Like Isolationism or prottectionism but more direct?

Youre spreading the lie that people think jews are inferior, or superior. They started international finance (due to being internationalists at heart, they have no real homeland apart from southern Russia who kicked them our centuries ago) so they control the money we all use. It has nothing to do with superiority, or inferiority, its simply international vs national, global vs national. They are the founders of leftism because leftism protects them and makes them more powerful.

National Liberal is better. Way better. Socialism ends in us ignoring law of nature. And then nature will slap us in the face, sooner or later.

Nationalism requires pride in your country and it's history, but obvious it isn't really possible with maxi Germany and the current climate

... so focus on a German nationalism that pre WW1 Germany. Your country was for more glorious then than maxi Germany anyway. Drop the swastikas and pick up the iron crosses

>They started international finance
>They are the founders of leftism
>leftists are against international finance

Make up your mind

Exactly, there is no pride in being German thanks to the massive guilt shaming campaign for the last 50 years by the left who controls the media and educational institutions. I honestly think Germany would be better off just balkanizing.

>leftists are against international finance
what? you're a terrible troll. The left is against like Soros? Im dying laughing. Globalism is all the left is pushing nowadays.

Who protested in Wall Street you numb nut?

Who voted for Bernie Sanders?

>muh Soros boogeyman

Bernie sanders is a communist Jew, and wall street is almost entirely dominated by communist Jews. OWS is a communist movement, so BS and Wall street support it. Who did wall street endorse this election cycle in US? Who did the same OWS idiots vote for? Why am I agrueing with an idiot troll?

>Wall street
>Dominated by communists


>OWS is a communist movement
So bankers are communist jews, but the people that are fighting against them are also communist?

Let me summarize you:
>everything i don't like is communist and/or jewish

Fucking socialists.

Without insulting Jews...?
Brother, you need to gas them, not insult them.

good goy remember the 6 gorillion

>not being pro-holocaust

You should actually read the details of national socialism and realise how shitty the system is.
You can have ethnic nationalism and hatred of jews just fine without it.

Are you a fascist or a national socialist?
Fascism doesn't have a good reputation either, but I think it's not as bad as outright Nazism due to being a more general term.

>stop reading books and learning goyim. Just become a wagecuck and spend all your money at Silverstein Airlines