Daily reminder

Daily reminder

He's right desu. That's not to say that the shit they are pushing to normalize it should stay. Just that we shouldn't be like akbars throwing them off buildings.

And so was WAR

He's controlled opposition what else is new

Homosexuality is normal and red-pilled

>purity spiralling over faggots

Milo isn't a problem because he's a faggot

He's a problem because he's a fucking jew.

____________ has been a part of European societies and culture for millennia. It's not going away, not something to get worked up about.

Holy shit kill yourselves


What's your solution?

Have you not heard of ancient Greece?

This. Not to mention that fags are extremely liberal.


controlled op faggot.

Fag lovers go

What a fag.




top kek. Spencer is such a closet homo

Same can be said for pedophilia.

Benign tolerance =/= Glorification(which is what is going on now)
There should be a slight stiga surrounding homosexuality in society that prevent people from being overt about it but that's it


>facts and statistics
>sources are NARTH and some random studies cherrypicked to support the claims made
The only credible source there is CDC
>note: this is not an attack on homosexuality outright, just some junk data that's compiled to make homos look subhuman
pic related

I have seen several of these anti-gay infographics circulating on this site throughout the years, it's funny how someone makes a new one with some new bullshit sources every time the current one going around is debunked

>no interest in sucking cock
>no fear of getting tempted into homosexuality
>no fucks given for bros that want to suck cock

Sure there are fags who use their gayness to preach about what oppressed victims they are, but it's same for every other fucking group besides white men


You realize all this pro-gay normalization is being pushed by the jews? Gays literally don't care. As a matter of fact, gays were pretty much assimilated into society back around the turn of the millennium and it wasn't until this sjw culture shit that came out from jewish infested universities that it started popping up.

The effect (((they))) are seeking is the exact one they're getting. Put gays agaisnt straight for trying to 'brainwash' their kids. I guarantee you, no sane gay person goes around telling kids to be trannies. This is all one big psyops.

Jews want you to hate women, gays, muslims, immigrants and they want those groups to hate the white man. Don't fall for their tricks.

Crime has also been a part of human nature for millennia according to his logic it should be tolerated also.

>homosexuals don't even reproduce.


This desu you fucking crypto-kikes

>Has been part of European culture for a millennial
Yeah as pinyatas

Sorry I burst your bubble, baby

Spencer is an obvious fag, he constantly puts off signals and has gayvoice

he's right, qt traps are western culture

Jews have been a part of European societies and governments for millennia. It's not going away, not something to get worked up about.

controlled opposition

Maybe with the Greeks but most European societies had a strict stigma against homosexuality.
>inb4 Romans
Romans hated Greek hedonism and only a few of the Roman helotphiles ever practiced homosexuality. Not to mention Greek homosexuality was different from the fags of today

So has pedophilia


So has breathing air :O

that's what I'm saying, diddling your nephew is just like breathing air: perfectly natural, and very refreshing!

In Germanic law, a murderer was exiled for a year to reflect on his crimes and rehabilitate, then could return to society. If he murdered more than once, or murdered more than one person at a time, he was executed.
A homosexual was executed on the first offense, no exile for a year and second chance.

The moral of the story is homosexuality is worse than murder.

Can I get a number 110? 110 anybody? Going once, going twice...

I don't even like Spencer, and he isn't wrong.l

Why not both?

Yeah he is faggot

I'm going to explain this in autism sensitive terms then.

Sex with another dude is okay because two adults can make a deal to fuck each other that is legally binding.

Children on the other hand can't sign contracts. As such , no judge would take a child's consent seriously. This maked every case of pedophilia a case of rape. This is why a kid is just a kid, not someone you fuck.

Do you understand now how pedophilia is not like homosexuality?

Daily reminder that most people don't give a shit about faggots. They give a shit about indoctrination. If you grow up and you're a faggot that's great, be a faggot but don't go telling children it's okay or normal because it is by definition not normal.

>we don't care if you grow up to be gay that's fine
>but it's not ok, don't tell people that it's ok
being left handed isn't normal either but are you gonna start beating people again for being left handed?

how does thay any of that affects us? not like we're gonna take it in the ass so it's not like we're in danger of getting aids from them

I'm talking about over representation and every TV show or film needing a faggot. You're exaggerating things I never even said or mentioned.

its not something that be tolerated.

If the agenda was solely restricted to adults most people don't care.

However, the activists are after our kids. Not just recruiting them, but being cheerleaders for such abominations as surgical/hormonal alteration of perfectly healthy children.

They won't be happy unless they have the power to terminate parental rights based on the fact you don't want to castrate your 6 year old son based on the recommendation of some (((counselor))).

And why? Because a large number of them are peadophiles. Normal gay dudes need to purge that shit from their ranks.

But you literally said
>>don't go telling children it's okay
If they're gay, let them go.
If they're not, then you have nothing to worry about because you can't actually 'turn' people gay.

gay people are not trannies
go take your fight up with them if you want them to stop mutilating boys

I literally said that. I didn't literally say beat them.

Fuck off Civic Nationalists .

>gay nazis will rise within your lifetime

>I want to restrict the rights of consenting adults because my fee fees get hurt by them
Get the fuck out of my country, you communist

yeh, and child brides and the black plague were a part of European societies too.

Milo being gay isn't good, it's a necessary attribute that has to be tolerated for him to get his anti-SJW message out.

he's a tall, blonde, British Jewish male; pretty much the most privileged you can be. without faggotry, he would be ignored like every other successful white man.

this doesn't mean his gayness is something to be celebrated, generally.

