Why does no one here criticise Russia?
Like, I get Putin's foreign policy stance on Syria, Terrorism and backing Assad is based, but have you seen Russia's infrastructure? It's a fucking dump!
Why does no one here criticise Russia?
Like, I get Putin's foreign policy stance on Syria, Terrorism and backing Assad is based, but have you seen Russia's infrastructure? It's a fucking dump!
It's univerally accepted that russia is a nightmare shithole. If it wasn't perceived that way then americans would be moving to russia.
Why should we care? Just because a country is shit dosen't mean they can't elect good leaders.
Russia's not exactly geographically blessed unlike US, Australia. And Russia's huge with about half the population of the US
What people like about Russia are the people, their spirit, their craziness in face of everything that's been done to them. And we're sick of the fake cold war BS courtesy of the US, which profited the usual suspects and sustained entire industries such as Jewlywood and the monopolistic publishing industry, not to mention the US and UK alphabet agencies etc
No one can afford to criticize Russia until they've first criticized their own government
anyway, we prefer Russia to the US. We've seen through US lies. We're under no illustion that Russia isn't equally as corrupt, just as we realize Putin and our own government are one big gang. In any poll, people would choose Russia over Israel, even though Israel's comprised mostly of Russians. So who knows, maybe we find Russians more entertaining and gutsy than most. Maybe in Russians we see ourselves as we were before we became completely cucked by the noses
it's the biggest country on this planet idiot, not to mention it is situated at ~75° N latitude
That's what you get in a massive, harsh country with not a lot of money.
>Israel's comprised mostly of Russians
There are only about 100,000 ethnic Russians in Israel. The rest are: 2 million evil Ashkenazi merchants, 4 million Mizrahi Arabs and 2 million Muslim Arabs.
Glad to hear it -- for Russia's sake. Maybe it's sending its jews to Israel and thus draining the swamp
The internet needs one board that doesn't hate russia. This is the one.
Pick one
Well blame US's decades of sanctions for that.
>OP doesn't mention USA
>You post picture of roads during a flood.
I'm confused... then again you are a leaf so what else should I expect
>Sure the roads in America are in bad shape, but why choose that pic when there are much better examples?
There's extremely rural and expansive parts of the us that still have good infrastructure
Russia is the most free country in the world.
Slaves or Peasants like you are jealous. This is why you try to ignore your bondage on blaming on silly infrastructure.
>but have you seen Russia's infrastructure?
I did. Thats what you get for embracing communism, - retarted development in one areas, absolute stagnation in others.
Everyone does, man. Maybe not here for whatever reason, but everyone does. Infrastructure, life quality, industry, sport, social and political freedoms are all shit.
Why build cool infrastructure if you can build cool trucks instead ?
Have you ever been to Canada?!? It's worse.
The pic you posted is called "rasputitsa"
Literally "deroadment" is actually what shits the invaders, not the winter
I think such a thing occurs in Canada and New England as well but far less severe, it happens to dirt roads
It is mostly created by russian goverment.
They make life extremely difficult on purpose, so that all the weak ones die.
This is why europe is inviting all the niggers from 3rd world shitholes cuz their life is very harsh and they want good genes compared to our shitty lazyass computer sitting fatasses or sissies on femalehormones infested water.
The guy on the far right is the only one in that pic that has seen hard times.
We do? All the time. Russia is a hellhole, something like 60% of its GDP comes from mafia activity, but at least the people aren't weaklings ashamed of their own existence.
Watching Obama fail to raise a coup in the Ukraine, and then again fail to raise regieme change in Syria, both times thwarted by Russian snap intervention, is a bonus.
Now watching MPs try to blame Brexit (an exclusively paper ballot election) on Russian hackers is hilarious.
Russia pisses off all the right people at the moment.
Who needs roads anyway?
Look at the size of the UK or Europe and then look at Russia.
I criticize Russia plenty. I don't want to live there, I don't like their distinctly corrupt form of oligarchy, I don't like that the Russian people are effectively ruled over by the same group of criminals who made their fortunes selling off Soviet assets while their countrymen starved. I hate many things about Russia, but I don't hate Russians, I feel for them. I don't want to bomb them or sanction them, that doesn't solve anything, it only raises the immediate risk of broader conflict and gives the Russian state more justification for further control.
I want bilateral trade with Russia. I want the Russians to experience the fruits of the enlightenment, throw off their chains, and pull themselves out of the muck. I want them to stop killing themselves en mass with drugs and alcohol, and to see that things can get better. I want to be able to get on a train here in Tennessee and travel across the continent and across the Bering strait and visit them and share experiences together.
It's a siren call to think that Russia is somehow based simply because they resist a few token aspects of globalism and liberal degeneracy, and it betray's a significant deficit of understanding on the subject.