The mad man

Please destroy the EU with no survivors.

When did Sup Forums become mostly pro-Israel?

What did he mean by this?

it was about time

If big Don leaves the UN and Russia follows, I would cream my pants.
Chances are thats not going to happen, the security council positions & others are too valuable to drop just to make a message. Cutting all funding would be more realistic.

I don't think anyone in Sup Forums ever liked the UN for anything

Yeah fuck israel

Sup Forums hates Israel
Sup Forums hates UN
Sup Forums likes Russia

Use Israel to drive a wedge between UN and USA.

UN weakens in the face of Russia

Israel seeing the error of their ways promotes US Nationalism and white identity.

Israel and US become bros for a generation as slay Muslims together.

Sup Forums is against the jewish establishment and lugenpresse. Israel is against it as well. So (un) natural allies.

>the Jews have been 10 steps ahead of us this entire time and our guy sold out to the Jews immediately

Its just so draining

israel is a containment zone for kikes. keep them happy and they stay there.

israel is currently reclaiming greater israel by making muslims hated by every western country until we destroy everyone in the middle east for them.

instead, trump will just team with russia, disband NATO, and make israel the most powerful nation in the middle east so they can just do it themselves.

Goy, the God Emperor is using the kikes, not the other way.

>trying to rewrite history

Trump was an Israeli dicksucker long before his Presidential campaign.

I'm not. I'm anti-UN. The UN is an enemy of the United States. And we should never empower it.

Like the leaf said, anybody who bothered to spend 5 minutes looking into Trumps stance on Israel would've realized he's the most pro Israel candidate we've had in a long time, and he's consistently held that position. It's not like he suddenly flip flopped on his Israel stance when he won the election, he's saying the same things he's been saying for a long time

The eu is the Jewish wet dream.
It's not going anywhere.

You'd be asking "When did Sup Forums become pro-UN?" if Trump said nothing.

>so draining

Like how he's draining the swamp, right?

Working on it, please stand by.