>Sex with another dude is okay

Please show me.

>REEEEEE! My safe space!

When you say to tell kids it's not ok, you're discouraging them from something they can't help.
That's retarded.

Greeks and Romans were massive faggots, but I don't know about others.

dont care about fags, but they shouldnt be allowed to marry. institutions should be upheld, we have seen the slope of degeneracy once you allow gay marriage.

>teleports in front of you
>place your head here faggot, this will only hurt for a second.

Yeah this is what happens when you tell a bunch of little kids it is cool to be a faggot so they do it for attention and end up fucking up their fragile little minds, growing up into loveless half-men with no sense of masculinity or love.

Well I mean didn't romans fuck each other?

Yea, they became increasingly degenerate in the late years of their empire before the fall. Really makes you think

>increasingly degenerate
Yes, they became increasingly Christian as the empire fell, really makes you think
They always had massive orgies and gay sex though

They were gay way before the fall of rome though. rome elite parites were orgies for the most part

White identity = Homosexuality
Alt-Right = Pro-LGBTIQ

Stop falling for cherry picked statistics
>doing it for attention
people don't switch sexuality for attention, or at all. Really

homosexuality has been observed in other species. It's not anything special and it's retarded to hate fags

It was done from a position of seeing women as inferior and for the purpose of building comradery amongst troops. It's not the same kind of faggotry we see today.


The word Homosexual was coined in the late 19th century.

Before this point it was not unheard of for men to fuck boys, BUT this is from a position of hedonism NOT homosexuality.

the ancient greeks and romans we're hedonists, if it felt good they did it.
Homosexuality NEVER crossed their minds.

They might fuck boys, but they still had wifes and children.

The closest modern description we could have of them would be bisexual, or "so alpha, they fuck boys"

To look at ancient history through our eyes is a logical fallacy.

You could say the same thing about racism, or sexism, or war

You're a moron, it wasn't just boys. Roman and Greek soldiers fucked each other all the time. It was said to build trust and bring a sense of fraternity to the soldiers

Richard "Fag enabler" Spencer

>to preach about what oppressed victims they are
>besides white man
>What is Sup Forums

#StopWhite people :'((((

Faggotry is the least of our problems right now.

Didn't Rome fall?

That is why you should not fall for the ethnic nationalism meme.

OLD SCHOOL CHRISTIANITY is what will save Europe/west, not white nationalism.

So has killing mudslimes.

>Ethnic nationalism
They cant, they all 14/88 German over there

> homosexuality has been observed in other species

ignoring the obvious appeal to nature
> and pigs eat their young, so thats okay right!

What was seen was hedonism NOT homosexuality.

Outside of apes and monkeys, its NOT very common in the animal kingdom, and can only be replicated in captivity where the psychology of the animal is already severely effected.

white women often "play lesbian" in front of a male crowd, this goes without saying is for the attention of males, so not really switching sexuality.

If they fucked each other or not, it doesn't matter.
The motivation is what is important here.
Must ask yourself, "What did they think of such activity at the time?", not "how would we class that activity now?"

The words/concept of homosexual, to sleep with the same sex ONLY, didn't exists more than 150 years ago.
So we can assume, IF they slept with men/boys they didn't solely sleep with men intentionally.

Think of romans and greeks as bisexual hedonists. Without ever really labeling themselves as such.

This ties in with nature.

Some monkeys fuck both sexes, nothing more than a hand shake to them.
All animals are hedonists by nature, avoid pain, seek pleasure.
What separates us as humans is meant to be our ability to control our hedonistic urges.

So is slavery and genocide then.

Your point being?

It's always funny to me that Sup Forums is as anti-individual freedom as the mudslimes they claim are backward nutcases.

We should start systematically killing people because it's natural.

>not going away
The moment you can check your unborn kids for faggotry nobody will have gay or trans kids.

Common Filth is right on this one. Homosexuals are culture vultures. Wherever you see them circling, there you have found something social that is dying. Their presence in the alt right is a sign of its imminent demise.

>the ancient greeks and romans we're hedonists
That's the excuse used to discredit any civilization that has it better off than you die since time immemorial.

Working healthcare? HEDONIST DEGENERATES. Plumbing? HEDONISM! Not dying in a plague caused by living in a heap of your own shit and filth? WITCHCRAFT!

> build trust and bring a sense of fraternity to the soldiers

no doubt. i don't disagree.

my point is:
> Did they self identify as homosexual?

And seeing as the concept of same sex ONLY relationships didn't exist until the late 19th century, i can safely say, they didn't....

The case of Romans, Greeks and Animals being gay has been used to push the "appeal for nature", to make it seem perfectly natural.

Please answer these for me:
> Did the greeks or romans have a word for our equivalent of "homosexual"?
> What was the publics opinion of these people?
> The people who fucked boys/men, did they also have wifes and children?
> Is there any evidence of what we would call homosexual behaviour at the time that couldn't be explained by their love of hedonism?

I thought it was a choice.

Ten steps ahead of you, buddy.

its all good guise

>dude e-celeb/alt-right lmao
The last right-wing ethnic nationalist was Dr. Pierce, nobody can hold a candle to his light. All other e-celebs/alt-right kikes shill kosher redpills to lure in contrarians and memesters just enough to keep the donations coming in, but not long enough to name the Jew.

Nobody gave a shit until the fags started parading around acting like they're something special.

You're right. We can do better than a building.

Not an argument.
Where's your counter-arguments to disprove the infographics/statistics/data/studies?